Speaking of habits without which I cannot place myself in time and space and without which I cannot start my day or finish it; in my case, I have two without which, if I do not practice them, I do not feel prepared to face my day. The first one, I usually practice it both before going to sleep and when I open my eyes in the morning and it is to be thankful for everything I have obtained, for waking up in the morning, in my bed, in my house, with health, for having my food, a roof that covers me, for the provision in my house, my family.
I am grateful for absolutely everything, both the good and the bad, because all these things are necessary to continue learning and moving forward, because everything has a purpose, a reason for being. In this thankfulness, I also review my day, everything that has happened to me, what I have done, what I have done wrong and I put myself in order with my creator, God. This ritual is daily. At the end of my day and at the beginning of my day, for me it is something very important that helps me to center myself and to start my day in motion.
Besides, there is also a habit that helps me to wake up and to organize my day and it is a good coffee in the mornings, it does not matter if in the rest of the day I do not drink more coffee, (although if the occasion arises I drink again) but in the mornings for me it is essential; this is a habit that I began to cultivate when I started working and always in the mornings my coworkers used to make coffee, it was the first thing to do when I arrived at the offices and logically the smell spread and they offered me. That is how I started to drink coffee more frequently. Already today it is a norm in my family life, to wake up and the first thing to do is to have coffee while we do everything else.

Coffee, in my case, helps me to finish waking up and organize my agenda while I savor it. That relaxes me a lot and it has even become a habit for my husband and I to do the same: have our coffee and share our plans for the day. The few occasions in which I have not been able to have my morning coffee, destabilize my routine, because it is already a very ingrained habit and, although I continue with my day, it is hard for me to get into my normal rhythm and, yes, as soon as I can, I drink my coffee for the day.
So anything but coffee can be missing in my house, ha, ha, ha, ha, you know why. So these two habits or rituals cannot be missing in my days, because without them my days would be incomplete and I say this with knowledge of cause, because if for any contingency I have not been able to order myself with these habits and practice them, I spend the whole day as if I was missing something to do and it is incredible how my day changes, because I feel like uncomfortable, as if I was missing something and when I realize that I missed practicing these two habits, it is as if I come back to myself and at once I start to catch up with them and everything returns to my normality.

This is my entry in Ladies of Hive Community Contest #228. Best regards!
Hablando de hábitos sin los cuales no me puedo situar en tiempo y espacio y sin los cuales no puedo arrancar mi día ni terminarlo; en mi caso, tengo dos sin los cuales, si no los practico, no me siento preparada para afrontar mi día. El primero, acostumbro a practicarlo tanto antes de dormir como cuando abro los ojos en las mañanas y es agradecer por todo lo que haya obtenido, por despertar en las mañanas, en mi cama, en mi casa, con salud, por tener mis alimentos, un techo que me cubre, por la provisión en mi casa, mi familia.
Agradezco absolutamente todo, tanto lo bueno como lo malo, porque todas estas cosas son necesarias para seguir aprendiendo y continuar adelante, pues todo tiene un propósito, una razón de ser. En ese agradecer, también hago una revisión de mi día, de todo lo que me ha pasado, lo que he hecho, en lo que me haya equivocado y me pongo en regla con mi creador, Dios. Este ritual es diario. Al finalizar mi día y al comenzarlo, para mí es algo muy importante que me ayuda a centrarme y a empezar mi día en movimiento.
Aparte, también hay un hábito que me ayuda a despertarme y a organizar mi día y es un buen café en las mañanas, no importa si en el resto del día no tomo más café, (aunque si se da la ocasión vuelvo a tomar) pero en las mañanas para mí es imprescindible; este es un hábito que empecé a cultivar cuando empecé a trabajar y siempre por las mañanas los compañeros de trabajo acostumbraban a hacer café, era lo primero que se hacía al llegar a las oficinas y lógicamente el olor se extendía y me ofrecían. Así fue que empecé a tomar café con más frecuencia. Ya hoy día es una norma en mi vida familiar, despertarnos y lo primero que se monta a hacer es el café mientras hacemos todo lo demás.
El café, en mi caso, me ayuda a terminar de despertarme y organizar mi agenda mientras lo voy saboreando. Eso me relaja mucho e incluso ya es costumbre que mi esposo y yo hagamos lo mismo: tomar nuestro café y compartir nuestros planes del día. Las pocas ocasiones en que no he podido tomar mi café mañanero, me desestabilizan mi rutina, porque ya es un hábito muy arraigado y, aunque continúe con mi día, me cuesta agarrar mi ritmo normal y eso sí, en cuanto puedo, me tomo mi café del día.
Así es que en mi casa puede faltar cualquier cosa menos café, ja, ja, ja, ya saben por qué. Entonces estos dos hábitos o rituales no pueden faltar en mis días, porque sin ellos mis días estarían incompletos y lo digo con conocimiento de causa, porque si por cualquier contingencia no he podido ordenarme con estos hábitos y practicarlos, todo el día lo paso como si me faltara algo por hacer y es increíble como cambia mi día, porque me siento como incómoda, como si me faltara algo y cuando caigo en cuenta de que se me paso practicar estos dos hábitos, es como si volviera en sí y de una vez paso a ponerme al día con ellos y todo vuelve a mi normalidad.
Esta es mi participación en Ladies of Hive Community Contest #228. ¡Saludos cordiales!

