Living in the moment #173

in Ladies of Hive8 months ago

Good day my amazing hivers and to the @ladiesofhive community. We were given two interest topics to write on and as much as i love both topics i had to pick the one i can talk about with much passion.

           The topic i’m wrting on: **As a lady, what do you consider more: Careful decisions about whom to love, or the freedom to be spontaneous about it**

Honestly speaking you can’t be too careful about the person you love, except you read minds, you’re not 100 percent sure about his/her intentions towards you.

Even if being spontaneous is thrilling and fun, you still need to exercise caution because, despite the games and fun, you still want to know who you're becoming connected with and you need to carefully consider their character.

I was really cautious when I first started dating, making sure to look for warning signs and end things right away, but even so, I ended up getting hurt a few times.
My current partner and I met in the strangest way imaginable not until I just let go and allowed everything fall into place.

Our beginning story was a parculiar one. I went to visit a coursemate of mine, and I saw him. We started talking like we were old friends that reunited again. He was playful and very charming. I didn't read so much meaning into it. We exchanged numbers, and three days later he asked me to be his girlfriend. His lack of fear of the unknown intrigued me, and I said yes without hesitation. Five years later, we’re still together and hopefully will be doing life together.

I’m not saying my way works best or spontaneity is better, but I think letting loose a bit and enjoying the moments as they come is what life is about.You can't control everything; you can't handpick everything. Let tomorrow worry for himself, enjoy the present, and be present. You only live once, so love, laugh, cry, and get hurt. You're human, and these are just basic human emotions.

We do not need to have our future read to know what will happen. Our actions now will determine our fate.

Thanks for reading
All images belongs to me


Thanks for sharing your story. I hope to see the wedding invite on hive someday.

Lol I hope so too.. and everyone on hive would be invited

Sometimes in life, the weirdest things happen to be the best.
I'm sure you'd have thought that dating a guy after three days of meeting was weird, but 5years is a whole lot of time😫. I'm glad you took that decision 5 years ago.

Sometimes in life the most beautiful things happen to us when we let loose and just let nature have its cause

Honestly I never thought we would come this far, cause it was just odd to date someone you know nothing about, but with time we got to figure everything out and it’s been wonderful

I'm glad you did🤗