Hola, que tal. Saludo a todos mis queridos amigos y amigas de Hive. En especial aquellas mujeres luchadoras y emprendedoras que día a día nos levantamos con el ánimo y deseo de ser mejores cada día y ser el orgullo de nuestros hijos, madres, esposo y amigos. Emocionada de participar y compartir con todos ustedes estas preguntas. Les invito a que me acompañen a conocer mis respuestas.
Hello, how are you? Greetings to all my dear friends of Hive. Especially those women fighters and entrepreneurs who every day we wake up with the courage and desire to be better every day and be the pride of our children, mothers, husband and friends. I am excited to participate and share these questions with all of you. I invite you to join me to know my answers.

Si estás de mal humor, ¿prefieres quedarte solo o que otra persona te anime?
Te puedo decir que para mí es preferible pasar mi mal humor solo que estar en compañía de alguien, pero no soy de esas personas que descargan toda su ira y su rabia en personas que no tienen ni idea de lo que está pasando a su alrededor. Estando sola puedo pensar y poner en orden todo lo que estoy sintiendo en ese momento. Sobre todo cuando estoy así, se mezclan muchos sentimientos y no puedo identificar lo que estoy sintiendo en ese momento, no sé si es rabia, tristeza o dolor. Me considero una persona muy sentimental y cualquier cosa me hace sentir mal, pero cuando me enojo, ¡me enojo! tanto que no quiero que nadie me hable, sin embargo, es raro cuando me enojo a esa magnitud; en esos casos, prefiero salir y distraerme un poco como cantar, bailar o disfrutar de la hermosa naturaleza.
If you are in a bad mood, would you rather stay alone or have someone else cheer you up?
I can tell you that for me it is preferable to spend my bad mood alone than to be in the company of someone, but I am not one of those people who unload all their anger and rage on people who have no idea what is going on around them. Being alone I can think and put in order everything I am feeling at that moment. Especially when I am like this, many feelings get mixed up and I can't identify what I am feeling at that moment, I don't know if it is anger, sadness or pain. I consider myself a very sentimental person and anything makes me feel bad, but when I get angry, I get angry! so much that I don't want anyone to talk to me, however, it is rare when I get angry to that magnitude; in those cases, I prefer to go out and distract myself a little like singing, dancing or enjoying the beautiful nature.

Recuerdo las veces que me sentía de mal humor, mi deseo era salir del lugar de donde me encontraba y dirigirme a uno de esos que me transmitían y aun, una paz en mi interior, poder desahogarme en el sentido, de poder llorar, gritar o reír de la rabia, suena loco, pero en ocasiones me pasaba y así hasta sacar toda la rabia que había dentro de mí. Un día decidí salir y recorrer la naturaleza para ver si me relajaba un poco y en efecto, me ayudó mucho, cuando regresé a casa ya el mal humor se me había calmado.
remember the times when I felt in a bad mood, my desire was to leave the place where I was and go to one of those that transmitted and even, a peace inside me, to be able to unburden myself in the sense, to be able to cry, scream or laugh of anger, it sounds crazy, but sometimes it happened to me and so to get out all the anger that was inside me. One day I decided to go out and walk through nature to see if it would relax me a little and it really helped me a lot, when I returned home my bad mood had calmed down.

Hace poco nos mudamos a la ciudad de Maracay, me he dado de cuenta que no es lo mismo vivir en el campo que en la ciudad, debo decir que extraño mucho mi llano hermoso sobre todo cuando estoy de mal humor o triste, sin embargo donde vivimos hay un jardín y aunque no es tan amplio, aun así me ha ayudado mucho. De vez en cuando me siento a tomar aire fresco y les digo algo, cuando estoy en ese lugar no siento ánimos de levantarme de allí y es que lo disfruto tanto, no se imaginan lo bien que me hace sentir. Sobre todo cuando estoy un poco enojada, me dirijo hacia el jardín y me aseguro que mis niños no me vean molesta y se sientan mal y hasta que no se me pase un poco no me muevo de allí, reconozco que la naturaleza me hace tanta falta...

Pero lo bueno de todo es que no solo la naturaleza me ayuda, sino que además la música me hace olvidar, sobre todo si las canciones son románticas. Aparte me gusta cantar, eso también me ayuda mucho, no se imaginan lo que es para mí estar súper molesta y poder oír una canción y aún más si suelen ser esas que con solo oírlas me transporta a otro lugar y me trae tranquilidad y mucha energía.
we moved to the city of Maracay, I have realized that living in the countryside is not the same as living in the city, I must say that I miss my beautiful plain a lot especially when I am in a bad mood or sad, however where we live there is a garden and although it is not so large, even so it has helped me a lot. From time to time I sit down to take fresh air and I tell you something, when I am in that place I don't feel like getting up from there and I enjoy it so much, you can't imagine how good it makes me feel. Especially when I'm a little angry, I go to the garden and make sure that my children don't see me upset and feel bad and until I get over it a little I don't move from there, I recognize that I need nature so much?
the good thing is that not only nature helps me, but also music makes me forget, especially if the songs are romantic. Besides I like to sing, that also helps me a lot, you can not imagine what it is for me to be super upset and to hear a song and even more if they tend to be those that just by hearing them transports me to another place and brings me tranquility and lots of energy.

