Gardening as wellness therapy
Greetings to all Ladies of Hive users. I must say that I love your dynamics because apart from stimulating consistent participation and community interaction, they make us deepen our self-knowledge. Knowing ourselves is a powerful tool that allows us to move forward and expand ourselves....
Asking ourselves questions like the ones asked in the Ladies of Hive contests, sometimes leads us to face situations that we have avoided, allows us to see our progress, to recognize ourselves in every achievement, in every change, even in every learning that life shows us in the form of an obstacle.
On this occasion, LadiesofHive poses us in the 51st edition of its weekly contest, two questions that make us look inside and seeing "inward" is definitely the key that leads us to growth as human beings.
What is your number one passion, the thing you do that
makes you feel the most happy, peaceful, or satisfied?
*What is the one task that you must do periodically
but absolutely hate doing more than any other?
La Jardinería como terapia de bienestar
Un saludo a todos l@s usuari@s de Ladies of Hive. Debo decir que me encantan sus dinámicas porque aparte de estimular la participación consecuente y la interacción de la comunidad, nos hacen profundizar en el autoconocimiento. Conocernos a nosotros mismos es una herramienta poderosa que nos permite avanzar y expandirnos…
Plantearnos interrogantes como las que se realizan en los concursos de Ladies of Hive, nos lleva a en ocasiones a enfrentarnos a situaciones que hemos evadido, nos permite ver nuestros avances, reconocernos en cada logro, en cada cambio, incluso en cada aprendizaje que la vida nos muestra en forma de obstáculo.
En esta ocasión, LadiesofHive nos plantea en la 51 edición de su concurso semanal, dos preguntas que nos hacen buscar adentro, ver “hacia adentro” es definitivamente la llave que nos conduce al crecimiento como seres humanos.
¿Cuál es tu pasión número uno, lo que haces que
te hace sentir más feliz, tranquilo o satisfecho?Ö
¿Cuál es la tarea que debes hacer periódicamente
pero que odias absolutamente hacer más que cualquier otra?
Reviewing the possible answers to question No. 1, I wandered through several possibilities that made me feel gratitude. Gratitude because I have a peaceful, harmonious life, and over time I have learned the value of peace, of focusing on the light and not the shadow. It was not always like that, but looking back and noticing the changes is satisfying. Today I could cite several activities that make me feel happy, calm and satisfied, because that's what life is all about, finding what we like, renewing ourselves and moving more and more towards the fullness of being.
For this post I chose gardening as a therapy of peace, tranquility and happiness.
Watering my little plants daily, watching them grow, bloom, removing their dry leaves, transplanting them if necessary, all this is vitamin for my soul.Revisando las posibles respuestas a la pregunta Nro. 1, me paseé por varias posibilidades que me hicieron sentir gratitud. Agradecimiento porque tengo una vida tranquila, armoniosa, y con el paso del tiempo he aprendido el valor de la paz, del enfoque en la luz y no en la sombra. No siempre fue así, pero ver atrás y notar los cambios es satisfactorio. Hoy día podría citar varias actividades que me hacen sentir feliz, tranquila y satisfecha, porque justamente de eso se trata la vida, encontrar aquello que nos guste, renovarnos y encaminarnos cada vez más a la plenitud del ser.
Para este post escogí la Jardinería como terapia de paz, de sosiego, de felicidad.
Regar mis plantitas a diario, verlas crecer, florecer, quitarle sus hojitas secas, trasplantarlas si es necesario, todo eso es vitamina para mi alma.
Discovering in these two years of pandemic the magical and medicinal properties of some of the plants I had on my balcony, was music to my ears and my "wellness therapy" has now become something beneficial for everyone at home.
- Origanum vulgare, for flus, immune system, fungi, viruses and bacterias....
- The digestive and antispasmodic qualities of the fragrant Basilicum...
- The cerebral oxygenation provided by Amaranthus...
- The iron and vitamins of Parsley...
Descubrir en estos casi dos años de pandemia las mágicas y medicinales propiedades de algunas de las plantas que tenía en mi balcón, fue música para mis oídos y mi "terapia de bienestar" se ha convertido ahora en algo beneficioso para todos en casa.
- Orégano Orejón, para las gripes, sistema inmune, hongos, virus y bacterias...
- Las cualidades digestivas y antiespasmódicas de la olorosa albahaca...
- La oxigenación cerebral que provee la Pira...
- El hierro y las vitaminas del perejil...
Obviously I also enjoy the nurseries, I don't miss the opportunity to go to one when I can. I can spend a long time contemplating each little plant, learning about them, admiring the different shades of green, breathing that smell of life that they exhale every time we water them. If we could bottle that smell it would be one of my favorite perfumes.
Yes, gardening is definitely an activity that makes me feel happy, calm and satisfied. 😊Obviamente también disfruto de los viveros, no pierdo la oportunidad de ir a alguno cuando puedo. Puedo durar mucho tiempo contemplando cada plantita, aprendiendo sobre ellas, admirando las distintas tonalidades de verdes, respirando ese olor a vida que ellas exhalan cada vez que las regamos. Si pudiéramos embotellar ese olor sería uno de mis perfumes favoritos.
Sí, definitivamente la jardinería es una actividad que me hace sentir feliz, tranquila y satisfecha. 😊
Thank you for reading this far, I say goodbye but not before joining the call of the Ladies of Hive Community so that women active on the platform are encouraged to participate in these entertaining weekly dynamics. For my part, I invite my friend @leticiapereira for this one.
Gracias por leer hasta aquí, me despido no sin antes unirme al llamado de la comunidad Ladies of Hive para que las mujeres activas en la plataforma se animen a participar en estas entretenidas dinámicas semanales. Por mi parte invito para esta, a mi amiga @leticiapereira
Own photos: HuaweiY9
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© 2021, @astrea. All rights reserved.
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That's right, it is a healing therapy. There isn't a bad day that doesn't get better when in contact with a nice garden or greenhouse. Blessings.
Oh gosh, gardening is the BEST wellness therapy - I'm with you there! Would love to see more of your garden posts!
Thanks for the motivation, of course I will continue to write about those topics because you definitely have to do what you like, thanks for your comment.
HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITYhere!You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the ! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Find our community
Thanks for the motivation, of course I will continue to write about those topics because you definitely have to do what you like, thanks for your comment.
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Oh yes! Gardening. I love growing plants in pots on my deck! It is a great thing to be passionate about!
muy cierto, la jardinería es terapéutica...saludos suerte...
Each year I tend a small veggie garden and I find it therapeutic and spiritual as an exercise because it is a natural part of our nurturing nature. I consider it a necessary part of human existence in practical ways but also in beauty ans artistic in of itself.
Thanks for posting on Ladies of Hive @astrea 💐