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RE: LOH contest[115] : Upholding my family bond come 2023

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

We mostly suffer from distance when it comes to family. I also have my relatives in a different state. I only know few of my cousins and the rest, well... too far. The truth is family is almost always the reason for actions we make. We either want to make them proud or make them great...all in all, family is everything. Nice post.


It might seem discouraging you know....but it's fine
We keep trying our best
We keep fighting


But come to think if it, why is it always so? Why don't we know most of our cousins?

Take for instance, I have a very an extended family with lots of relatives yet,I know only about ten of my cousins.

The distance is just something else.

You even know ten? LOL. Mine isn't up to. And we plenty.

Just terrible 😅

Do have a great day.