Ladies in the Community!,Good DAY? It is unfortunate I have not being able to publish any post since past three days !, And it was as a result of network errow, but now am back to field. Friends, I want to talk about the Importants of snail.! As a matter of fact many homes dont have interest in eating snails as one of the Important meats our body needs,.But it is unfortunate that snail is one of the expensive meats we have in the society today why?, Because of it's containt,. (1) it gives potassium, (2) It gives Iron( highly) 3) Zin (4) Calcum; 5 Vitamin CA; 6, It gives, 14 grammes of proteins
including Caborhdrate to mention but few. But in my next post I will tell you that every thing in snail is useful.
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Iam so much greatful, to the Ladies of Hive for the reward given to me !,And I congratulate my self for the effort suffer made and I promised to work harder., Thanks.
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