Hello everybody,
Ladies of Hive is a recently born community which in my opinion has great potential. The community presents itself in this way: “Our mission is to empower and encourage female/feminine/femme-identifying voices on Hive. We are here to support, uplift, and learn from one another. We believe female voices and ideas should find equal representation in all corners of the blockchain. This is an inclusive space and we welcome all who also support this vision". What are you waiting for? Subscribe you too!
This beautiful community is also active from a contest point of view! Unfortunately, I missed the first one they made, but you can read about it here.
For this week, however, the request is to answer one of the following questions: If you were an animal, which would you be and why? / What's on your bucketlist? / What are your best and worst character traits and do you have the courage to post your selfie?
I decided to answer the wish list question.
Photo by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay
Here we go!
- For those who don't know, I attend the university, and so my first wish on this list is to finish my studies. It is an uphill road, because I would like to graduate in Pharmacology and it is a path that lasts several years, at the moment I am only at the 5th!;
- The second wish is about our beautiful Blockchain! I really like Hive and would like to invest more time in this platform. In particular, I would like to reach 100 posts written (at the moment there are about 60) and increase my Hive Power. The community in which I am most active is certainly Discovery-it, where I take care of curation, I participate in the Witness project and much more, and I strongly believe in our Team. Nevertheless, I would also like to meet new people and communities, so I am very happy to participate in initiatives such as the Ladies of Hive one;
- One of the activities I love most is traveling and one thing I would like to be able to do within the next year (Coronavirus permitting) would be to travel outside Europe! In fact, until now, at the age of 23, I have never left my continent and I think it is very important to take a trip overseas!;
- I've been wanting to learn a new language for some time now, Spanish! This is because it is the second most spoken language in the world and therefore I think it is very useful. Furthermore, I find many similarities with Italian, my mother tongue;
- Those who know me know that I follow a plant-based diet, for this reason I also want to include the possibility of learning new tasty recipes in my wish list to share with you friends of Hive of course!;
- When the restriction regulations caused by Coronavirus are over, I would definitely like to return to visit museums and buy concert tickets! My last concert was in December 2019 and a lot of time has passed, I miss dancing and singing to rock and metal notes!;
- Every year I try to expand my collection of plants, especially carnivorous plants. So, the last item on my wish list belongs to the world of gardening! I would like to be able to find some interesting rare plants and hybrids to be able to carry out all my studies and experiments.
The list would be still very long, the ideas are numerous!
To participate in this contest it is also required to invite another woman to the Ladies of Hive community, and therefore I couldn't help but think about @flewsplash! It is an Italian girl passionate about photography who gives us magical moments with her posts, as she is gifted with great talent!
I was pleased to tell you something about me, I hope it was an interesting read, let me know what you think!
See you next time,
Ciao a tutti,
Ladies of Hive è una community nata di recente e che secondo me ha delle grandi potenzialità. Si descrive così “La nostra missione è potenziare e incoraggiare le voci femminili/di persone che si identificano così su Hive. Siamo qui per sostenerci, elevarci e imparare gli uni dagli altri. Crediamo che le voci e le idee femminili dovrebbero trovare la stessa rappresentazione in tutti gli angoli della blockchain. Questo è uno spazio inclusivo e diamo il benvenuto a tutti coloro che condividono questa visione”. Cosa stai aspettando? Iscriviti anche tu!
Questa bellissima community è attiva anche dal punto di vista dei contest! Purtroppo, mi sono persa il primo che hanno realizzato, ma potete leggere qualcosa a riguardo qui.
Per questa settimana invece, la richiesta è di rispondere a una delle seguenti domande: Se fossi un animale, quale saresti e perché? / Cosa si trova nella tua lista dei desideri? / Quali sono i tuoi tratti migliori e peggiori e hai coraggio di pubblicare un tuo selfie?
Ho deciso di rispondere alla domanda relativa alla lista dei desideri.
