So many days late... Sorry, but when I saw this, I had to reply! Yes to everything. The worst experience any woman can have is going shopping for a bra.
Until you find that you should be measured. I am measured every time. I also found something new a few years ago. Having them custom-made. Do you want to talk about slipping into something comfortable? Depending on where you buy it, some are less than 50% more, but, hello? So worth it.
I had trouble with my straps falling down. So annoying. Now, not a problem.
Yeah, I think investing in a good bra is definitely worth it.
Also, to find the right style that goes with various outfits!
Ha! The only thing I can think of that is probably equally annoying is having a mosquito buzz at my ear 😡
Thank you so much for the tip! I really appreciate it, even though you didn't have to 🌸