a fashion designer and a happy lady what would you want more, leaving a comfort zon thats great
Thank you for the insight, and your honesty and YOUR entry this week to the contest i am judging this week, I hope you had fun with the questions, i know i have had that reading it. See you in the comments or in the community 1
Good luck and see you again in the community , and beware the new contest is up tomorrow we would love to see another entry.
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Thank you for having me, yes I had fun with the question, comfort zones are not really the desired zone you know, I'm happy with where I am now, I'm glad you had fun reading me, and yes I will be here more often.
Yes the contest allowed you to earn tokens with comments too and a possibility to win.
We have them every week and the ladies all are very engaging so yes a must be active in community hahaha
Good luck with the new week contest it’s up already so go read and happy Sunday