I love all your beautiful bags.
I am not a bag person, There are very few I am really attracted too for myself and find it a chore to try to have to match them up. LOL !! Do I lose my "woman" card for that??? I do always have two or three, my main one that I carry all the time, which changes when one wears out ! Mostly for every day, it is a colorful organizer with an over-the-shoulder strap so I can have both hands free for looking through whatever I am shopping for AND to give me the feeling that there is less chance of someone trying to take it from me.
I do have a nicer looking one for dress up, but that is about the only other consideration with me.
I have bags that hang on your waist, and you are hands free.
It's so cute!
It is studded with Mabe pearls and silver.
I like that one !
Yes, I use it for quick stops in the grocers!