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RE: Last Child of Fourteen (14) Kids – Ladies of Hive Contest #52

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

I am indeed motivated by your post and i see women topping and making it in academics. Is it bad that i have no passion for school at all? Like, i top my grades and i have never been anything but top three but i just can't bring myself to study the way i want to. The way that'll make me come out the top in university. Currently at my 300L and i feel like i would break. Is there anything i am doing wrong? or is there something i should be doing more?


Dear @deraaa, I believe the most important thing is having a passion for learning as opposed to going to school. Learning is a life-long process. Life itself is a practical school we live in everyday of our lives. Develop a passion for wanting to learn things and you've hacked the process. Regardless of whatever school you find yourself in, the constant thing is you are always open-minded and willing to learn. This would take you very far in life. I wish you all the very best in all you set forth to do my dear @deraaa.

Thank you... ❤️

Most definitely welcome.