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RE: Remembering the good times | Ladies of Hive Contest 145

in Ladies of Hive2 years ago

Is it right to share the financial picture? Well, that will often depend on the relationship, but as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't keep it "secret", I'm too honest. I also believe that when it is discussed too secretly, there is a kind of “shame” about someone's financial picture.

In the culture that I grew up in, it was considered impolite to talk financial stuff. Religion, politics and money were all forbidden topics. The ironic part is these are all my favorite subjects! I don't want to talk weather or sports or fluffy stuff, let's get into the heavy topics.

Some will determine their own worth by their finances. They will make grand statements like "the poor are lazy" or "the rich are lazy", but "I'm hard working, I'm neither rich nor poor". The funny thing is everyone is "neither rich nor poor" by their own estimation, since there's always people richer or poorer than them!

One thing I appreciate about HIVE (blockchain in general) is that everything is out in the open, there are not secrets on the blockchain. With enough resources and using (or making) the right tools, just about any financial question can be quickly answered. There are some exceptions, privacy options, but for the most part it's all out in the open.


in our culture it wasn't normal to talk about finances either, We, as children did not know what our father was earning. We just asked for something to our mother!and she chattered over it with our father, and then we get a yess, or a no! 😆 Nowadays it is more in the open, surtenly between a couple, but also in the regular life, it isn't as secretely as it was.