I decided to participate in the Contest, after analyzing the options, I decided to answer option 3; It is no secret to anyone that Venezuela is going through a terrible economic crisis, where the salary is a little more than a dollar; a salary that is not enough to cover any of our expenses, it is a sacrifice to buy food, clothes, shoes, and stop counting; The first thing that came to mind, if I had $ 100, was that I would make a good market, since it is a sacrifice every day to bring food to our table.
Sí, absolutamente una idea brillante, después de todo, no puedes comer ropa y zapatos.
Yes absolutely a brilliant idea- after all you can't eat clothes and shoes
I kept thinking, and realized that I need clothes and shoes, which I haven't been able to buy for a long time; Ah but then I remembered that I have some appliances, like the blender, the washing machine and the damaged air conditioning; So I decided that if I had $ 100, the best way to spend them would be to fix some of them, since they are very necessary in the house and that not even collecting the salary of a year could repair them, much less replace them with new ones, so I would definitely take that money to put some of them into operation.
Utilice siempre el dinero para hacer la vida más fácil, especialmente en estos tiempos, cuando la vida es tan difícil para todos en todas partes.
¡Gran respuesta y espero que todo se haga realidad pronto!
Cuídate y mantente a salvo.
Always use money to make life easier- especially in these times, when life is so hard for everyone every where.
Great answer and I hope that it all comes true for you soon!
Take care and stay safe.
Bueno, sin una vida sana y feliz, no hay nada.
Solo hay hambre constante, infelicidad y una vida agotadora.
¡Buena suerte y que disfrutes tu cena!