Foto di congerdesign da Pixabay
- Per quelli che non lo sanno, sono una studentessa universitaria, e quindi il mio primo desiderio di questa lista è concludere gli studi. È una strada tutta in salita, perché mi piacerebbe laurearmi in Farmacologia ed è un percorso che dura svariati anni, al momento sono solo al 5°!;
- Il secondo desiderio riguarda la nostra bella Blockchain! Mi piace moltissimo Hive e vorrei investire più tempo in questa piattaforma. In particolare, vorrei arrivare a quota 100 posts scritti (al momento sono circa 60) e incrementare il mio Hive Power. La community in cui sono più attiva è di certo Discovery-it, dove mi occupo di fare curation, partecipo al progetto della Witness e molto altro, e credo molto nel nostro Team. Ciò nonostante, mi piacerebbe conoscere anche persone e community nuove, quindi sono molto felice di partecipare a iniziative come quella di Ladies of Hive;
- Una delle attività che amo di più è viaggiare e una cosa che vorrei riuscire a fare entro il prossimo anno (Coronavirus permettendo) sarebbe viaggiare al di fuori dall’Europa! Infatti, fino ad adesso, all’età di 23 anni, non sono mai uscita dal mio continente e penso che sia molto importante fare un viaggio oltre-oceano!;
- È da un po’ di tempo che ho il desiderio di imparare una nuova lingua, lo spagnolo! Questo perché è la seconda lingua più parlata al mondo e quindi penso sia molto utile. Inoltre, trovo molte somiglianze con l’italiano, la mia lingua madre;
- Chi mi conosce sa che seguo una dieta a base vegetale, per questo motivo nella mia lista dei desideri voglio anche inserire la possibilità di imparare nuove ricette gustose da condividere ovviamente con voi amici di Hive!;
- Quando le normative di restrizione causate da Coronavirus saranno terminate, sicuramente mi piacerebbe tornare a visitare musei e comprare biglietti peri i concerti! Il mio ultimo concerto è stato a dicembre 2019 ed è passato un bel po’ di tempo, ne sento la mancanza;
- Ogni anno cerco di ampliare la mia collezione di piante, in particolare le piante carnivore. Quindi, l’ultimo oggetto della mia lista dei desideri appartiene proprio al mondo del giardinaggio! Mi piacerebbe riuscire a trovare qualche pianta rara e ibridi interessanti per poter portare avanti tutti i miei studi ed esperimenti.
La lista sarebbe ancora molto lunga, le idee sono numerose!
Per partecipare a questo contest è anche richiesto di invitare un’altra donna alla community Ladies of Hive, e dunque non ho potuto fare a meno di pensare a @flewsplash! Si tratta di una ragazza italiana appassionata di fotografia che ci regala momenti magici con i suoi posts, in quanto è dotata di grande talento!
Mi ha fatto piacere raccontarvi qualcosa di me, spero che sia stata una lettura interessante, fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate!
Alla prossima,
Now this are great things to wish for, and to learn about. I am vegetarian, but I do eat egss and cheese. So not completely plant-based. Really would love to read some recipes from you. And I can relate to the travel wishes. I think we all hope it will better soon!
Wow, very interesting! This beautiful blockchain never ceases to amaze me 😍 I'm always happy to find new people with common interests. Thanks for passing by on my Blog, I wish you a great day ❤️
Fantastic! A comprehensive and concise list and in ways expresses the kind of person you are. Carnivorous plants? Like Venus flytraps, Sundews and Pitcher plants. An interesting preference. I knew an old highschool friend way back who kept a few plants like those.
Thank you for sharing, good luck @delilhavores and Welcome to Ladies of Hive.
Thank you very much for the comment, I really appreciate it 😊
Yes, I just love this type of plant. I started only with Sarracenia, but then I also fell in love with Dionea (Venus flytraps) and Drosera, other very interesting botanical species. I really like this world and it also gives me enormous satisfaction 😍
I'm very happy about that, thank you 😊
@delilhavores I was literally getting emotional while reading the last lines of this wonderful and insightful post. Thanks a million really for your support and your extremely kind words.
Also, I think #ladiesofhive is an amazing project and I thank you even more for inviting me. I have to think deeply to write my wishlist and keep it short because it'd become way longer than expected ahah :) I love yours, especialy when you say you miss live music concerts and would love to go travel overseas - I completely relate in both cases! Live music scenario is such a shame on these pandemic days, hopefully it's getting better in 2021 (fingers crossed). About traveling, I was wondering where you wanna go first, east or west outside Europe? Also (last!) how long have you been vegan and why did you choose to do it? I'm trying to eliminate animal-food when possible, and I'm getting inspiration from people who already went through this so I'm kinda curious about you as well :) one more time, thanks again in advance also for your reply!
Heyy 😊❤️
Thank you very much for the feedback, I'm glad that you liked the mention!
I totally agree with you! At first it seemed complicated but then, while i was writing, I realized that the ideas came out on their own. There are so many things to do and I don't know if one life is enough ahahah!
Asia inspires me a lot, I would definitely like to go to India, Thailand and Japan first of all. But the other side must also be splendid: Canada, United States of America, Cuba, Mexico ... It's really hard to decide, but you have to start somewhere! 🤣✈️
Wooow! What an important question. I started eliminating meat and fish about 5 years ago (almost 6) and I must say that it was one of the best choices of my life. I am very comfortable with this diet and feel even better physically. I started mainly for environmental issues, related to the consumption of non-renewable resources such as water and soil, for which animal husbandry is really harmful. But then, over the years, I have also better understood the ethical aspect of the vegetarian diet and I have also begun to eliminate "secondary" products such as leather clothing, cosmetic products tested on animals, etc ... In short, I adopted a lifestyle more sustainable at 360 degrees 😊
Thank you very much for your interest, I wish you a beautiful day 🙂 see you soon!
Ciao delilha
Thank you for joining the ladies of hive and on to 100 blogs
Thank you very much ❤️ I received a very warm welcome!
Thats what we do, and empower women is a must
Hai una fantastica lista di cose da fare lì @delilhavores.
Tante cose fantastiche da realizzare, ma sembra che tu sia sulla buona strada per raggiungerle tutte.
