(A feast for the book lovers eyes)
Are you a book lover like me?
If so maybe you'd have loved Book Chat day as much as I did!!
Ever since I was a young girl, I loved reading. I would sit and read for hours in a quiet corner, getting caught up in different worlds and embarking on adventures that were so much more exciting than real life.
Taking trips to places you may not ever see or being romanced in a way that you wish would really happen. Even being terrified of things that don't exist but could!!!
I found a group called book chat and joined to see if I could meet new people. Going by the name, I thought it would be about reviewing books, but basically it's a group of people that get together with the Librarian at the Library. We get to see all the new books that come in or books that she thinks are good. This group meets just once a month. We sit around drinking coffee and looking to see which ones we want to read during the coming month.
For me it's like a dream come true lol In fact the first time I went, I put my name down on nearly all of them without establishing what they were about. I ended up with several books I wasn't really interested in including an Amish Religious romance novel!!!
(I did actually read this and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be)
This time I thought I'd be a bit more picky and choose less books.....
But I just couldn't.....
They all looked good!!!
I put my name down on too many to mention 🙄
This is one of the ones I chose and am looking forward to reading when it's my turn.
And this one caught my eye as I wondered what those jobs might be. I have to add I was the only person to pick this book!
But after ploughing through 10 pages I just didn't care anymore! 😬
I'm really pleased I found this group and will continue to go every month. I will endeavour to stop my book greed and only pick ones I really want.
Very cool group! I have loved books and reading since a tiny child. I grew up 1/4 mile from our library....
Aren't they cool!! Books are awesome!
Thank you - this is my first time posting and am glad to be here! :)
I used to read books but then the internet came along and buggered my reading up...
Got a one page summary with thumbnails?
Fiction can be so much nicer than the internet :)
most of the internet IS fiction!
I right just pick up the book from the library (if they are open).
But it must be fun to meet new people,
get together with a librarian and have coffee afterward!Tell us how it turns out, @andysantics48!
Hahaha That book will be going straight back! It went straight over my head lol From now on I will stick to fiction.
See you have just hit 666 followers - congratulations - you are now a satanic hivian!