Contest #120 Loh: My best friend (Eng - Esp)

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago (edited)



Greetings beautiful ladies around the world, I wish you are well and spend a happy and blessed Sunday, we are a few days to celebrate Valentine's Day, where usually the love of couples is celebrated and commercial establishments offer a variety of products with beautiful decorations to give to that loved one, this day is also celebrated the day of friendship, I consider that a friend or friend are those brothers that life gives you, with whom you share incredible moments and are an important part of your life, in this context the friend @irenenavarroart has formulated 2 questions for the contest #120 of the ladies of the hive, I will make my entry with question number 1.


Saludos hermosas damas en todo el mundo, deseo se encuentren bien y pasen un feliz y bendecido domingo, estamos a pocos día de celebrar el día de San Valentín, donde generalmente se celebra el amor de parejas y los establecimientos comerciales ofrecen gran variedad de productos con hermosas decoraciones para obsequiar a ese ser querido, este día también se celebra el día de la amistad, considero que una amiga o amigo son esos hermanos que la vida te regala, con los cuales compartes momentos increíbles y forman parte importante de tu vida, en ese contexto la amiga @irenenavarroart ha formulado 2 preguntas para el concurso #120 de las damas de la colmena, haré mi entrada con la pregunta número 1.


Source / Fuente

1) In a few days it will be Valentine's Day. Most of the marketing of that day is focused on couples, but we should not forget that it is also celebrated as Friendship Day. Do you have a special friend with whom you would like to celebrate? What would you like to do together? What would you give that person as a gift?

I have a very special friend, her name is Josefina, we started our friendship since we were in school, we did our homework together, she would come to my house and I would go to hers to do research and study, my parents were very fond of her, also my sisters, her family was always very attentive and kind to me, In high school we studied in the same section the 5 years of high school, this stage was very beautiful, we did some pranks together hahaha and as always the tasks we did together, my dad helped us in the area of Spanish to write poems, and everything related to the poetic compositions, oh what a time! We used to go shopping and often visited each other, I keep very nice memories of the outings with my friend, we loved to visit the Orinoco promenade, it is a lovely place where you can see the river very closely and a beautiful landscape at sunset; I studied and live in another city but we have always maintained communication, today thanks to technology we communicate very often by whatsApp, whenever I visit my mother, I spend many hours talking with my friend and her family, She is a very special and dear friend, we have more than 30 years of friendship, I consider her a sister that life gave me and I thank God for her and her family who have been loving with me, in my family we love her very much and our mothers are very close friends too.

1) En unos días será San Valentín. La mayor parte del marketing de ese día se centra en las parejas, pero no debemos olvidar que también se celebra el Día de la Amistad. ¿Tienes un amigo especial con el que te gustaría celebrar? ¿Qué te gustaría hacer juntos? ¿Qué le darías a esa persona como regalo?

Tengo una amiga muy especial, se llama Josefina, iniciamos nuestra amistad desde que estabámos en la escuela, las tareas las hacíamos juntas, ella venía a mi casa y yo iba a la de ella a investigar y estudiar, mis padres le tenían mucho aprecio, también is hermanas, su familia siempre fue muy atenta y amable conmigo, en el liceo estudiamos en la misma sección los 5 años del bachillerato, esta etapa fue muy hermosa, hicimos alguna travesuras juntas jajaja y como siempre las tareas la hacíamos juntas, mis papá nos ayudaba en el área de Castellano a escribir los poemas, y todo lo relacionado con las composiciones poéticas ¡oh que tiempos! salíamos a comprar y frecuentemente nos visitabamos, conservo muy lindos recuerdos de las salidas con mi amiga, nos gustaba mucho visitar el paseo Orinoco, es un lugar encantador donde se puede apreciar el Río muy de cerca y un hermoso paisaje al atardecer; visitas al terminar el bachillerato, nos distanciamos un poco, yo estudie y vivo en otra ciudad pero siempre hemos mantenido comunicación, hoy gracias a la tecnología nos comunicamos muy seguido por WhatsApp, siempre que visito a mi madre, paso muchas horas conversando con mi amiga y su familia, recordando las anécdotas de nuestra etapa en la escuela, es una amiga muy especial y querida, tenemos más de 30 años de amistad, la considero una hermana que la vida me regaló y agradezco a Dios por ella y su familia que han sido amorosos conmigo, en mi familia la queremos mucho y nuestras madres son muy amigas también.


What would you like to do together?

If we could share this day, I think we would go to the river and after walking for a while among the rocks and watching the fish, eat a delicious strawberry and chocolate ice cream, talk and we would talk for several hours talking about our children and how each one of us is doing, She is a beautiful person and an excellent nurse who gave me her help and support when I had to undergo surgery, she was by my side during the surgery, supporting me and making sure everything went well, I am very happy to be her friend and I hope to see her soon.

What would you give that person as a gift?

As a gift I would give her a makeup and nail polish kit, she loves simple makeup and having her nails well painted and groomed, a hair dye would be the perfect complement to her gift, she loves to change her hair color, I think she has used all the colors, with this gift she would be very happy and making plans to paint her hair and nails. So much for my entry to this beautiful contest.

¿Qué te gustaría hacer juntos?

Si pudiéramos compartir en este día, creo que iríamos al Río y luego de caminar un rato entre las rocas y observar los peces, comer un delicioso helado de fresas con chocolate, además conversar y vaya que hablamos, nos tomamos varias horas hablando de nuestros hijos y como nos va a cada una, siempre recordando nuestras pequeñas travesura escolares, es una bella persona y excelente enfermera que me brindado su ayuda y apoyo en el momento que me tocó pasar por quirófano, estuvo a mi lado durante la intervención quirúrgica apoyándome y muy pendiente de que todo marchara bien, me siento muy feliz de ser su amiga y espero verla pronto.

¿Qué le darías a esa persona como regalo?

como regalo le daría un kit de maquillaje y pintura de uña, ama el maquillaje sencillo y tener sus uñas bien pintadas y arregladas, un tinte de cabello sería el complemento perfecto para su regalo, le gusta mucho cambiar su color de cabello, creo que ha usado todos los colores, con este obsequio ella estaría muy feliz y haciendo planes para pintar su cabello y uñas. Hasta aquí mi entrada a este hermoso concurso.


Source / Fuente

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Translated with

The cover image belongs to my personal archive, the avatar was created in bitmoji, the remaining images are courtesy of pixabay.

La imagen de portada pertenece a mi archivo personal, el avatar fue creado en bitmoji, las imágenes restantes son cortesía de pixabay.

    Divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.

   Dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

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@belkyscabrera, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

Greetings @ladytoken, thanks for the support.

Happy day!

She sounds like a very special lifetime friend! You are lucky to have her. I hope you do get the chance to spend some time together. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day!

Greetings @elizabethbit, yes, she is a great friend very special, in my family we love her very much, the times I travel to visit my mom, I go to her house or she visits me and we spend long hours talking hahaha.

Have a nice day!

You as well! Take care!


Thank you very much!


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