
You could have made the word "website" into a link for them without the URL.
(this is not my photo, I borrowed it from their [website]( )
This way, you can see how it is done. Choose whatever word you want to be the link, and place it in [brackets] then immediately follow the right hand bracket with (parenthesis) containing the URL
And now you know, the "Rest of the Story"(this is not my photo, I borrowed it from their website )


I am giving it a try here. Some different cookies of theirs that I have never seen locally for sale. I may have to hunt them down though, just in case they are delish. :)

Hmmmm had to come back and edit, looks like I didn't do something right....LOL !

Imma try again, maybe it doesn't like the aposttrophe?


Nope ! wasn't it ! It looked so easy !

Back again, I think I see now....crossing fingers


(edit,edit,edit,edit).... looks like the third time was the charm. :)

ha ha ha... yes, it looks like you got it the third time

The keys that have the brackets have another kind of bracket if you CAP them.... and for some reason, that is what I was doing the first two times. :+}~

Thanks for showing me how to do this. A time or two I put links in a post and it dropped a whole advertisement there. This should cure that issue.

Glad I could help @jacey.boldart, I may have some other tips and tricks up my sleeve. If you have any other questions like this, don't hesitate to ask 💚