Meaning of parenthood
Mike and Mary meet in the library parking lot, strike up a chat while waiting for a cab, and discover that they have similar opinions about the situation of their home countries. Mike wishes he could talk to Mary like that again and learn more about her fascinating life. After exchanging numbers, they quickly became close friends after realising how much they shared in common. It's so lovely that their friendship blossomed into love and that they'll be able to celebrate their love with a wedding. Mike and Mary have sexual relations after the wedding, and Mary becomes pregnant. Mary and Mike's first kid was born nine months after they became pregnant. When their baby is born, Mary and Mike will both become parents.
True, becoming a parent requires giving birth to a child, but it also can happen through adoption or by marrying someone with children.
The responsibility of parenting extends much beyond the act of giving birth or adopting a kid; it also includes providing genuine care, love, attention, discipline, and the guarantee of the child's general well-being. When considering becoming a parent, one must do it with an eye towards the emotional, psychological, and financial preparations it will require.
The heroic story of my parents and the impact they had on my life
Due to my father's declining health, we had to lease out his large apparel and textile shop in a market in the centre of Port-Harcourt. My dad has been our primary carer for the past year. The importance of education was never stressed in my father's family. His brothers, my uncles, place a higher priority on amassing wealth and property than they do on educating their children. The sad truth is that no one else in my father's family has gone to college but my siblings and me. My father is very significant because he made sure to nurture us spiritually as well as intellectually. When one of my siblings or I tries to get out of trouble, my father always makes us pay for it.
My mom is a terrific rock for my dad. My mum has great listening skills. She's the primary breadwinner, and she and her family have gone into agriculture to ensure they never go hungry. My mum taught me the meaning of unconditional love and respect. Despite my father's health problems, my mother has always been there for him and never given up hope. She is a woman of strong faith who sees adversity as fleeting.
Parents play crucial roles in child rearing. Before taking on the enormous task of parenting, one should be financially stable. Parents have a responsibility to provide a nurturing environment for their children. They must also be sensitive to and concerned about their children's emotional needs. They must provide their kids a well-rounded education that includes both religious and secular subjects. Being a parent is an enormous responsibility. The world would be a better place if parents were successful in instilling good values in their children.
Having children is not a scam in my book; rather, it's a huge undertaking for which one must be well-prepared. It's important for newlyweds to talk about whether or not they want kids even before they tie the knot. They need to talk about the discomfort of pregnancy and parenting and how they can prepare for it. God blesses us with children, and we should treasure them as blessings.
Because of the genuine love and care they have shown me, my parents are my heroes. They've made me ready for the outside world. Discipline has helped me get where I need to go. Anyone who wants to become a parent must be completely ready for the responsibility.