#166 What would you do differently or start doing for yourself next year?

in Ladies of Hive9 months ago

Ola Amigas!

Here's this week's entry

No. 166 What would you do differently or start doing for yourself next year?

First of all, Happy New Year 2024!


Hope everyone reading this had a wonderful blessed new year celebration.

As always, everyone has a new year resolution and I hope it won't get push down to the bottom of the list as soon as February starts.

We all want positive changes to happen in our lives. Some will want healthy lifestyle changes, relationship improvement goals, better independent decision making skills, major house interior/exterior changes and habits to keep being organized and like the list goes on.

So what about me?

My plan this year is to save more. Though I don't have a regular job like most do, like being an employee working 9 to 5; I am positive with my choice to focus more on saving this year. It will be very difficult and I am truly challenged.

This year 2024 in August, I'll be turning 40. It's been so long since I didn't save. Everything was always living for someone, helping someone, buying this and that, going here and there.

So, I'd like to think I'm in charge. I'm grateful my husband is a very supportive man. He is also very helpful in so many ways. His family and my family are always rooting for both of us.

So, here's how I started out.
I opened up a digital wallet and deposited a very small amount so I can start doing the same every week. (I just suddenly heard in my head, my friend Merriam saying 'Small Goals. One at a time'. So that's keeping me encouraged too).

Then, I bought frosted zipper bags with its own folder. I plan to make labels and write my goals, and will save for each, put the money or receipt in it to keep track.

The excitement and energy I am using is very controlled, since I really don't want to feel all high hopes and then later not being able to keep up with it. I really want to make this happen.

So until here ladies. See you again for another good writing - reading moments at the #ladiesofhive corner.

Have a great January 2024!


¡Ola Amigas!

Aquí tenéis la entrada de esta semana #166 ¿Qué harías diferente o empezarías a hacer por ti mismo el próximo año?

Primero que nada, ¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2024!

Espero que todos los que lean esto hayan tenido una maravillosa y bendecida celebración de año nuevo.

Como siempre, todo el mundo tiene un propósito de año nuevo y espero que no quede al final de la lista tan pronto como comience febrero.

Todos queremos que ocurran cambios positivos en nuestras vidas. Algunos querrán cambios saludables en el estilo de vida, objetivos para mejorar las relaciones, mejores habilidades para tomar decisiones independientes, cambios importantes en el interior y exterior de la casa y hábitos para seguir organizados y la lista continúa.

¿Y qué hay de mí?

Mi plan este año es ahorrar más. Aunque no tengo un trabajo regular como la mayoría, como ser un empleado que trabaja de 9 a 5; Soy positivo con mi decisión de centrarme más en ahorrar este año. Será muy difícil y realmente me siento desafiado.

Este año 2024 en agosto cumpliré 40 años. Hacía mucho que no ahorraba. Todo fue siempre vivir para alguien, ayudar a alguien, comprar esto y aquello, ir de aquí para allá.

Entonces, me gustaría pensar que estoy a cargo. Estoy agradecida de que mi esposo sea un hombre que me apoya mucho. También es muy útil en muchos sentidos. Su familia y la mía siempre nos apoyan a ambos.

Entonces, así es como comencé.
Abrí una billetera digital y deposité una cantidad muy pequeña para poder empezar a hacer lo mismo todas las semanas. (De repente escuché en mi cabeza a mi amigo Merriam decir 'Pequeños objetivos. Uno a la vez'. Así que eso también me anima).

Luego compré bolsas con cremallera esmerilada con su propia carpeta. Planeo hacer etiquetas y escribir mis metas, y ahorraré para cada una, pondré el dinero o el recibo en ellas para realizar un seguimiento.

La emoción y la energía que estoy usando están muy controladas, ya que realmente no quiero sentir grandes esperanzas y luego no poder seguir el ritmo. Realmente quiero que esto suceda.

Así que hasta aquí señoras. Nos vemos de nuevo para otros buenos momentos de escritura y lectura en el rincón #ladiesofhive.

Que tengas un excelente enero de 2024.



Ha ha ha, I used to keep a few jars for saving money, each jar had an objective and total price. I could literally see that if I wanted that item sooner I would have to sacrifice from other goals to get what my priority at the time, or do extra chores for more cash. So simple and understandable.
Thanks for sharing @erelasblog

yes the jar of money works too! although, i keep breaking it. so i really opted for an account wherein i wouldn't be able to withdraw at anytime. haha!

Naaa, you look half your age. How cool is that. :)

Saving saw me through school, so yes, I'm definitely rooting for you. With no stable income, and no stable job, I did it, albeit with a savings app. There were automatic withdrawals for different plans (like your zipper bags) created on the app., and at intervals which I chose. It felt slow, but it was easy because the things I had to save for were of utmost importance. So again, yes! Rooting for you. Haha.

I didn't have a "wonderful" new year celebration. It was basic, with me in the kitchen most of the day. It was a good day though, thanks for asking. :D

Cheers to meeting your savings goals, with extras.


Thanks. I'm thinking of also joining an app to help me with my savings.
Still studying the system how it works. But #Hive is really the most creative and easiest to gain some savings ❤️❤️❤️
I hope this year we'll have a lot of healthy and wealthy gains. I feel like singing #Rihanna song "money on my mind, money, money, on my mind"...hehe.
See you around @uchelee

Small Goals, One at a Time.

Aja, fighting! Kaya natin to. Cheers!

Yes Ate! We need to keep going.

Little drops, they say, make a mighty ocean. I began intentionally saving on the 1st. I also don't have a regular job but I started saving very little amount. I use one of those financial apps and have the money locked away so I cannot access it until a specified period. I may not be getting so much at the end of the saving period, still, it will make me happy to know I successfully kept aside something. It's all just the determination.

Well, I hope you get to save just enough. Good luck.

Hi @chisings I love what you said, "little drops, make a mighty ocean". So useful for motivation and focus for anything I'll be setting myself to do. Thank you.

It's always better to look out for the best.

yes we do! that's why we totally need to save because we never know when the rain will pour in.

That's so true. Thanks for engaging.

Happy New year! ^_^

Happy New Year indeed !!!

Happy New Year 2024! Your determination to save more and set manageable goals is truly inspiring. It's great to hear about your supportive husband and family too. Wishing you success and joy throughout the year!

Hello @menzo
Thank you for dropping by ❤️❤️❤️❤️

You are most welcome


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I love how intentional your savings goals are, I'm sure you'll have a lot to sort out emergencies if the case presents itself. Thank goodness you have your supportive husband behind your goals.

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yeah! i really really want to save. its now for me a priority. we all dont know whats going to happen tomorrow so its very important. thanks for dropping by @merit.ahama
Happy New Year!

Lo único que haría distinto en el 2024, que empecé a hacer en el 2023, sería creer más en mí. Ser menos mezquina y promulgar más el amor propio. Es un proceso, que como dije, comencé algo tarde pero que por nada del mundo dejaré de hacer.

gracias por rebloguear por cierto. Es cierto que todavía podemos hacer más cosas buenas incluso cuando sentimos que es tarde. pero nada nunca es demasiado tarde.