Que valioso poder saludarles hermosa comunidad de Mujeres, e invitar a mis amigas @rosa4r y @marigmt a participar en este concurso tan interesante y conocer un poco mas de nosotras.
How valuable to greet you beautiful community of women, and invite my friends @rosa4r and @marigmt to participate in this interesting contest and learn a little more about us.
Es un reto para nosotras cada pregunta, examinar y discernir las respuestas y sobre todo poder hacer memoria. compartiré con ustedes estas respuestas del concurso de esta semana.
It is a challenge for us to examine and discern the answers to each question and above all to remember. I will share with you these answers from this week's quiz.
¿Cuál es tu pasión número uno, lo que haces que te hace sentir más feliz, en paz o satisfecho?
What is your number one passion, what do you do that makes you feel most happy, at peace or fulfilled?
Que pregunta tan interesante! Bueno en realidad cada semana hacen preguntas en esta comunidad muy introspectivas.
What an interesting question! Well actually every week they ask questions in this community that are very introspective.
Qué es lo que hago que me hace sentir más feliz, en paz o satisfecha. Bueno no fue difícil pensar en la respuesta esta vez, pues lo que me apasiona y me hace feliz es cantar. Me hace sentir en paz, y muy satisfecho. Cuando puedo tomar mi guitarra y sentarme en el silencio y solo comenzar a cantar, me inspira y me drena por completo.
What is it that I do that makes me feel most happy, at peace or satisfied. Well it wasn't hard to think of the answer this time, because what I am passionate about and what makes me happy is singing. It makes me feel at peace, and very satisfied. When I can pick up my guitar and sit in the silence and just start singing, it inspires and drains me
Esta sensación de poder entonar notas musicales y que se escuche de forma melodiosa me encanta. Saber que puedo llegar a ciertas notas bajas o altas, tener la sensación de que el que me escucha le agrada oír es muy bueno.
This feeling of being able to intone musical notes and have it be heard in a melodious way I love. Knowing that I can reach certain low or high notes, having the feeling that the listener likes to hear is very good.
Hay momentos en que comienzo a cantar y algún niño me escucha y vuelve la mirada y me observa y sin decir ninguna palabra sé que le agrada mi voz, es algo genial. Esto lo practiqué luego que tuve a mis hijas, les cantaba mientras se dormían o para hacerlas tener un poco de tranquilidad.
There are moments when I start to sing and some child hears me and looks back and watches me and without saying a word I know that he likes my voice, it's great. I practiced this after I had my daughters, I would sing to them while they were falling asleep or to make them have a little peace of mind.
Hay una experiencia que les puedo contar con la que solía cantar. Cuando nació mi primera hija, se tuvo por motivos de salud que internar en la clínica desde el momento que nació. Mi esposo me llevaba a verla, y cuando me la entregaban yo solo la miraba y le cantaba: “tú eres la niña, la niña de mis ojos..” ella me miraba con sus grandes ojos. Yo luego lloraba porque tenía que dejarla allí, hasta el otro día y volvía a cantarle.
There is an experience I can tell you about that I used to sing with. When my first daughter was born, for health reasons she had to be admitted to the clinic from the moment she was born. My husband would take me to see her, and when she was handed over to me I would just look at her and sing: "you are the child, the apple of my eye..." she would look at me with her big eyes. Then I would cry because I had to leave her there until the next day and I would sing to her again.
The third day I arrived and the doctor said that until she could feed from me, she could go with us, I sang to her and she started to feed without any problems. That day we were able to bring her home, and I would always sing her that song, "I love you more than my life...more". Singing this song makes me see the beautiful and precious moments. I love to sing!
In fact, in this passion I have participated in some events, achieving some places and composing my own songs. It is a satisfaction for me.
2 ¿Cuál es la única tarea que debes hacer periódicamente pero que odias hacer más que cualquier otra?
2 What is the one task that you must do periodically but hate doing more than any other?
Bueno les puedo contar que hay tareas en el hogar que hago periódicamente que no me molestan en absoluto, pero sí hay una que evito hacer y es planchar!.
Well, I can tell you that there are household chores that I do periodically that do not bother me at all, but there is one that I avoid doing and that is ironing!
No sé por qué me molesta tanto! No me he quemado ni tuve ninguna mala experiencia, pero la evito a toda costa. Incluso si puedo compro ropa que no se planche.
I don't know why it bothers me so much! I haven't burned myself or had any bad experiences, but I avoid it at all costs. I even buy clothes that don't iron if I can.
Mi esposo a veces cuando me lo pide le hago una mueca muy divertida, pero le ayudo cuando me lo pide o está apurado.
My husband sometimes when he asks me I give him a very funny grimace, but I help him when he asks me or is in a hurry.
Quizás sea el calor que emite la plancha que me fastidia totalmente. Y me hace sentir negación. Y esto me ocurrió siempre. Cuando era una adolescente mi papá usaba siempre esas camisas que hay que planchar y me pedía que se las alisara, así que lidiaba con ese no gustarme hacer esa tarea. No porque me quedara mal planchada sino por el proceso.
Maybe it's the heat emitted by the iron that totally annoys me. And it makes me feel denial. And this has always happened to me. When I was a teenager my dad always wore those shirts that needed to be ironed and asked me to straighten them for him, so I dealt with not liking to do that task. Not because it was badly ironed but because of the process.
Podía lavar los platos, secarlos, barrer, lavar ropa, y otras tareas, pero especialmente a esa la esquivaba muy sutilmente. Ahora en esta edad puedo sentir lo mismo acerca de planchar y solo lo hago cuando hay la necesidad.
I could wash dishes, dry them, sweep, do laundry, and other chores, but especially that one I avoided very subtly. Now at this age I can feel the same way about ironing and only do it when there is the need.
Encuentro interesante que algunas personas les gusten mucho y hasta trabajen planchando. Es admirable. O tienen esa tarea después de lavar la ropa.
I find it interesting that some people really like and even work at ironing. It's admirable. Or they have that task after doing laundry.
Foto de mi álbum personal. Traductor usado es Deepl.
Photo from my personal album. Translator used is Deepl
Mi mamá es una de ellas, jejeje, le encanta planchar y lo hace estupendamente. A mí no me agrada mucho pero tampoco me desagrada tanto como a ti, jajaja.
Si hay algo que me desagrada bastante y te lo contaré en mi publicación, gracias por invitarme.
Me encantó la anécdota de que le cantabas a Giuliana cuando bebé, eso es hermoso.
Te mando un abrazo.
You have received 5 LADY(LOH) tokens fr posting in Ladies of Hive.
Please note that since our LOH token is still so new, that it will be worth more if we HOLD them for a bit before trying to sell them. Some have been trying to sell them immediately after receiving them, but holding them for a bit will help them to increase in value! We are working behind-the-scenes to try to keep the price stable, but the "sell orders" are hampering the stabilization of the price of this new token. Please hold on to your tokens. Thank you! 🙂gracias por el consejo.
Gracias por la invitación amiga. Me voy a animar...me pregunto, a quién invitaré yo? jajaj un abrazo
My daughter-in-law just told me the other day that she and my son were in the kitchen cooking and all of a sudden my son broke out into song. She asked him how he knew all the words to that song and he replied that my mom used to sing it to me all the time. I love that he remembers those days.
I strongly dislike ironing to, you are not alone!
Some people are gifted with a singing talent, and I'm not one of them. When at Church I can sing but God doesn't mind my mediocre style from my lips but more from my heart.
Thanks for sharing @g2ml 🌻