LOH Community Contest #162 ~ The Future Holds Much More

in Ladies of Hivelast year

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Which would you prefer: to be able to see the future or to be able to see the past?

I have a friend who always says, "The past is gone, we are left with the future"

Although we might have made a mistake in our past, and we wish we could correct our past, but we can not, we can only work to make the future better, that is we learn, unlearn, and relearn, so we do not make the same mistake we made in the past, in the future.

In essence, I am saying, that for someone who knows she has made a lot of mistakes in her past, and wished she could turn back the hands of times, to be able to correct her past and maybe choose a better path than what she is with right now, I wouldn't trade knowing or seeing what the future holds for me than seeing the past that I had longed passed because I have a fear for "future", especially since I can not predict what life holds for me, but can only do my best in making the future a better place for myself and everyone around me.

I mean, that is the truth about life, we all are working for a better tomorrow but none of us holds the key to what awaits us tomorrow or even a few minutes from now except the Supreme Being who created each of us, so why want to worry myself about the past that is already gone and maybe wasted or not, when I could just see the future and make amends or do something different with the knowledge I have.

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Why would I want to see the past, when it has happened, and has come and left, when I could take that time and see my future, to know what to do, how to do it, and when to do a particular thing to get to where I need to be in this life while on earth, I mean to be useful with the time I have left on earth.

I could use the time to check how to remain purposeful and of course, use my potential to the full strength and knowledge, how I could remain happy throughout the years of life on earth, how to live the best life, how to make money from different streams and many more.

I know seeing the past is important but I believe seeing the future is more important and valuable. The knowledge of the past could help me but the truth is, it is gone and good thing I know what I did back then, but the fact that I know nothing about the future even freaks me more because the fear of what I don't know can kill me faster than the fear of what I know. The future isn't in our hands but the past is because we all came out from there, but the future, is more like a puzzle, we all are trying to do the right thing, which we aren't even sure of to be able to get there, many saw the past but not all will see the future.

So, I would prefer to see the future than see the past, I walked out of. Whole or starters, it doesn't matter anymore because I am out of the past.

This is my entry to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #162


Indeed the past is gone and gone for good. It's irrelevant whether it was pleasant or unpleasant..it is gone and time lost cannot be recovered again

Yeah... It's the future for me

Yeah,i will always prefer to see my future and know how to make a better version of myself.

The past remains the past because nothing can be done about it. But one can define his future based on past mistakes and experiences in life

The past is gone and thinking of changing is just... I don't know. Our mistakes make us what we are. Are opportunities to learn.

The past is gone, even the bible affirms old things are past away

The future is still with us, brand new, so it is better to start enjoying it and if we could take a look at it, so much the better.


We never know what the future holds for us, but the past remains the past because nothing can change.