Lockdown, baking and prepares for X-mas

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago (edited)
Hello Hivers, how are you during this december? The omicron is all over Norway and it's new records for infected ones every day. A lot of (unvaccinated) people are in hospitals and it's actually really bad in Norway. And it was a really bad timing for the omicron to arrive too because xmas is around the corner.

We made porridge (grøt) just because we had to do something that looks like xmas. It's tradition with having an almond in the porridge and the one who finds it wins something... usually the winner gets a marzipan pig. I'm not joking.

It's not really a lockdown with closed stores (I would have been without a job if it was closed!), everything is opened like it's used to but we have to use masks everywhere we go, and be less than 20 people at home (if we can stay 1 meter away from each other), and schools and kindergarten are closing earlier for xmas break and we should be with as little people as we can. There are illegal to serve alcohol at bars and restaurants. I think this is the worst thing, because the bars and restaurants earn nothing without the possibility to serve alcohol.

Anyways, this means that we need something to do while everything fun I had planned in now canceled.

The one thing I was looking forward to do is to fix my nails (because I overslept for my appointment last Saturday). Luckily I found someone that was good at doing nails, and effective. I always have natural nailpolish on. But I wanted to try out ombre nails with a touch of glitter.

Did it turn out good? I really love my xmas nails!

The one thing I'm concerned about is my plan to celebrate xmas

at home with my mom and dad. We didn't celebrate at home last year because of covid, and it was too dangerous to go home when no ones was vaccinated. My mom have low immunsystem and are in real danger if she gets a bad flu too. My mom and dad have both the third vaccine and my mom always takes the flu vaccine every year. I have therefore prepared myself for some isolation, wearing a mask all the time and a few covid tests, and it will result in I can go home without any concerns to celebrate xmas at home.

Some xmas movies are much needed, and as always it's watched on Disney+.

I haven't baked and made a lot of xmas cookies or anything this year,

and it wasn't the plan either, but it looks like I have to do it now, just to not sit and watch Bob's Burger all day long. Haha!😅

Luckily did I find dough for making ginger bread (I really hate to make this dough myself), so me and @pusen made ginger bread on thursday!

It's beginning to look a lot like xmas. We have a tradition to drink xmas soda (A Norwegian thing), bake ginger bread and listen to xmas music. Very cozy!

I have for months now wanted to eat some good cheese and biscuit.

So we finally made the time this saturday to buy some good cheese, grapes, and buscuit. The cheeses was brie, some italian old cheese (dolce), and the best cheese in the world: Fanaost. It's actually true, this cheese won a worldwide contest.

Cheese on ginger bread tastes actually really good. You must try it.

I love wine. And I usually can't decide what I want to drink

I wrote earlier about the wines I bought for December... well, I had to buy more. Even tho I got 12 wines/cavas in my "cellar" (wardrobe, hehe), I wasn't pleased with what I was going to drink this xmas. So I had to buy something more. The reason may be because we don't give presents this xmas (or the youngest ones are of course getting presents), but we have a deal on giving food, drinks and the kids can make something is all good. I have felt like xmas presents just are a game of switching presents.

ANYWAYS, I decided to buy these two:


I had them both on my wish list.

I have been recommended them both from a wine podcast. Ferrari was told as a cheap wine who actually tastes a little bit like Champagne. And that is a huge pluss. Cremant de Jura is also in the same league. Cremant is also something I want to drink/taste more of, so I'm really excited for these two! I have tasted some really good Cremant (never a bad one really), so maybe I should challenge myself to buy more of these.

It's important to know that I don't drink a lot in front of the kids, and I'm really serious about not the kids to see a change in personality because of alcohol. I usually never drink on xmas eve when kids are around!

Have you prepared anything for xmas?

Have corona hit hard in your country?


I see you take things from the media without questioning anything... It's been two years, maybe time to start putting pieces together, digging a little deeper. All the best. 🙏

The media? I take things from research and scientists, those who are educated in this field. I don't even know why you comment this, it's unnecessary.

I know nurses who work with those who have corona in hospitals, and the nurses say it's very terrible. It's really bad! The nurses don't take lunch breaks, they can't go home for holidays and they are overworked because of korona and way too may people in the hospitals because of it. It's really bad.

