El mismo deseo de navidad por muchos años | The same Christmas wish for many years to come [ESP-ENG]

in Ladies of Hive10 months ago (edited)



Feliz Navidad querida comunidad de Ladies of Hive, espero que el Niño Dios les traiga muchas bendiciones y cumpla todos los sueños y deseos de su corazón.

En esta oportunidad, aunque sé que estoy dos semanas después del concurso, creo; igual les quiero compartir cuál es mi deseo mágico de navidad. Este es muy sencillo y lo tengo desde que puedo recordar y no es otro que tener mi casa propia. Anhelo con poder llegar a un sitio que pueda decir es mío y punto.

Un poco de contexto

Desde que nací he vivido con mis padres, ellos por una u otra razón se quedaron viviendo con mi abuela materna. Después nos mudamos muchas veces, entre las que vivimos en habitaciones alquiladas en casa de familiares. También estuvimos viviendo en anexos de casas, pero estábamos solos, nosotros tres como familia.

Creo que esos fueron los mejores momentos de mi infancia, cuando estábamos solos los tres y mis dos perros. Cuando tenía unos 12 años a mi papá le dio el primer ACV y poco tiempo después le dio un segundo y un tercero. Ya para cuando tenía 15 años, mi papá estaba incapacitado y seguíamos pagando alquiler.

Mi mamá tomó la decisión de mudarnos con mi abuela y una tía que vivían en un apartamento ellas dos solas. Así que llegamos un diciembre justamente, mi papá que siempre ha sido un guerrero, a pesar de sus limitaciones empezó a trabajar nuevamente y logró reunir un dinero.

Quiso comprar nuestra casa, pero mamá prefirió que ese dinero lo invirtieran en la casa de la abuela. Pasaron los meses, años, y ahí estábamos. Mi abuela envejeció, enfermó y nos hicimos cargo. Duramos ahí 19 años. Aunque yo si me fui varias veces, traté de independizarme, me fui del país, nació mi hija y al final regresé.

Ahora, luego de muchos inconvenientes al ser una herencia familiar, tenemos dos años viviendo alquilados nuevamente. Por esto, si antes mi sueño era mi casa propia, ahora lo, es más.


Merry Christmas dear Ladies of Hive community, I hope the Baby God brings you many blessings and fulfills all the dreams and desires of your heart.

In this opportunity, although I know I am two weeks after the contest, I think; I still want to share with you what is my magical Christmas wish. It is very simple and I have had it for as long as I can remember and it is none other than to have my own home. I long for a place that I can say is mine and that's it.

A bit of context

Since I was born, I have lived with my parents, who for one reason or another stayed with my maternal grandmother. After that, we moved many times, in between living in rented rooms at relatives' houses. We also lived in annexes of houses, but we were alone, the three of us as a family.

I think those were the best times of my childhood when it was just the three of us and my two dogs. When I was about 12 years old my dad had his first stroke and shortly after that, he had a second and a third. By the time I was 15, my dad was disabled and we were still paying rent.

My mom decided to move in with my grandmother and an aunt who lived in an apartment by themselves. So, we arrived one December, and my dad, who has always been a warrior, despite his limitations, started working again and managed to raise some money.

He wanted to buy our house, but my mother preferred to invest the money in her grandmother's house. Months and years went by, and there we were. My grandmother got old, got sick and we took over. We stayed there for 19 years. Although I did leave several times, I tried to become independent, I left the country, my daughter was born and, in the end, I returned.

Now, after many inconveniences as it is a family inheritance, we have been living in a rented house for two years. So, if before my dream was my own house, now it is more.


Una casa, un hogar a mi estilo

Normalmente mis gustos son sencillos y por esa línea quiero poder decorar mi casa cuando muy pronto la tenga. Sé que Dios va a permitir que así sea. Primero que nada, deseo es una casa, no apartamento, aunque una casa da más trabajo para limpiar.

Mi casa la quiero sumamente minimalista, nada de exceso de muebles y exceso de cosas. Sus pisos que sean de un color oscuro, porque últimamente me ha tocado vivir en sitios de suelos blancos y se ensucian demasiado. Quiero tener un mueble en la entrada para los zapatos, porque a mi hija y a mí nos gusta estar descalzas.

La quiero con colores claros, una cocina de buen tamaño donde se puedan hacer muchos postres. Que tenga una habitación para cada uno, con un cuarto para cada uno, y también una oficina. Que el de María Angélica tenga espacio para sus juguetes y sus cosas.

Quiero que podemos tener varios televisores. Desde hace un tiempo que se dañó el mío, solo nos quedamos con uno y siempre hay prioridades más grandes que un televisor. Así que el tiempo de tele se divide entre María Angélica y mis papás. Yo he decidido no ver, porque al final nunca puedo terminar de ver algo.

También Sisu debe tener su espacio, un lugar calentito en la casa con su cama y sus juguetes. Que pueda andar a sus anchas porque está creciendo mucho y parece que va a ser una perrita muy grande.

A house, a home in my style

Normally my tastes are simple and along these lines, I want to be able to decorate my house when I get it very soon. I know that God will allow it to be so. First, I want it to be a house, not an apartment, although a house is more work to clean.

