-My Entry into the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #133-

in Ladies of Hivelast year (edited)

Hello everyone! How are you all? I hope you are well and fine together with your friends lovedones and family!❤️

This is my entry into the contest of Ladies of Hive Community Contest # 133.

I found this 2nd question a very interesting to answer...it gives me the initiative to check on myself or to review my actions, interactions in different aspects of my life.

2️⃣ Biggest lies!

Some men believe women to love money more than they do, others believe something else... What is the biggest lie you've heard or seen men actually believe about women?.

I have heard that some men actually believe that when a woman has a soft voice, it is weak! Hehehe It is a BIG LIE!!!

I dont need to have a loud voice to be called as a strong woman hehehe! That is funny!. I only use a loud voice when I need to talk with the crowd, when I am talking with someone or people who are a bit far from me, or with people who has a problem in hearing or when I am in a noisy environment!.

Strength is not measured on how soft or loud the voice is, let me tell you where I got the strength in me.


My strength comes from different sources within me..and from the inspiration, I got from loved ones, family, other people, or things as well..and from all the good things I planted into myself to get into the best version of me.

What is it in the best version of me? Well I could never describe or tell what is my best because..it always reached THE BEST & PLUS, it is my term for that..because we learned different lessons in each minute, each moment and each day of our lives and whether we like it or not some things automatically add into our life without us knowing or planning it..because this is the essence of life to adapt but never to be conquered.



In our home is where we get the first foundation of ourselves, from the things we see from the words, actions, mindset of our parents and siblings. I have this character of being observant, from their every word and action. I am always collecting, absorbing, and applying it into myself..into my life. I also listen to their advice and opinions too because I trust and love them and I know they always suggest what is best for me..but of course, in the end, it still I who will decide for whatever I think is best for me

Like my father, he is very much precise and determined on whatever he is doing or of whatever he is thinking about to be done..by hook or by crook. Though, of course, we have some differences but most of my character I got from him even the softness of the heart when it comes to the family, same goes with my Mom..with loved one's, I also consider thinking the advice most of the time because of the care embeds on it. My weakness too is my loved ones and family POSITIVELY! I could leave and do everything for them even if it is a risk to my own life. I proved it so many times..their happiness is my happiness..their pains are my pain too.

Positively...I said they are my weakness emotionally but they are my GREATEST STRENGTH that I became a very tough and firm woman when it comes to almost all aspects of my life.

Because of the inspiration I got from them, they helped me to build a very strong self-confidence but I am not Overconfident. It's a different thing...I gave myself the highest value when it comes to self-respect and self-worth. I set my mind not to let anyone look down or humiliate me without me fighting against it, I have proven it many times in my life..and I did all those battles with humility, I am a loving, forgiving, giving, and caring one but not naive or foolish...but I am crazy in a way or the right word should be I carry things calmly and joyfully, but of course there are times that some people will provoke us to show anger and as a human, I react like a volcano hehe. I am kind and have tons of patience but If I feel I am being abused well then, the volcano side of me will surely show up.


My Dignity is my crowning glory..the source of my strength too. And I humbly say that I am so proud of my dignity, and I always say this even before, I am willing to risk my life just to protect it at all cost. I also made this my inspiration, it made me motivate myself to protect it, defend it and prohibit anybody who tried to mess with it. What is dignity to me? Dignity for me..is my virtue as a woman, as a human in actions, behaviors..the way I talk, the way I react in a relationship in different aspects be it in a love relationship, friends or any kind of interaction with different people..dignity is also my rights as a human..and I built very strong protection on it from the love, respect and care I have gotten from my parents, family and all loved ones.


My strength as a woman and as a human increase every time I overcome struggles, challenges, and problems that come my way, I am a crying lady, that the tears easily fall even in simple things, I cry for the pain that I want to absorb the sadness and aches of people close to my heart but it doesn't mean I am weak..because I only use my tears when the reason is about loved ones and family where emotions are always present I cried because I am affected, because of my love and care for them..but the challenges itself will never make me cry or bow down, so I could also say that all my challenges in life were also one of the sources of my strength and it empowers my whole being as a person.


I am a home buddy type of person, in my private real life, I don't have much I could say close friends..in virtual I also have few those who have kind, simple yet dignified personality too and trustworthy with love for humanity..that I adore and highly respect that much. I place them in my heart. I am not a shy type person because I am a straightforward one, but I am a silent type..even at work that I am handling a high ranked position and some subordinates under my supervision, they only hear me talk when there are orders or instructions I need to relay to them. I always give limits to my interaction with them because I have had a trust issue before...I am always firm with my decision, tough with my reactions but one thing that is not convincing is my voice because I have a soft voice they said it's not fit for my position..but it's a big mistake for them to think that.

