I love what you have become! You are you and nobody can take that away from you. I enjoyed @meesterboom's parents. I hope they weren't too disappointed! :) I tried really hard to not put any stress on my kids when they were young to do everything and become involved in everything. Because we lived all over the world, they had a hard enough time growing up and feeling like they belonged - no extra stress needed.
I think you did it perfectly for you, there is nobody else that is quite like you, everyone is unique and so I am happy that you don't find a need to be just a faded copy. I love these pieces that were put forth at the #LadiesofHive contest and I went to do one last night and found the contest was over, so, I passed.
I was afraid it wouldn't be read as it was over.
I love that you did it and I love your story. I have actually always wondered about you because of your name! And now I know!
Thank you!
Thanks for your lovely comment Denise. I think living in different countries definitely broadens one's horizon and it seems like it's becoming more and more common nowadays as the world is becoming a much smaller place. Personally for me, I think I have benefitted from it, having both the Asian and British perspective of things, so I consider myself very lucky in that regard. I'm sure your kids do as well.
This was actually an impromptu post, had absolutely no idea where I was going with it when I started, but I'm so glad that I was able to talk about some things that I hadn't intended to. Maybe when the time is right for you, you can write yours as well. Contest or no contest, I'm sure it won't matter, the Ladies of Hive community always has so much engagement!!!
It's true. They have great contests too and I cannot believe that they pass me by, it has been crazy since COVID started. Crazy, right? It should have given me more time.
I am glad that you did yours also, I was intrigued by your name and knew there was a story behind it, but, it is the history of your family and how you were brought up that still intrigues me. Speaking purely from your parents being first-generation Asian.
Thank you again! I may just do that. I will be like whistling in the wind now that the contest is over, but, I'm not sure that bothers me. :))
Hive on, my friend!