Very nice sis! Ours has always had besides farm equipment, a huge double tank stainless steel milk tanker! This is after all, dairy country!
Very pretty! We haven't gone to ours in several years as it's usually raining, but for the last 2 because of covid. I'm glad you enjoyed yours. Thanks for sharing!🌸🤗😘💕🎄🎅
I haven't seen a double tank stainless steel milk tanker!
Ours was cancelled last year due to restrictions on covid. This year it was allowed. And pretty much everyone was wearing masks, and being outdoors wasn't as bad.
It was very well attended.
So much holiday noise, honking of horns, laughter, cheers... I guess everyone was happy we had it this year!!!
It there is anyone I'd like to share this with, it is with you!
I hope you enjoyed our little parade.
click here and you will see one! Got milk?🐄
Your parade was quite nice sis! Thanks for sharing!
(2/5) gave you