I want my house to be extremely minimalist, with no excess furniture or stuff. I want the floors to be a dark color because lately I have been living in places with white floors and they get too dirty. I want to have a piece of furniture at the entrance for my shoes because my daughter and I like to be barefoot.

I want it with light colors, a good-sized kitchen where I can make many desserts. I want it to have a room for each of us, with a bedroom for each of us, and also an office. I want Maria Angelica to have space for her toys and things.

I want us to be able to have several televisions. Since mine was damaged some time ago, we only have one and there are always bigger priorities than a TV. So, TV time is divided between Maria Angelica and my parents. I have decided not to watch it because, in the end, I can never finish watching anything.

Sisu must also have his space, a warm place in the house with his bed and his toys. She should be able to walk at her own pace because she is growing a lot and it looks like she is going to be a very big dog.


¿Una o dos?

El dilema que últimamente he tenido, es que cuando tenga la capacidad económica para comprar mi casa, que como dije antes sé que Dios lo va a ser posible muy pronto. Así lo siento. Es si compraría una o dos. A ver, amo y adoro a mis padres con todo mi corazón, pero creo que María Angélica, Sisu y yo necesitamos nuestro espacio.

Por otra parte, estamos acostumbrados a vivir los cinco, aunque Sisu llegó hace unos cuantos meses. María Angélica ama a sus abuelos y no sé cómo sería su reacción al estar lejos de ellos.

Lo cierto, es que yo quiero darles a mis padres su casa, que se sientan dueños, amos y señores, por lo que no podría poner del todo mi estilo y mis reglas. Sin embargo, también quiero sentirme con la libertad de hacer y deshacer.

Por eso, se lo estoy dejando a Dios. Él tomará la última decisión y me guiará para que todo se haga conforme a su voluntad. Sé que mi deseo de navidad pronto se hará realidad, le daré a mi hija y a mis padres su casa, y disfrutaremos la próxima navidad en ella, decorando, riendo, con mi papá mejor de salud, con amigos en nuestra mesa, compartiendo lo que Dios nos ha y nos habrá dado hasta ese momento.

Gracias por haberme leído, les deseo nuevamente una feliz navidad y que Dios siempre ilumine sus vidas y dé amor a sus corazones.

Les dejó mis redes sociales, por si quieren seguirme:

Twitter: @ariale
Instagram: @arialeval
Tik Tok: @arialerai

One or two?

The dilemma I have had lately is that when I have the economic capacity to buy my house, which as I said before I know that God will be able to do it very soon. That's how I feel. It is whether I would buy one or two. Let's see, I love and adore my parents with all my heart, but I think Maria Angelica, Sisu, and I need our space.

On the other hand, we are used to living the five of us, although Sisu arrived a few months ago. Maria Angelica loves her grandparents and I don't know how she would react to being away from them.

The truth is that I want to give my parents their home, I want them to feel like owners, masters, and lords, so I could not completely set my style and my rules. However, I also want to feel free to do and undo.

So, I am leaving it up to God, He will make the ultimate decision and guide me so that everything is done according to His will. I know that my Christmas wish will soon come true, I will give my daughter and my parents their house, and we will enjoy next Christmas in it, decorating, laughing, with my dad in better health, with friends at our table, sharing what God has and will have given us up to that moment.

Text originally written in Spanish and translated by DeepL Translate. Sorry if there are mistakes.

Thank you for reading me, I wish you again a Merry Christmas, and may God always enlighten your lives and give love to your hearts. I leave you my social networks, in case you want to follow me:

Twitter: @ariale
Instagram: @arialeval
Tik Tok: @arialerai





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Thank you so much

Awesome work @ariale! Your first posts on Hive are well received and making a positive impact. Keep it up!

I pray the lord will fulfill all your heart desires. You’ll have your own house with everything you want in it. Just trust the lord and everything will fall into place.

I trust Him with all my heart, I know that what I have experienced has been for a reason and that He has been preparing me to receive something better than I have even dreamed of.

Thanks for reading me. Merry christmas

Those are nice plans any normal person would want and I hope you can achieve them soon.

I think all human beings want to have a home, there are some who don't have one because they like to travel all the time. But there always comes a time to want stability.

Thank you for reading and for your good wishes.

This was so beautiful and powerful!

Thank you for reading me, for thinking that. The power that our mind has together with our faith It is what moves us completely.


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Thanks you very much 🤗

God's timing is perfect my friend, and only he knows our sacrifices, I hope you can soon fulfill your great wish. Merry christmas.

Absolutely, God's timing is perfect. I believe that all my experiences are because of something that I need to learn. God prepares us for what we must receive.

Thank you very much for reading and for the good wishes.


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Thanks you!!

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Thank you so much!!

I hope in the coming New Year, that you will get your house and everything works out as it is willed by God. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

Thank you very much, it really is so nice to receive good wishes. I hope that God fulfills the desires of one of you for home.

Feliz navidad y feliz día.

Thank you so much @ariale, for the sweet and kind words! Take care! !LADY

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