One day I was going through the back of the house...the kitchen or the dining room and I forget now what prompted the thought....

I know I had looked out of the window and just maybe, I was admiring the giant white oak in the backyard.... but I remember glancing out and ..
... the thought crossed my mind about all the beauty the outside beholds and....

I thought, we are living in the broken Garden of Eden.
...but within a few seconds I thought, no, it's not broken, we are.... we humans.

I thought..... nearly everything that is inherently wrong with the world today.... humans caused.
We do things that dirty up everything we need... our water.... our air... our land.

We should have never taken a step forward without making sure it was a green step.
Sure, we may not have realized on some things that they or their by-products would be so harmful later, but when we realized they were, we should have stopped immediately and regrouped.
But we didn't.... and why?

Most of the time I'm thinking it was because it would "cost" too much.... too much to those who were profiting...which usually wasn't the majority.
...or maybe we realized much later when whole economies or ways of life were dependent on it being there.... and to stop would be like pulling a bottom card out of a humongous house of cards.
Everything would tumble....

Why didn't we let it tumble while it was still small enough to redirect and recover..... before it was so massive and impossible to correct?

So do I need a poem about the Broken Garden of Eden?
Everything beautiful is still here.
It's just hidden under the giant mess we've made.
I wonder if the other inhabited planets did it right.

This morning as I waited for my coffee to be ready, I was pondering the realities in life and I saw a flash of a photo on TV... I think.... and it brought to mind a thought, totally unrelated to the above part of this post. As I glanced around to find a notebook to jot it down in, I found there wasn't one handy (what ???).... so I set off through the house to find one quickly before the thought ran away.
(Thoughts run away more quickly as you get older it seems, so grab them while you can LOL..... or else !!)
When I got back to the living room, I had three notebooks in hand. Each one had previously been written in, so I wrote down my thought and then set to the task of going through each to see if there was anything I wanted to keep or if some pages needed to be torn out and thrown away.
While doing that, I found where I had written all of the above part of my post and I thought, there !!.... I will put you on Hive. 😃 .... and so here it is. Now I know it sounds like I was thinking back on it just now, the way it is written, but in reality, that's exactly the way I wrote it in the notebook.
I find myself pondering life, my life, life in general and other people and situations. I am only guessing that maybe everyone does that? Only guessing though, because I have no idea what goes on in other people's head.... unless they tell it.
How many universes are there? At least one for each human that exists, a whole universe inside each of our heads.... our worlds... our lives as we perceive them.
The flower photos above are from my forth bouquet that I have received this summer. You know, the ones I spoiled myself with from a local grower where I paid a fee to have random bouquets of fresh flowers delivered bi-weekly. This week I decided to split them up into some of my happily colored art glass vases to make a grouping instead of leaving them in one big happy show. I kind of like how it turned out.
I hope you are all happy and have all that you need .... there in your own little worlds.
Love you ! 💚

My pleasure ! ❤️
Beautiful flowers, and deep thoughts that came with it!
The realities in life sometimes are so hard to understand.
Thanks !
I've really enjoyed this fun flower service. It was a whim to sign up and since I paid in advance, they nearly feel free now. LOL ! This is the first year this woman has grown and delivered her flowers. I thought it was wonderful to get a chance to help her dream along the first year. I hope it is as happy of thing to her as it is to me.
It is true there are many things in life that are hard to understand. I don't constantly rack my brain about it all, but I can't help pondering some of it from time to time.
You are so generous in your time (and resources).
May she attain her goals plus more!
I do hope she does well too !
Of course if she does TOO well, I might not be able to afford her later. LOL ! ...but I still wish her ever success.
Wow Awesome 😯
Thank you ! 💚
Those are good thoughts. We should consider everything we do even today as individuals.
I write notes all the time, but I do it on my phone with Google Keep so I cant lose them. Its free and easy.
I do use my phone notes if it is just a reminder, but if I am writing something longer, I either make a file on my PC where I can type with a full keyboard of if away from my desk, an old fashion note with pen and notebook. 😊