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RE: On Womanhood, Gender & Self Determinism

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

The definition you talk about in terms of social construct. Who wrote it? Some person arguing enough that it's just stuck on the internet.

You will hate me for this because I don't agree withyour truth because it's notthe truth.

From memory a peep psychiatrist from new Zealand pushed for this fluidity idea so they could get away with abusing these two twins. Wish I kept tabs of the article but shrugs 'meh'.

I will agree to disagree with you on your opinion.


No worries, you can disagree. Of course there are multiple truths.

But it's always been the definition... Even before the internet. Sex is the biology... Gender is society and culture. You just have to look at different cultural views on mam/woman gender to understand that, as well as how it changes across time.

The term social construct was first written by "Mind, Self, and Society" by American sociologist George Herbert Mead in 1934.basically he said that we build our own realities through interactions with each other. It's an actual theory, and a very well known one, continuing on an age old nature/nurture debate.

How much is genes, how much is how we are raised, how we see the world?

Gender fluidity - hmm, not sure what you mean there. I think it started in the 1980s. I did have a Google to see if I could find that case but couldn't. I have always used it from woman's studies at uni, which also dived deep into queer identities and minority cultures. The more you understand I guess the less you fear it and associate it with abuse, as you do here.

I don't hate you. Rational and respectful discussion is where it's at.

Awesome, I'm glad you say rational and respectful discussion.

It's good not to be hated.

We're doomed if we choose division over listening to each other!