Let's just agree to disagree, I don't want to argue on something I know we wouldn't agree on anyways. 😅

Normally, I just skip through when I read it, but I like curating your posts so I was called to respond. I mean we do listen to the official narrative 24/7 so it won't hurt to hear different opinion. 😁
If you study psychology and spirituality you'll know that fear alone will make people sick. When the fear is broadcasted all day long and people succumb to it, imagine what can happen. Instead of being told to eat healthy food, get outside in the sun, connect with each other, have positive mindsets - we are told exactly the opposite. How has it worked out so far? It's a well designed system to usher in a new world order. Norway is over 80% vaxxed and the situation is worse than ever! It's not because of the other ones, or the new "strains". We can't trust those who put us in this position in the last two years. Not the researchers or doctors because they have no clue or are a part of the problem. Not even those who speak against it, including me. At this point you should only trust yourself as you develop your intuition. 😉💪

Omicron have arrived, and that may be the reason. It's a lot of kids in the kidnergarten who is infected now, and they are so young they don't keep the distance to other kids too. And the kids infects their parents etc. And it's a well known fact that the vaccine doesn't work as good after 90 days, so thats the reason we get a 3th dose now. Some haven't take the second dose either, or it's a long time since they took it and that may result in easily to get infected. 80% have the first dose, 71% have the second dose and only 14% have the third or a refreshment vaccine . Source: Our world in data

We also have a tradition to arrange "julebord" (translated: xmastable) with the job in November and December. It's a dinner (and a party) with all the colleague from work. One example is from a xmastable at a restaurant in Oslo where 110 people were infected (I don't remember if it was omicron on everyone, or just some of them). 70 of them was at the one xmastable. So there is a lot of factors why there is so much infected people now in Norway than before.

The government have also said it's important to not isolate and go out and do things with others, but keep the distance. The gym is still open too. Every Norwegian know that the winter is a dark time, and we don't get as much sunlight as a normal person should have, and that is the reason why we call it "winter depression" cause the lack of sunlight. Northen Norway haven't sunlight almost at all during the winter. Winter months here is also cold, and that results in that we are more inside and that is the reason why it's easily infect other people.

If you knew me you would know that I work out and eat healthy, and I have to do it because I want to have energy, be happy, live a long and good life and keep my own illness under control.

I respect your opinion. But this is what I know from trustworthy sources. And just because you don't agree with me, it doesn't mean I don't trust myself.

Thanks for the input! I do know about the dark autumns and winters in Norway, mainly through the metal music scene in which you guys are the best. :D
It all comes down to which perspective you use to look at things - for example if you knew that colds and flews are just a body's way of detoxing accumulated waste and toxins, you wouldn't be scared of this natural process. It's the same thing with this "virus". Viruses are created internally as a result of toxicity, to clean it. Now all bad people need to do is create a toxic environment (which they can do in so many ways including the mentioned fear propaganda) to create detox symptoms in people who then go and take false tests and start believing they are sick. People are not designed to make each other sick, it's a dishonest way to give up responsibility for our own well being.
Ask yourself why none of those who promote the pandemic has come out for debate with someone who knows different. In two years, in any country! Just censorship. It's all a stage. I would ask them 100+ questions that would destroy their narrative cause they wouldn't be able to explain it. News titles and articles like "this many got infected here" are fabricated.
Once again, I'm not saying there's no more people in hospitals than usual. It's no surprise that during winter we can see the increase given all the things you mentioned like no sunshine and winter depression. But the cause is not what they say. If it's so transmittable we would all get it in less than two weeks. Yet none of the people I know or follow had issues in the past two years. How is that even possible (I follow zero measures personally)? My mom was "positive" last year and I was with her all the time and got nothing and she had a cough for one day.
It's taking a long time for people to realize that this is a well thought out plan slowly executed and not just an unlucky situation we got in because some Chinese guy ate a bat. Epidemics don't work like that otherwise humanity would have been extinct ages ago because we had no "modern medicine" or media to tell us when to be afraid.
Please don't think I'm trying to tell you what to believe in - of course I respect everyone's opinion! I would probably think similar 5 years ago with the mindset and information I had. I'm just planting a seed that different possibilities are there that could explain things better instead of this circus they act in every day. No need to respond if this perspective doesn't resonate with you. 🙏😊

I see we are way different in so many ways, and we could have this conversation for ages. Can I ask in what country you live since you don't trust the goverment? 😌

I live in Serbia where we actually have proven criminals running the country. You can see why I wouldn't trust them with anything, not to mention my health. You have much better standard of living in Norway which I'm guessing is why you don't feel called to investigate/question this situation. But the same thing is everywhere - governments might have different approaches but the main agenda is the same. You see that in Australia people are held imprisoned! They are just pawns playing as the wealthiest few tell them. Govern-ment literally means mind control. They actually make these things obvious for those who want to see. Just like delta + omicron = media control. Plenty of well known people in Serbia have died after saying on national tv that they have been vaccinated, not to mention athletes falling down on the field almost every day. It's all there. It's a spiritual war, not just the wealth transfer. Just part of the reason why I try to speak my mind in these challenging times.

