Hola amigos es mi primera participación en esta hermosa comunidad a la que fui invitada por @cbuendia57 y espero que les guste lo que escribí para ustedes.
Hello friends, it is my first participation in this beautiful community to which I was invited by @ cbuendia57 and I hope you like what I wrote for you.
Aca mi respuesta a la pregunta:
¿Crees que los hombres o las mujeres son mejores amigos? ... ¿y por qué?
Es una pregunta que se puede responder dependiendo del punto de vista de la persona y por sus experiencias vividas. En mi opinión personal pienso un hombre y una mujer pueden ser mejores amigos sin que la amistad tenga un carácter sexual como pueden llegar a pensar muchas personas.
A pesar de que las mujeres coincidimos en numerosos aspectos y sentimientos que nos acercan mucho a veces por esa misma razón podemos llegar a chocar y tener problemas si la amistad no es sincera y fuerte.
Esto no quiere decir que yo no tenga amigas mujeres porque si las tengo y las quiero muchísimo, nuestra amistad ha perdurado a través de los años y a pesar de que podemos llegar a durar meses sin vernos solo un mensaje llena de felicidad mi corazón.
Here is my answer to the question:
Do you think men or women make better friends? ...and why?
It is a question that can be answered depending on the point of view of the person and their lived experiences. In my personal opinion, I think a man and a woman can be best friends without the friendship having a sexual nature as many people might think.
Despite the fact that women agree on numerous aspects and feelings that sometimes bring us very close to each other for that very reason, we can get to collide and have problems if the friendship is not sincere and strong.
This does not mean that I do not have female friends because if I do have them and I love them very much, our friendship has lasted through the years and even though we can last for months without seeing only a message that fills my heart with happiness.
Mi Hermosa Amiga Mily que la adoro/My Beautiful Friend Mily I adore her
En mi experiencia personal en cuanto a la amistad, en realdad mi balanza se inclino fuertemente hacia la amistad con los varones desde muy joven incluso mi primer amigo sincero, mi confidente de dramas y rizas lo tuve cuando estaba en educación media, desde el momento que nos conocimos hubo una especie de clic y jamás nos separamos, hasta que tristemente murió hace 9 años.
In my personal experience in terms of friendship, in reality my balance leaned strongly towards friendship with boys from a very young age, even my first sincere friend, my confidant of dramas and curls I had when I was in high school, from the moment that We met there was a kind of click and we never parted, until sadly he died 9 years ago.
En la actualidad tengo un súper amigo que lo adoro muchísimo y con todo mi corazón, a pesar de que tenemos caracteres iguales y llegamos a tener problemas, siempre estamos allí el uno para el otro e incluso conoce cosas de mí, que ni yo misma sabia jaja.
Para concluir mi humilde opinión las mujeres son más ternas, tranquilas y más suaves al momento de expresarse, pero los hombres van directo al grano te duela o no lo que te tengan que decir.
Por eso mis amigos depende de tu personalidad el mejor amigo que el destino a tu puerta traerá.
Currently I have a super friend who I adore him very much and with all my heart, even though we have the same characters and we get to have problems, we are always there for each other and he even knows things about me, that not even I knew myself haha.
To conclude my humble opinion, women are more tender, calm and softer when expressing themselves, but men go straight to the point whether it hurts or not what they have to say.
That is why my friends depends on your personality the best friend that destiny will bring to your door.
Pensando en eso hace días hice una publicación de esta poesía que habla al respecto la cual fue inspirada por mi mejor amigo, acá se las dejo.
Thinking about that days ago I made a publication of this poetry that talks about it which was inspired by my best friend, here I leave them
Presiona aqui si quieres ir al post./Click here if you want to go to the post.
Saber elegir a tus amigos o a quien va a estar a tu lado el resto de tu vida no es fácil, hay amigos y amores que son pasajeros y que llegan y se van con el viento.
Hay aquellos que aunque se quedan poco dejan una marca en tu corazón que te harán recordarlos toda la vida.
Hay aquellos que cuando estas mal curan tus heridas, que te acompañan en tu tristeza y en tu felicidad, que están allí en tus etapas de luz y oscuridad, que si tú te sientes morir él también lo sentirá, pero con todas sus fuerzas te levantara.
Ese amigo que a pesar de no estar cerca solo con una palabra te animara.
Valora a los que tienes a tu lado sinceramente y que han soportado todas las tempestades por estar allí ya que se han quedado porque saben el valor que tienes y cuidan del diamante que se encuentra en tu corazón.
Knowing how to choose your friends or who is going to be by your side for the rest of your life is not easy, there are friends and loves that are passengers and that come and go with the wind.
There are those who, although they stay little, leave a mark on your heart that will make you remember them for a lifetime.
There are those who when you are ill heal your wounds, who accompany you in your sadness and in your happiness, who are there in your stages of light and darkness, that if you feel yourself dying he will also feel it, but with all his strength he will lift you up.
That friend that despite not being around with just one word will encourage you.
Value those who are by your side sincerely and who have endured all the storms for being there since they have stayed because they know the value you have and take care of the diamond that is in your heart.
invito a participar a @andreasalas.
Artwork by @jesusmedit
Copyright @catalellazp All rights reserved.
That is why my friends depends on your personality the best friend that destiny will bring to your door.
That is so true and the fact we all have friendships both male and female is such a precious thing in life.
Thank you for entering the contest
Good luck this week and we will be here with the next contest on sunday
Men do generally go the direct route than understand the the journey to get there. I see it as seeing things from a different perspective.
And Thanks for the Lovely Poem @catalellazp 💎💓
I have always gotten along wonderfully with my male friends, perhaps because of my somewhat manly personality despite the fact that I am very feminine. I like that they tell me things as they are and bluntly even if it hurts and that's how they are and that's how I am with them.
muy bonito tu post amiga! Me alegra que hayas decidido participar. Un abrazo!
Gracias a ti amiga por haberme invitado.!