I also never set any competition in my mind, I join contests and competitions but I use this to improve myself for personal growth, I enjoy the process, I learn different ideas from different participants, I respect their skill and existence, and celebrated with their success. I feel I am already a winner as I join because I know my confidence level up one step.. and that's enough If I win then its a bonus..but the strength it gives me to have a no-pressure feeling when joining a competition is great..it makes me perform more doing my level best to produce a quality entry smoothly.

As I closed my office door, I also left my position there, because I wanted to be the simple individual as I left the office, so that I could walk freely without being called "Madam" hehe. I could act as the true simple me". At home I never mention or talk about my work, all I want is to enjoy the warm ambiance of being at home where love and care of my family are all I feel…

My being me is the greatest source of my strength, my love for acts of humanity..that is my personality..peace-loving person, smiling even if I am in the middle of a crisis, I fight for what I love and also know where and when to stop if it's not worth fighting for. I also have the habit of testing people or things and put everything into an examination..trust issue is the term and it's important I must say..they said it's better to have few truly good people around you than being with thousands who are double standards, doing that, it empowers the whole of my being that I could face anyone straight to the eye!.


This is also the source of my strength because it helps me balance everything, it helps me improve myself each time I made a mistake in any way..it helps me to flourished my works, my beliefs, and my wrongdoings if ever I committed some, it teach me to become humble, respectful and love my identity..it teaches me to respect and accept others flaws and imperfections too..and most of all I am always reminded that I should be understanding and patient in anything, anyone, any circumstances because nothing, nobody, is perfect each and everyone, everything has its flaws and imperfections. ONLY GOD IS PERFECT


There comes a time that if I feel so down or weak and I don't have anybody to talk with at a particular time and I need a strength most especially in big decisions that I needed to give a smart analysis before I act to decide. I go to a quiet place where there are natural beauties like greenery or simply stare at a very simple plant. or I will go to an open space..and there I will exhale my stress and toxic feeling, and sometimes I just drive around the place to refresh my mind..and to be honest it's very effective it gives me a lot of strength..because sometimes all of us needs some time alone with ourselves, not needing anyone to talk with just complete silence and calm surroundings..is enough to strengthen our weakened or exhausted mind


Well, pretty sure this is the great source of every person in this mortal world.

I walk in righteousness and do good deeds, I'm not a perfect person I have a lot of flaws because nobody is perfect..each of us has a burden in life but no burden is bigger than us..because God is our strength..he is there to guide and help us or to lift us when things seemed to be impossible to resolve, to solve or to overcome…

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Always keep and wear a beautiful smile like this👉😁💕
Please take care and have a good rest, it is important even for a while, enjoy the day. I hope you do all your stuff well today! Let God be the center of life always and forever! Please dont forget to pray!.💕


UNSPLASH (edited with my photo)


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-Thanks a lot @poshthread! Have a blessed evening!🙏

Why would anyone believe a woman is like her voice? 😂. Wow. Your strengths come from many sources which means it'll be really hard to wear you down. You go girl!

Yes! from many sources but all came from one God..In Jesus name!!! All the glory be to him. Amen! Thank you for visiting my post @deraaa 🙏

Nice entry Cherry! The voice is not the measurement of strength!😂 Could be in a soft voice but exploding like a volcano!😂. Good luck! Stay blessed!🙌

-Hehe! That's true! 😁..Have a blessed evening!🙏


-Thanks a lot @ladiesofhive! Have a blessed evening!🙏

Awww I love how you think sis, this is so inspiring and lovely to read.

Thanks for joining in on the topic too.

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-Thanks a lot @ladytoken! Have a blessed day!🙏

-Thanks a lot Sis @merit.ahama for appreciating my views! May God bless you more and have a blessed day!🙏-

Strength for a Woman is just not about the physical strength, it is the overall character the woman holds. A soft spoken woman can be mistaken for a weaker one but that is not true as you have rightly pointed. The voice has nothing to do with one's inner strength.

-Yes it's true and it could also be our strength too in some cases! Thanks a lot, @nainaztengra for visiting my post! Have a blessed day!🙏

Nice entry lady, no one can judge by the softness of ones voice at all. Women strength is inbuilt

*-Yes! Voice power is on the words accompanying it..thanks a lot @mojtee07 Have a blessed day!🙏