Mother and child love- Loh weekly engagement

in Ladies of Hive6 months ago

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Greetings, ladies! First and foremost, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and wishes for a happy new month to all of you. I am delighted that @merit.ahama has chosen this topic, as it allows me to reflect on the invaluable lessons that motherhood has taught me.

As a mother, I have learned a lot of things, but perhaps one of the most important lessons that I have learned is the value of cooking. I owe this skill to my mom and auntie, who took the time to teach me how to cook. Thanks to them, I have become a proficient cook and have even been able to pass on this skill to my daughter.

Cooking has become a significant part of my life, and I take great pride in it. My husband, for instance, loves my cooking, and it is one of the reasons why he loves me. Whenever we go out or have guests over, my cooking skills are always noticed and appreciated, which makes me feel incredibly proud of myself.

My cooking and housekeeping skills are what make me a proud mother and wife. I consider these skills to be some of the best gifts that I have received from my family, and I intend to pass them on to my daughter, just like my mother and auntie did for me. So, in summary, motherhood has taught me that cooking and housekeeping are essential skills that I will cherish and pass on for generations to come.
In life, there is nothing as great as home training, showing that you're really from a proper home.

**Thank you for taking the time to read my post **


Cooking is good skill that any lady should have to keep her home.

Home cooking is like magic. From favorite recipes that are passed down hand written from grand parents on old dinner ware. When it is enjoyed by my kids and guests I'd feel special and it honors my ancestors. ❤️

Home cooking is always the best