Sfortunatamente non posso aiutarti a ottenere la tua laurea in Farmacologia, ma posso indicarti una buona direzione qui nell'Alveare per alcuni meravigliosi pasti a base di piante condivisi dagli alveari di tutto il mondo qui nella comunità #FoodiesBeehive https: // peakd. com / c / hive-120586 / ha creato e ci sono anche alcune ricette davvero deliziose.
Per quanto riguarda l'apprendimento dello spagnolo, ci sono tanti modi gratuiti ed economici per farlo, ma il migliore è usare google translate e tenere una copia delle tue conversazioni dall'italiano allo spagnolo a tutti. È così che sto rinfrescando la mia memoria ora. e poi puoi persino digitare le parole e i termini che usi nei tuoi studi di farmacologia e impararli anche in spagnolo!
è un piacere conoscerti Delilha e non vedo l'ora di rivederti presto.😀
You have a great bucket list there @delilhavores.
So many fantastic things for you to accomplish, but it sounds like you're well on your way to achieving them all.
Unfortunately I cannot help you gain your Pharmacology degree, but I can point you in a good direction here in the Hive for some wonderful plant based meals shared to us by hiveans from around the world here in the #FoodiesBeehive community https://peakd.com/c/hive-120586/created and there are some seriously delicious recipes in there too.
As for learning Spanish, there are so many free and cheap ways to do it, but the best is to use google translate and keep a copy of you Italian to Spanish conversations to everyone. That's how I'm refreshing my memory now. and then you can even type in the words and terms that you use in your Pharamacology studies and learn them in Spanish too!
so nice to meet you Delilha and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Wow!! Thanks for your comment 🥰 I really appreciate your support!! I think google translate would be a nice idea for beginners, but I'd like to study grammar and all the other things in a more "traditional" way! 😊
I really hope you're right 😍
Thank you for passing by on my Blog, I wish you a nice day 😊
Yeah you are absolutely right, the traditional way is the best way- in person or in a class room, which is better than a language app, but then for those that can't do either, google translate can be beneficial too.
As long at it's something.
I used to live in the rainforest with no power- so no tv, no nothing and I worked at a backpackers, so I lined my entire walls with paper, drew columns down each sheet, wrote a list of English words form the ceiling down to the floor on the first column, then every time I had backpackers come to my place to visit or stay (which was a lot) I got them to write down their matching words and then practice it with them.
SO I had Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese and Thai.
I then went back to p/t school at the age of 35 and learnt, Mandarin, French and Japanese, which was great in the classroom, and it really helped me working in the hospitality industry.
I actually learnt Japanese when I was 15, but that was a long time ago, so it was good to relearn it again at 35 too.
Unfortunately, I do not get a chance to practice any of these language IRL, but I listen to them on my phone all of the time when I am walking somewhere instead of music, which keeps most of the words alive in my mind, so one day when I do get the chance to go to Europe, it will be easy for me to pick up the language again.
And having been to Thailand twice since then, it was a great way to be familiar with some of the words before learning Thai while I was there.
So I take the opportunity to keep learning and refresh my mind however that presents itself, but ofcourse I do prefer to learn IRL- especially if I can go there and lean in person- that is the absolute best way to learn anything- hands on. 😀
What an interesting story! Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with me. I really admire the effort you made in learning all those new languages, I think it's a very beautiful and also useful thing. I'd like to have a little bit of your courage ahahah! If you want to speak and keep your Italian trained we can chat a bit whenever you want 😊
Oh Grazia!
Molto, MOLTO Bueno! 😀
So much to learn... and you have it all down pat! It is exciting, and I can't with to hear about your progress, through the years!
I really appreciate your support 🥰 thanks for the kind words!! I'm happy that you liked my post 😊
Mi trovi sulla stessa lunghezza d’onda! In realtà avevo già messo a punto di trasferirmi un periodo in Spagna proprio per questo motivo prima delle varie restrizioni sugli spostamenti di inizio anno, ho fatto diversi soggiorni brevi in passato nei Paesi Baschi e la lingua si assimila molto presto sia come ascolto che come parlato, ciò che manca è ovviamente la grammatica che necessita un periodo a scuola...temo però che se ne riparlerà appena ad Aprile dell’anno prossimo 😩😩
Anche secondo me i tempi sono piuttosto lunghi purtroppo! Ma intanto abbiamo i buoni propositi ahah!
Grazie per essere passato, mi fa molto piacere ricevere qualche commento 🤩 ti auguro una buona giornata 😊
It is positive to see these activities to support the feminine side of the community, there is a lot of special talent in these girls, greetings to all
Thank you very much 😊 I wish you a great day!
Thank you very much for the support 😊 I subscribed the Community and followed you 😎
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.I like your bucket list idea and idea of empowering all ladies together.
I agree with you, I think it's a great project ❤ thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it, greetings 😊
ciao hai appena ricevuto un voto dal sottoscritto. Riceverai altri voti interessanti a breve! Un saluto!
Grazie mille per il supporto 😊💖