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RE: Because I Am a She

in Ladies of Hive9 months ago

the stereotyping is still happening here in my place, but it changed quite a lot recently, and I will try to teach my son that house work knows no gender, and it should be done regardless of gender.

But I need to learned about wood working from you, mine is just not that good. !LOLZ


It's awesome when things change for the better. Kudos to you for teaching your son. He will grow up to be a wonderful man :)

As to woodworking, I'm just experimenting, lol! No one taught me to be honest. I learned things on my own. Sometimes we just have to let our imagination work hehe.


He will grow up to be a wonderful man :)

fingers cross. ; )

I spent most of my day off working on the small project, and yes a little bit of imagination, and a lot of sweat, since things are not as easy as it seems.