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Hola amiga, ese cafè de las mañanas es el que alimenta el motor para comenzar bien el dìa.
Así es, es el comienzo de un buen día por lo menos nos prepara para ello, saludos amiga, gusto saludarte!
That’s actually a nice thing to do so far as taking coffee helps you get productive with whatever you have on your schedule.
Yes, coffee is an excellent way to start the day!
Los hábitos que tienes son muy parecidos a los míos, el agradecer siempre es necesario para empezar el día con el mejor ánimo y un buen cafecito nunca cae mal, todo lo contrario 👍😊
Somos dos entonces 😃 al agradecer todo lo demás viene por añadidura es como un Boomerang, todo lo bueno se devuelve y con el café completamos🤣 gracias por tu visita 🌹
Si el café no puede faltar para que el día sea perfecto 😁
Your perspective on "vertical routines" and their transformation over time is a profound reflection on how life stages shape our daily structures. It’s touching to hear about the phase when your focus was entirely on your children, where the routines you described brought stability and ensured everything was in place for them. Transitioning from that structure to a more fluid and forgiving rhythm shows incredible self-awareness and adaptability.
It’s beautiful how you’ve embraced a more spontaneous approach, allowing space for flexibility, creativity, and enjoyment without feeling tied down by rigid expectations. Recognizing that routines should serve us, rather than bind us, is a powerful realization—and your ability to "soften" those once-strict structures into something lighter and more fulfilling is truly inspiring.
The idea of leaving some things to the Creator and flowing with what each day brings adds a serene and spiritual dimension to your outlook. It captures the essence of balance—planning where it’s needed but allowing space for grace and life’s natural rhythm. Your journey speaks of growth, learning, and an acceptance of life's perfect timing, which is a perspective many would find both calming and empowering.
It seems like you’ve found a harmony between discipline and spontaneity that aligns with your current stage of life. Your story is a gentle reminder to live with intention while being kind to ourselves. @brujita18.
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I appreciate that you have taken the time to answer me in depth and that you have fully grasped what I wanted to convey. That can only be achieved when we really delve into what we read, that lets me know that you really read me with interest and that my message reached you, and with that I feel pleased. Thank you very much for your kind comment, I am pleased to have participated in this beautiful community, best regards!
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tokens.Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.@hive-124452, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @brujita18 and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (6/50 calls)
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Thanks You 💞
I also cannot start my day without having a cup of coffee, without coffee I just can't begin my day. I don't know if it is caffeine addiction or not but a hot cup of coffee really helps me to feel fresh and get ready for the day...
Have a nice weekend and thank you so much for your participation...
Drinking coffee is a very popular habit without which many of us cannot survive, whether it is an addiction or a simple habit; but there is nothing like a coffee to start our day. Thanks for your visit!