Excelente publicación, realmente resaltaste la importancia de ambas fuentes y concordamos de cual es la más importante. Y tu personaje de ficción exteriormente es muy parecido a ti😅pareciera tu emoji. Te deseo suerte en el concurso. Bendiciones y suerte en el concurso🤗🙏🏻🌷.
Excellent post, you really highlighted the importance of both sources and we agree which one is the most important. And your fictional character outwardly is very similar to you - your emoji would look like. I wish you luck in the contest. Blessings and luck in the contest🤗🙏🏻🌷.
Hello dear @cochanet. How are you ? It was a perfect timing about the character Merida that can be a similar of who I am. Thank you for dropping by here and can't wait to your entries too. Have a great day.