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RE: A continual comedy of errors - contest number #149

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

This was one of my mild moments 🤣 This is how we learn.

That's what I was thinking when I remembered that debate, that I was streets ahead even at the age of 11. I'm so glad this was long before the days of YouTube and FacePalm.

Haven't spoken to her in eons. Not intending to either. Some bridges are better burnt and never rebuilt 😁


Your sister sure misses out on connecting with a great storyteller.

The days before...
I know all about it
I only got my first email address and cellphone when I went to Uni. It was the beginning of the end... ;^)

At least we can reminisce back on those days. Where seatbelts were an option, jungle gyms were made over a concrete surface and kids were much tougher back then because we had to be to survive.

I wonder how my sister would tell this story if she had the opportunity to 🤣 It would probably also be funny but in a different way. She did have a good sense of humour, I'll give her that.

What was your first cell phone? Was it a Nokia? 😜

Haha! We sure win, when it comes to toughness/ resilience, allthough it wasn't always fun, back in the days, and we have a lot of work to do ( on ourselves ) as adults.

Once upon a time,
in the year 2000,

I got my first cellphone.

I don't even remember its brand

( Philips? if they even made phones )

what I do know, is that it was ugly and huge.

My twin sister got the same one. It happened on our 19th bday ( as we had just started Uni and our parents wanted us to stay in touch ).

We didn't ask for it and felt ashamed tor this ugly piece of technology.

I think I would have had preferred a Nokia, at least those had Snake on it ..

Oh the good ol' days of the payphone...