(Esp-Eng) Ladies of Hive Community Contest #141 ✨

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago
Hola hola queridas mujeres deseo estén bien ❤️ como siempre un gusto estar compartiendo con ustedes por acá. He estado un poco desconectada de la plataforma por causas fortuitas, espero poder estar más activa.


Preguntas de la semana:

  1. ¿Tiene sueños recurrentes? ¿Qué crees que intentan decirte?

No hay una noche o madrugada que no me despierte después de algún sueño o hasta pesadilla que me logré inquietar, muchas veces los sueños dejan mensajes; otras veces es nuestro subconsciente que tiene las vivencias del día o algo que hemos pensado muchísimo y entonces en nuestros sueños lo volvemos a reflejar.

En ocasiones he soñado seguido por ejemplo con una persona que tengo tiempo sin ver o tener contacto directo con ella, también sueño con personas que jamás he visto y ahí me preguntó ¿Cómo pasa eso? Cómo sueño con alguien que ni me he cruzado. He leído que si soñamos y al despertar aún lo recordamos es porque intentan darnos un mensaje que solo tenemos que concentrarnos y analizar para comprender que nos quieren decir, aparentemente nuestros ancestros o angeles guardianes son los que hacen que esto suceda es decir darnos un mensaje.

De igual manera he leído que todo lo que soñamos tiene un significado pero acá entre nosotras creo que a veces hay sueños que no tienen explicación jaja porque son muy extraños o bueno a lo mejor no se interpretarlos. Pensando creo que nunca he tenido el mismo sueño varias veces como ya les comenté si he soñado muchas veces con alguna personas de manera seguida y tal vez similares cada sueño pero nunca iguales.

Una se pone a leer acerca de los sueños y conseguimos muchas cosas, cuando sueño algo que me llama mucho la atención al despertar busco por Google el significado aunque a veces quede en las mismas (para ser sincera) pero igual lo hago porque me queda rondando mucho en la cabeza y trato de analizarlo porque si creo que me estén dando un mensaje.

  1. ¿Qué legado te gustaría que la gente te recordara cuando ya no estés?

Para ser sincera no creo dejar algún legado ya que considero que los legados logran dejarlo las personas que hacen algo verdaderamente magnífico, sin embargo si quiero dejar huellas bonitas e imborrables en la vida de quienes me rodean y creo que lo he ido logrando, digo esto porque he tenido la dicha de reencontrarme con personas después de tantos años y me agradecen por el cariño que les brinde, la lealtad, amor, sinceridad, cantidad de cosas que ni siquiera me imaginé que lo había hecho.


Y bueno pensándolo un poco tal vez eso sea un legado; el haber dado o hecho cosas bonitas y buenas a quienes lo han necesitado y sin esperar nada a cambio. Me considero una persona muy transparente y si te doy mi cariño es el más sincero de todos, además de que puedo estar mal a nivel emocional y si tú tienes un mal día creeme que haré lo que pueda para que tú estés bien, darte el mayor positivismo y consejos para que afrontes la situación. Creo que de esa manera con mi buena energía voy dejando huellas o un legado (no lo sé) en quienes comparten su camino conmigo.

Cómo siempre encantada en participar en la iniciativa de la semana. Les deseo una hermosa semana ✨


Hello dear women, I hope you are well ❤️ as always a pleasure to be sharing with you here. I have been a little disconnected from the platform for fortuitous reasons, I hope to be more active.


Questions of the week:

  1. Do you have recurring dreams? What do you think they are trying to tell you?

There is not a night or early morning that I do not wake up after a dream or even a nightmare that managed to disturb me, many times dreams leave messages; other times it is our subconscious that has the experiences of the day or something that we have thought a lot and then in our dreams we reflect it again.

Sometimes I have dreamed often, for example with a person that I have not seen or have direct contact with for a long time, I also dream of people I have never seen and then I wondered how does that happen? How do I dream about someone I have never even crossed paths with? I have read that if we dream and when we wake up we still remember it is because they are trying to give us a message that we just have to concentrate and analyze to understand what they want to tell us, apparently our ancestors or guardian angels are the ones who make this happen that is to give us a message.

In the same way I have read that everything we dream has a meaning but here among us I think that sometimes there are dreams that have no explanation haha because they are very strange or maybe I don't know how to interpret them. Thinking about it I think I have never had the same dream several times as I told you I have dreamed many times with some people in a row and perhaps similar each dream but never the same.

One begins to read about dreams and we get many things, when I dream something that catches my attention when I wake up I Google the meaning although sometimes I am in the same (to be honest) but I still do it because it is hanging around a lot in my head and I try to analyze it because I believe that they are giving me a message.

  1. What legacy would you like people to remember you by when you are gone?

To be honest I do not think I leave a legacy because I believe that legacies are left by people who do something truly magnificent, however I do want to leave beautiful and indelible traces in the lives of those around me and I think I have been achieving it, I say this because I have had the joy of meeting people after so many years and they thank me for the love I gave them, loyalty, love, sincerity, a lot of things that I never even imagined I had done.


And well, thinking about it a little bit, maybe that is a legacy; to have given or done nice and good things to those who have needed it and without expecting anything in return. I consider myself a very transparent person and if I give you my love is the most sincere of all, plus I can be bad emotionally and if you have a bad day believe me I will do what I can to make you well, give you the most positivism and advice to deal with the situation. I believe that in that way with my good energy I am leaving footprints or a legacy (I don't know) in those who share their path with me.

As always delighted to participate in the initiative of the week. I wish you a beautiful week ✨

  • The entire publication is my full authorship
  • Cover image was edited in the Canva application.
  • Photo captured with my Moto G 8 phone
  • Translation done in the application DeepL

  • Toda la publicación es de mi total autoría
  • La imagen de portada fue editada en la aplicación Canva
  • Foto capturada con mi teléfono Moto G 8
  • Traducción realizada en la aplicación DeepL

I also dream of people I have never seen and then I wondered how does that happen? How do I dream about someone I have never even crossed paths with?

Or places that we may have never been.
When it gets to this point we border on the supernatural, perhaps clairvoyance. I believe that the human conscience can almost perceive in a small degree of 'Time travel' ever since Einstein discovered relativity.
When I dwell on a certain subject too long I can experience variations of my dreams when my subconscious tends to try different elements in filling the mental banks for a best answer.

A tricky subject but thanks for sharing @andreyohari

Yes, it is something incredible and also as you say a very complex issue that must be analyzed and studied to understand. Thanks for visiting my post

That's true, some dreams can leave us with very strange feelings, you cannot identify whether it is a message for you or just the state of your mind.

Correct, one is left without much understanding of the reason for that dream. Thanks for visiting my post


Thank you for your support 🙏🏻