As a fellow Albertan, I enjoyed your post even though I am not a fan of fall or winter, personally. Not at all. Lol. I like summer, as short as it is here. Fun fact that you probably already know: Alberta is the largest rat free land mass in the world! So, there's that.
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I think I would love Alberta then 😁
Well, you might. I don't know. I love summer here, but I am well aware that our summers are extremely mild compared to many places -- Florida, Mexico, Thailand. These are places where I found summer almost unbearable. However, our winters are arguably worse than scorching heat. It's hard to imagine I think. I have had friends from hotter places and they do not enjoy the winters here for the most part. I can never get used to the cold. However, maybe you would like it. I get cold just thinking about it.
In our downtown area, most of the buildings are linked by a complicated system of underground walkways and overground pedways so that people can get around without going outside in the winter. The homeless have a very bad time of it.