Ladies of Hive Community Contest #208

in Ladies of Hive2 days ago



En la vida, tenemos días buenos y días no tan buenos, creo que en un día no muy bueno, comer algo especial -un plato típico, un postre, una merienda deliciosa- consigue levantar esos ánimos, me encantaría que compartieras una receta de ese plato maravilloso que hace que vuelva la alegría y te mejora el día.

In life, we ​​have good days and not-so-good days, I think that on a not-very-good day, eating something special — a typical dish, a dessert, a delicious snack — manages to raise those spirits, I would love for you to share a recipe for that wonderful dish that makes the joy return and makes your day better.


En días malos o buenos siempre diré sí a una galleta, soy fan #1 de esas delicias esponjosas y más si son caseras, amo cuando la casa se llena de ese rico aroma al hornearlas, para mi es un momento de felicidad, he preparado innumerables combinaciones que de hecho compartí en la plataforma, disfruto el proceso de preparación, para mi cocinar es un acto de creatividad y relajación, no siempre fue así, recuerdo al empezar a cocinar y ver que todo se quemaba, que toda preparación no tenía sabor, me frustraba, la hora de cocinar era una tortura, eventualmente tomé mucho amor a la cocina.
On bad or good days I will always say yes to a cookie, I am fan #1 of those fluffy delights and more if they are homemade, I love when the house is filled with that rich aroma when baking them, for me it is a moment of happiness, I have prepared countless combinations that in fact I shared on the platform, I enjoy the preparation process, for me cooking is an act of creativity and relaxation, it was not always like that, I remember when I started cooking and seeing that everything was burnt, that every preparation had no flavor, it frustrated me, cooking time was a torture, eventually I took a lot of love to the kitchen.

Diseño sin título.png

La comida suele ser un escape cuando nos sentimos mal, me incluyo totalmente, si, caigo ante la comida, pero mi truco es hacerla en casa, saber que ingredientes tiene, hacer que sea lo más sana posible, mis galletas predilectas siempre contienen avena, es una forma saludable de subir mi ánimo con dulce casero.
Food is usually an escape when we feel bad, I totally include myself, yes, I fall for food, but my trick is to make it at home, know what ingredients it has, make it as healthy as possible, my favorite cookies always contain oatmeal, it's a healthy way to lift my spirits with homemade sweet.





Antes tenía una relación toxica con la comida, siempre ha sido mi escape cuando me siento mal, no estoy en contra de disfrutar o darse un gusto, pero cuando estamos deprimidos no contemplamos lo que nos hace mal, en días grises horneo galletas, coloco música, mezclo un par de ingredientes, y aunque no es una solución definitiva a mi estado de ánimo, si logro sentirme mejor.
I used to have a toxic relationship with food, it has always been my escape when I feel bad, I am not against enjoying or indulging, but when we are depressed we do not contemplate what makes us bad, on gray days I bake cookies, play music, mix a couple of ingredients, and although it is not a definitive solution to my mood, I do manage to feel better.





Me encantaría saber que postre o comida logra reconfortarlos en sus días grises, gracias por leerme, aprecio que hayan llegado hasta aquí.
I would love to know what dessert or food manages to comfort you on your gray days, thanks for reading, I appreciate you making it this far.


¡Gracias por visitar mi blog!.png


Imágenes tomadas desde mi POCO X3. || Images taken from my POCO X3.
Separadores hechos en Canva. || Dividers made in Canva.
Ediciones hechas en Canva. || Editions made in Canva.
Translator Deepl.


Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Hello my friend, without a doubt, enjoying a good dish makes everything look better, and even more so if we prepare it at home, I also love cooking and enjoying my recipes, congratulations on those cookie recipes, I loved the pineapple one laundry, very creative. Thank you for participating, greetings and blessings.

Food definitely offers comfort for most of us, but then there are those like me who are addicted to it. If I'm stressed, my initial response is literally to reach for whatever is handy and indulge-overindulge! It's a battle I've had my whole life and am just now figuring out the right way to handle this.

I do still indulge, but not as a reaction to stress and as a planned indulgence. To deny oneself things like this, for me and for many others, is a recipe for disaster!

You are wise to make them as healthy as possible! Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

It looks so delicious 😋