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RE: Tampons Can Kill You

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago (edited)

From my personal experience.. I will never, EVER go back to pads (unless for some reason I will be forced to). I have been using tampons since high school (which is many years already) and it is the most comfortable thing ever.
The TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) of course can happen but I think it very rare and personally don't know anyone that had it.
You'd probably sooner die in a car crash ;)


This is motivating me to get a tampon

It will not harm trying. Of course it is up to you and what you feel comfortable with.
But if you use it properly, you do not feel it at all (unlike pads that you feel all the time), there is no discomfort of any kind. It is just like any other day.
Of course you need to remember to change regularly.

Alright. They're hard to find and a bit expensive though but I'll get one soon. Thank you