Ladies of Hive Community Contest #12// ¡DESCANSAR!

Imagen de la portada del concurso.


Soy Lelys 🤝 BIENVENIDOS 🌷 Feliz año linda comunidad #ladiesofhive. Me complace participar en este nuevo reto propiciado por ustedes. Me encantaría leer el post de @linita respondiendo alguna de las preguntas o ambas. Si te animas a hacerlo por acá comparto las Reglas

I'm Lelys 🤝 WELCOME 🌷 Happy new year, beautiful #ladiesofhive community. I am pleased to participate in this new challenge promoted by you. I would love to read @linita's post answering either question or both. If you dare to do it here I share the rukes


Me ha llamado muchísimo la atención la primera pregunta. Justo el día de hoy conversé sobre el inmenso deseo que tengo de descansar. ¡Siento que me lo merezco!
Esta es la pregunta:

The first question caught my attention. Just today I talked about the immense desire I have to rest. I feel like I deserve it! This is the question:


💘 Por decisión propia a los 19 años de edad me embaracé. Desde ese momento no he parado de hacer mil cosas. Estoy satisfecha porque iniciar la maternidad temprano me ha sido muy beneficioso. Si embargo y a pesar de que mis hijos están ya mayores, me siento agotada. Es por ello que Requiero más tiempo en mi vida para descansar. No tiene que ser muy largo ya que me gusta estar activa. Lo aprovecharía para dormir ¡tengo mucho sueño!

💘 By my own decision at 19 years of age I got pregnant. Since that moment I have not stopped doing a thousand things. I am satisfied because starting motherhood early has been very beneficial for me. However, despite the fact that my children are older, I feel exhausted. That is why ** I require more time in my life to rest. ** It doesn't have to be very long since I like to be active. I would use it to sleep, I'm very sleepy!


🐾 No amerito viajar ni trasladarme a ningún otro lugar fuera de mi hogar, bastaría con desentenderme del mundo por un par de días. Tener suficiente comida preparada con sus respectivas meriendas. Disponer de agua tibia en los grifos y disfrutar de absoluto silencio. Es posible que no haga uso de la tecnología, aún no lo decido.

🐾 I do not deserve to travel or move to any other place outside my home, it would be enough to ignore the world for a couple of days. Have enough food prepared with their respective snacks. Have warm water in the taps and enjoy absolute silence. I may not make use of technology, I have not decided yet.



💘 El ser humano necesita espacios para la reflexión. Siempre he deseado hacer un retiro espiritual guiado por especialistas. En ocasiones anteriores, descansar significaba hacer un viaje a un lugar nuevo, fuera de la ciudad, visitar el mar, respirar aire puro y pelear contra el viento. Ahora mi ser necesita otro tipo de descanso. ¿Será pedir mucho si deseo un par de días sólo para dormir, comer y asearme? ¡No lo creo! Dios permita que mi deseo se haga realidad. Qué pronto pueda tener la dicha de disfrutar de un merecido descanso.

💘 Human beings need spaces for reflection. I have always wanted to do * a spiritual retreat * guided by specialists. In the past, resting meant taking a trip to a new place, outside the city, visiting the sea, breathing fresh air, and fighting the wind. Now my being needs another kind of rest. Is it asking a lot if I want a couple of days just to sleep, eat and wash? I do not think so! God allow my wish to come true. How soon can you have the joy of enjoying a well-deserved rest.


🙏 Gracias amigas de la comunidad #ladiesofhive por brindarme la oportunidad de un desahogo.

🙏 Thank you friends of the #ladiesofhive community for giving me the opportunity to vent.


📸 Fotos editadas con Polish y Textgram. Uso siempre traductor de Google. Se les quiere un montón.

📸 Photos edited with Polish and Textgram. I always use Google translator. They are loved a lot.


🙏 @eve66 por los reparadores.


Yeah, it seems that a spiritual retreat can do anyone good! Have you tried going to one?

Hi. I have not tried. It is possible that here in my country there are, I think it would be something expensive for me. I know of private relaxation centers. No spiritual retreat.

You can access many retreats... for free... via the web! 🥰🌺🤙 !ENGAGE

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A space for reflection is a need indeed for me some days that hive

Hi. Yes. It really is necessary. We should include it as a habit from children. Just as they teach us to take a nap or eat a snack. As adults we would be very grateful.

This why I have special places to in nature to go and reflect on matters, pray, make difficult decisions, or just to go there and turn off my phone for an hour. Take in the beauty of my favorite place, think about what things I have accomplished and being thankful is a positive start.


It would be extraordinary for me to be able to do so. I merit this break very few times. It would be the third time in my life that I feel so tired. But this time I want to be totally alone. And sleep a lot. There is not much to ponder but a great desire to sleep. Sleep a lot. Thank you very much for your comment.

Saludos @creacioneslelys me encanta que necesites tiempo para descansar y respirar al aire libre, no muchos valoran la naturaleza y el descanso también se amerita en nuestras vidas. Muchos éxitos en el concurso.