Sean todos bienvenidos a esta nueva publicación de la semana, donde el día de hoy quiero responder una de las preguntas propuestas por la Comunidad de Ladies Of Hive. La primavera está aquí. Y es Semana Santa o Semana Santa, religiosa o no, ¿Cuáles fueron tus planes especiales para esta semana que lograste tú y tu familia?
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La semana santa es una fecha que desde mi punto de vista, además de celebrar el amor por la humanidad y sacrificio humano, se dan ciertas reuniones de unión familiar para reforzar los vínculos familiares existentes, puesto que es en estas fechas que las familias suelen reunirse para ir al parque, una playa o quizás visitar las iglesias de las zonas cercanas con motivo religioso.
En mi caso personal y respondiendo a la pregunta, tenía planeado el poder lograr sacar a mi familia de su rutina de trabajo diario para poder disfrutar de un ambiente pacífico como natural; el destino elegido en esta ocasión fue el Parque Zoológico de Caricuao, puesto que anteriormente cuando solía tener 5 años era uno de los parques que más visitaba en aquel entonces con mi familia por vivir en dicha zona.
Ahora, ya con más de 20 años, la situación tanto económica como el entorno que hoy en día rodea a mi familia ha cambiado mucho, por lo cual era una misión el crear nuevos momentos de unión familiar.
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Al comienzo los animales eran la primera atracción visual, pues eran distintos a los siempre vistos gatos y perros; aun así, luego de más de 40 minutos de charla y fotografía me di cuenta a mitad del recorrido que había en todo el parque más de 100 árboles distintos, por lo cual se me ocurrió que una forma de estar en conexión con esa naturaleza que rodeaba al lugar era abrazando un gran árbol, puesto que los árboles son producto de la madre naturaleza, los cuales se encargan de transformar variados componentes en oxígeno vital para la vida terrestre.
Es de esta manera que sin aviso alguno y sorprendiendo un tanto de la risa a mis padres que decidí abrazar el primer árbol que tuviera en frente de mí para conectar mi energía con la suya y de esta manera utilizar el tronco del árbol como un medio para sentir más cerca todas las energías positivas del ambiente. Una escena única para la historia.😂
Como meta personal logre el poder conectar con el ambiente que me rodeaba, que entre más positivo y pacífico era el lugar más me sentía como un ser único, dichoso de la vida en la cual hago cada día parte. A su vez, logré que mis padres tuvieran nuevos y actualizados recuerdos con mi persona en este parque que para ellos representa un lugar importante en la infancia de sus hijos.
Y el poder escribir con fotografía incluida sobre esta experiencia de semana santa significa que a pesar de los años que pasen, ellos siempre podrán ver por medio de esta plataforma los momentos de felicidad vividos en conjunto.
Desde el punto de vista de mis padres, ellos lograron pasar más tiempo de calidad familiar en un día, que en semanas laborales, ya que el mayor protagonista suele ser el trabajo y la distancia social para mayor concentración, lo que añade para ellos un mayor valor sentimental.
Welcome everyone to this new post of the week, where today I want to answer one of the questions proposed by the Ladies Of Hive Community. Spring is here. And it's Semana Santa or Semana Santa, religious or not, What were your special plans for this week that you and your family accomplished?
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Holy week is a date that from my point of view, in addition to celebrating love for humanity and human sacrifice, certain family union meetings are held to strengthen existing family ties, since it is on these dates that families usually get together to go to the park, a beach or perhaps visit the churches in the nearby areas for religious reasons.
In my personal case and answering the question, I had planned to get my family out of their daily work routine to enjoy a peaceful and natural environment; The destination chosen on this occasion was the Caricuao Zoological Park, since previously when I used to be 5 years old it was one of the parks that I visited the most at that time with my family because I lived in that area.
Now, with more than 20 years, both the economic situation and the environment that surrounds my family today have changed a lot, for which it was a mission to create new moments of family togetherness.
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At the beginning, the animals were the first visual attraction, since they were different from the always seen cats and dogs; Even so, after more than 40 minutes of chatting and photography, I realized halfway through the tour that there were more than 100 different trees throughout the park, which is why it occurred to me that a way of being in connection with that nature that surrounded The place was hugging a large tree, since trees are the product of Mother Nature, which are responsible for transforming various components into vital oxygen for terrestrial life.
It is in this way that without any warning and surprising my parents with laughter, I decided to hug the first tree in front of me to connect my energy with theirs and in this way use the trunk of the tree as a means to feel closer all the positive energies of the environment. A unique scene for the story.😂
As a personal goal, I was able to connect with the environment that surrounded me, the more positive and peaceful the place was, the more I felt like a unique being, happy with the life in which I am a part every day. At the same time, I managed to make my parents have new and updated memories with me in this park, which for them represents an important place in their children's childhood.
And being able to write with photography included about this Holy Week experience means that despite the years that pass, they will always be able to see through this platform the moments of happiness lived together.
From the point of view of my parents, they managed to spend more family quality time in one day than in working weeks, since the main protagonist is usually work and social distance for greater concentration, which adds a greater importance for them. sentimental value.
Nota: Todas las fotografías utilizadas son de mi propiedad.
- Note: All photographs used are my property.
invitation to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #129: @lileisabel
Caricuao Zoological Park appears to be a beautiful place to commune with nature in it's natural splendor. A lovely way to spend family time. The Garden of Eden must as perfect beyond belief from it's original design. I do have my own theories of course, as humanity was meant to be the center of a perfect creation.
💚 Thanks for sharing @ginethchira2301
thank you for reading the post and seeing my experience regarding the park and family achievements
You spent your holiday very well connecting with nature. I believe that we all need to keep doing this regularly, take a break from our hectic schedules and visit places where we can unwind and relax.
Indeed I think that one should take advantage of those free moments to be able to clear the mind of those worries or stressful situations to connect with those positive energies of nature.
A big congrats to you and you family for the achievements made, not everyone could but you did it 😊
Thanks for sharing here
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