¿Alguna vez perdonarías a alguien que te hizo trampa?
A decir verdad intentaría hacer las pases, siempre y cuando se mire un cambio en la persona. Al igual si ha sido mi pareja durante muchos años y si existen lazos que nos unan tomando en cuenta los sentimientos y si de verdad hay un arrepentimiento. En ese caso no veo porque no darle una oportunidad, siempre y cuando haya una conexión entre los dos, confianza y sin olvidar la comunicación la cual es la base fundamental de una relación, la persona debe reconocer que faltó y que está dispuesto a cambiar.
Y eso también depende el tipo de trampa que se haya hecho, porque si es una trampa de infidelidad puede que se perdone solo una vez, tomando en cuenta que no somos perfectos y todos cometemos errores. Esa clase de infidelidad solo se debe perdonar una solo una vez, sin embargo las probabilidades de volver a ser los mismos son bastantes escasas, es decir puede que la relación se fundamente más, como puede que no dure mucho tiempo, todo es cuestión de intentarlo, eso sí, es recomendable intentarlo solo una vez, más de allí no se puede pasar, porque entonces ahí es donde viene “lo bueno”: se acostumbran a seguir haciéndolo sin importarles el sufrimiento de la persona y dos más dos son cuatro si lo hacen una vez, lo puede intentar otra vez.
Would you ever forgive someone who cheated you?
To tell you the truth I would try to make amends, as long as there is a change in the person. The same if it has been my partner for many years and if there are ties that unite us taking into account the feelings and if there is a true repentance. In that case I do not see why not give him a chance, as long as there is a connection between the two, trust and without forgetting the communication which is the fundamental basis of a relationship, the person must recognize that he failed and that he is willing to change.
And that also depends on the type of cheating that has been done, because if it is a cheating infidelity it can be forgiven only once, taking into account that we are not perfect and we all make mistakes. That kind of infidelity should only be forgiven once, however the probabilities of returning to be the same are quite scarce, that is to say that the relationship may be more founded, as it may not last long, everything is a matter of trying, that yes, it is advisable to try it only once, more than there you can not pass, because then that is where comes "the good": they get used to continue doing it without caring about the suffering of the person and two plus two are four if they do it once, you can try it again.

is not easy to forgive an infidelity since the wounds remain in the heart and mind of the person and it becomes a little difficult to erase those wounds it takes a lot of courage and time to restore trust again as a phrase says which I do not know the author: "it costs so much to gain someone's trust but in a few minutes we can lose it ". Trust is earned with love and respect over time, however to lose it only takes a few seconds and nothing more.
So friends, every human being can go through hard and difficult moments in life and there is no one who is prepared to receive the blows that fate brings, so it is up to us to endure and survive those blows. According to the Bible, it says that women are "fragile vessels" but the reality is that we are stronger than we think. If we analyze ourselves and think for a moment about all the things we have lived through or that have happened to us, to be honest, we would not be telling the truth. In short, we are strong and capable of resisting all the bad and good things in life.

I take this opportunity to invite you to read my story about an experience I had with my ex-husband who was unfaithful to me. This is the post:
you want to participate in this initiative, I leave you the contest post: https://ecency.com/hive-124452/@ladiesofhive/ladies-of-hive-community-contest-56. I invite @dru.munecas to participate.
Greetings to all of you. Thanks for reading me, see you next time.


Nature magic does work its magic in chasing those blues away ... sometimes that walks just puts your troubles in perspective :D
Agree with the cheating as well, sometimes it is not as black and white as we'd like it to be.
Thank you for sharing @carmary
Gracias a ustedes por la iniciativa un saludo.
We all need nature. People should live in harmony with nature. Nature gives us love, peace, calmness, and this earthly life itself. Everything is in its own place. For example we would go extinct without the bees. And the trees release oxygen, which is literally required for this earthly life.
I agree nature is everything to me it helps me a lot, thanks for stopping by and reading me a hug.
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Hola Carmen Maria, gracias por seguirme, yo también te sigo! Que buena publicación con sus photos y textos en Ingles y Español! Muy bien hecho! Parecemos similares...yo también prefiero estar sola cuando no estoy bien. Que tengas una buena semana, Lee :)
Hello Carmen Maria, thanks for the follow, I followed you too! What a great post with it's photos and texts in English and in Spanish! Well done! We appear similar....I also prefer to stay alone when I'm not well.
Have a lovely week, Lee :)
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Overall I prefer to be alone when I am in a bad mood as well. I want to sort through what I am actually feeling and why so I don't unload on and alienate anyone I care about.