What’s Missing in My Life | for Ladies of Hive Community Contest #205

in Ladies of Hive12 days ago

Hello Ladies of Hive!
Welcome to my entry for the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #205

Maybe you would start by listing material things, but think with your heart and really become aware: Do you have the life you want to have? What are you still missing?

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I’ve been thinking with my heart lately, and it’s shouting:

Build a house of your own!
Travel the world!
Get financially stable!

But when I really think about it, financial stability should come first, because it’ll make the other two goals so much easier to achieve, right?

¡Hola señoras de Hive!
Últimamente he estado pensando con el corazón y grita:

¡Construye tu propia casa!
¡Viaja por el mundo!
¡Consigue estabilidad financiera!

Pero cuando realmente lo pienso, la estabilidad financiera debería ser lo primero, porque hará que los otros dos objetivos sean mucho más fáciles de lograr, ¿verdad?

Then, as I looked at those three things again, I had a moment of realization. My husband and I have been focusing on something even more important—my health. We’re trying to get me fit to have babies. We’ve been married for three years now, and we’re still waiting to start our family. That’s why we finally went to see an OB-GYN, and to our surprise, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and a 4cm myoma.

Luego, cuando volví a mirar esas tres cosas, tuve un momento de comprensión. Mi esposo y yo nos hemos centrado en algo aún más importante: mi salud. Estamos tratando de ponerme en forma para tener bebés. Llevamos tres años casados ​​y todavía estamos esperando formar nuestra familia. Por eso finalmente fuimos a ver a un obstetra-ginecólogo y, para nuestra sorpresa, me diagnosticaron endometriosis y un mioma de 4 cm.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with endometriosis, I’ve made a short video explaining what it is!

Para aquellas que no están familiarizadas con la endometriosis, ¡he hecho un breve video que explica qué es!

I’m scheduled to have surgery to remove the myoma on October 9, 2024—this Wednesday. I’ll keep you all updated on how it goes.

Tengo programada una cirugía para extirpar el mioma el 9 de octubre de 2024, este miércoles. Los mantendré a todos informados sobre cómo va.

Now, coming back to my list and the things I still feel are missing in my life, no matter how challenging it seems, I still dream of starting my own business. I’m torn between two ideas: a recording studio or a personality development institute. I’m absolutely passionate about both, but I’m stuck wondering which one is the better choice, and which one will thrive.

Ahora, volviendo a mi lista y a las cosas que todavía siento que faltan en mi vida, no importa lo desafiante que parezca, todavía sueño con comenzar mi propio negocio. Estoy dividido entre dos ideas: un estudio de grabación o un instituto de desarrollo de la personalidad. Me apasionan absolutamente ambos, pero me pregunto cuál es la mejor opción y cuál prosperará.

People often say, “Follow your passion, and you’ll never feel like you’re working.” But then the business-minded folks say, “Do your market research. See what’s trending and what business will last.”

La gente suele decir: "Sigue tu pasión y nunca sentirás que estás trabajando". Pero luego la gente con mentalidad empresarial dice: “Haga su investigación de mercado. Vea cuáles son las tendencias y qué negocios durarán”.

It’s a tough decision, right? I’ve worked with many business owners over the past 10-15 years, supporting industries like oil & gas, medical, education, food, and advertising. This experience has shown me that there are two types of successful business owners: those driven by passion and those driven by the need to survive and make money.

Ideally, we want both. Who says you can’t have both, right?! That’s why this part of my life feels incomplete—I’m confused. But deep down, I know I need to follow my passion.

Es una decisión difícil, ¿verdad? He trabajado con muchos propietarios de empresas durante los últimos 10 a 15 años, apoyando industrias como la de petróleo y gas, médica, educativa, alimentaria y publicitaria. Esta experiencia me ha demostrado que hay dos tipos de empresarios exitosos: los impulsados ​​por la pasión y los impulsados ​​por la necesidad de sobrevivir y ganar dinero.

Idealmente, queremos ambos. ¿Quién dice que no puedes tener ambos, verdad? Por eso siento que esta parte de mi vida está incompleta: estoy confundida. Pero en el fondo sé que necesito seguir mi pasión.

So, here’s my updated, clearer list of goals. A huge thank you to the Ladies of Hive for helping me refocus this week!

Get financially stable.
Have a baby.
Start the business I want.
Build a house.
This is what my heart is telling me is missing, and I’m determined to make it happen—ASAP!

Entonces, aquí está mi lista de objetivos actualizada y más clara. ¡Muchísimas gracias a las Damas de Hive por ayudarme a reenfocarme esta semana!

Consiga estabilidad financiera.
Tener un bebé.
Iniciar el negocio que quiero.
Construye una casa.
Esto es lo que mi corazón me dice que me falta y estoy decidida a hacerlo realidad, ¡lo antes posible!

Thank you so much for being here again. Thank you to #LadiesofHive again. More power to our community.


To all my ladies out there, keep healthy, take care and always say a little prayer when you start and end the day with #Thanksgiving

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Of course, I agree with you that it can be both. You can be driven by passion and still have “money on your mind”. You know what I think? You don’t have to be confused because you already have your instincts telling you to follow your passion. From what I know about instincts, they are never wrong so trust them and in a few years from now, you’ll get all that you are looking for, hopefully.

hi @abenad thanks for dropping by.
i appreciate your comments and i truly feel like ive been speaking to you for some time now.
your writing shows me you are a very warm person.
you're right, i honestly feel passion is the best way to go.
im just scared. there's a doubt and fear that lingers behind my back and sometimes dances infront of me. i just can't understand what it is really.
i feel there are so many things i fear. like fear of being too tired. fear of meeting people who might take advantage. i am gullible at times. and its tiring to watch out for wolves. the list goes on.
but if i just see or allow fear to get the best of me, then my instincts would die and along with it my dreams and whats missing in my life. i hope i can surround myself with positive and exciting people all the time. thank you for again for your comment. see you around.

That was really emotional for me and I kind of relate in so many ways. I’m not a professional when it comes to how to deal with fear but the one thing that I know is that you’re bigger than everything that’s stopping you from doing whatever you want to do. You’re way bigger than fear,trust me. Anyone that takes advantage is at a loss because you’re a great person. And if you’re tired, you rest. All I’m trying to say it you already have passion and that’s the greatest fuel you need to get things running for you.

Endometriosis, God's blessing be on you on Oct 9th, I hope it will be successful 🙏

thank you for dropping by. love love.

Wishing you a successful operation and a smooth recovery. 😍

thank you ate arrliinn love love.


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