I read you with pleasure, here in Italy the situation it's similar to the Norway, too many unvaccinated people in the hospitals and mask everywhere, by the way II don't prepare nothing actually fir Christmas, it's close but we still don't have any plan but I love that you talk about cheese and wines, I love wines too and we brought some good bolgheri bottles for the Xmas celebration!! The cheap champagne looks cool I never hear about it but so cool

I'm so sorry! It's a lot of unvaccinated people in hospitals here too, and it's a lot based on how many that is vaccinated and those who are not.

I really love food and wine. I enjoy a good meal (and not always love to prepare it, haha). And when everything is canceled, I don't mind to spend a little bit extra on the good food. And the excuse is also: Do it. It's xmas! 😃

Ferrari is a cava, but I heard it tastes like champagne. I'm really excited to give this to my family for xmas. A wine entusiast, my friend, also bought it.

Italian wines is always a good idea! I haven't tried that part of italy so much, I'm always buying german wines because it's kind of safe. But maybe I have to have a New Year's resolution to try more Italian! 😃
Enjoy your wines, and lets hope corona take a chill pill real soon.

We're much the same over here in Australia...

My state, Queensland, has been very good with the virus! Hardly any outbreaks out all, life was normal, everything was open, no masks necessary. But then just a week ago the government opened up our state up to the rest of the country... and now we're getting so many cases of the virus, need to wear masks, can only enter certain shops and things if you can prove you're vaccinated...

Just in time for christmas! 🎅🎄

My christmas plans haven't been affected at least. Still plan making lots of yummy foods and seeing friends and having drinks and a good time. Unless they restrict gathering sizes in the next week... ☹️

(Some of those gingerbread shapes look interesting!!! 😅😂)

Wow, so you have to be vaccinated to enter? They have talked about it over here, but they don't think it's a part of the democracy at all. And I kind of agree, even tho it would be reaaaaally nice 😅 I remember they talked about making curfew legal during the first corona outbreak, but if we got a goverment in the futura that didn't want our best they could use the curfew in bad ways.

Hope corona just take a chill pill soon. It's great that your christmas plans haven't been affected! It's important to be social and have fun even tho it's a lot of bad things going on. But of course with distance and a mask hahaha.

Hahaha, I was hoping someone would recognize it! I actually removed it when I took the picture on snapchat, but my boyfriend put it back without me knowing before I took the picture for hive! HAHA.

Wow, so you have to be vaccinated to enter?

Yep! If you want to go out to a restaurant, bar, club, retail shop, museum, you need to be vaccinated. You can still go grocery shopping if you're not vaccinated, but most things are heavily restricted.

That gingerbread shape is fantastic! 😅 I want to buy some molds like that now. My partner will get a good laugh out of them. 😂

...but my boyfriend put it back without me knowing before I took the picture for hive! HAHA.

That's hilarious! 😆

I didn't know that anyone had that rule actually. But does it work well? What does the unvaccinated people say about that?😄

Most people are annoyed, of course, haha. Our state is about 80% vaccinated but that's mostly the cities and larger areas, not these smaller country areas. So the restaurants and clubs and shops are mostly empty so the businesses are suffering. But they have no choice but to follow the rules or be fined a lot of money they can't afford to lose.

We need to have this app on our phone to "check in" to places, and have our vaccination information linked to it, and when we scan in it'll show up as a green tick. If you don't have a modern phone, you can show a vaccination card instead.

There are already reports of people being threatened and shouted at because unvaccinated are not allowed entry. But they're just doing their jobs. It's all very unfortunate. 🙁

I can see that😳 I think it's an ethical problem because it's splitting the people. It's not the same rights for everyone if some cant go to a bar (or anywhere) because they aren't vaccinated.

But by having it it's also saving people and their health, and also instead of closing the bars (and everything) they don't need to go without jobs and the economic isn't getting bad (or worse) either. So I kind of want it, so bars and clubs don't have to close.😅

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Thank you so much! It's my first post here, and I'm looking forward to post more!

I see that you have a cookie cutters in the shape of a penis. Nice 😆

Enjoy the sparkling wine! Looks good.

Yeah, the omicron variant screwed up my wife's travel plans to head home for Christmas as well. Will it ever end?!?!?

Hahaha, it removed it when I took the picture on snapchat, but my boyfriend put it back without me knowing when I was going to take the picture to hive. Hope everyone just see the fun in it! 😅😂

I'm so done with korona now, and I'm so sorry for your wife. I hope she will get a nice xmas celebration after all. I hope next year will get even better!

I have a really nice bottle of Syrah from Washington state, that hopefully makes it till xmas, but you know now I am thinking some bubbles will also be proper, we will see. Sorry all your events got canceled, but suppose things always can be worse, I wish you, and your family the best, CHEERS!

Thats really nice!
It's fine, there is always new xmases coming, and it's just to be a little creative to have something to do. As long as everyone are healthy for xmas 😃 Thank you! I wish you and your family the best too!

Thank you :)