Hola queridos amigos de Hive, hoy en este momento quiero hablarles de una importantisima labor que deseo poner en alto y agradecer por su loable esfuerzo y dedicacion. Este post va dirigido a todos los Paramedicos del mundo, quienes en su labor a pesar del cansancio y hasta los pocos recursos con los que cuenten en su pais; salen a batallar y a ofrecer su vida en servicio de los demas.
Hello dear friends of Hive, today at this moment I want to talk to you about a very important task that I want to highlight and thank you for your commendable effort and dedication. This post is addressed to all the Paramedics of the world, who in their work despite the fatigue and even the few resources they have in their country; They go out to battle and offer their lives in service to others.
Y como les decia, yo tengo uno de esos "Angeles de las Autopistas"; pues es mi hermana. Su nombre es Agni y es Paramedico de Venezuela. Sus inicios en esta hermosa labor fueron duros, como para todo estudiante, fueron meses de gran preparacion tecnica y academica. Presentar pruebas o examenes teoricos y practicos si que le dieron noches de insomnio. Pero lucho y lucho y obtuvo su titulo. Aqui les muestro algunas de las pruebas y ejercicios que tuvo que realizar, son solo una breve muestra de su esfuerzo.
And as I was saying, I have one of those "Highway Angels"; because she is my sister. Her name is Agni and she is a Paramedic from Venezuela. His beginnings in this beautiful work were hard, as for any student, they were months of great technical and academic preparation. Submit tests or theoretical and practical exams if they gave you sleepless nights. But he fought and he fought and he got the title from him. Here I show you some of the tests and exercises that he had to perform, they are just a brief sample of his effort.
Su esfuerzos y logros son un merito, y es que se les llaman angeles de autopistas o carreteras, porque siempre estan atentos ante cualquier eventualidad o accidentes en las vias terrestres; labor que no tiene horario ya que dedican mucho de su tiempo y energias en prestar ayuda a quienes lo necesiten. Su mision es dar sin esperar nada a cambio, antes bien se sienten satisfechos cuando ayudan a alguien y este les devuelve una sonrisa amigable y un gesto de gracias. La satisfaccion que sienten en su comision es unica y solo la puede explicar quien da de si mismo por el bienestar de los demas; eso es encomiable. Estos angeles se preparan para cualquier tipo de emergencia como se puede ver a continuacion.
Their efforts and achievements are a merit, and they are called angels of highways or highways, because they are always attentive to any eventuality or accidents on land routes; work that has no schedule since they dedicate much of their time and energy to helping those who need it. Their mission is to give without expecting anything in return, rather they feel satisfied when they help someone and they return a friendly smile and a gesture of thanks. The satisfaction they feel in their commission is unique and can only be explained by those who give of themselves for the well-being of others; that's commendable. These angels prepare for any type of emergency as you can see below.
Pero siempre estos angeles y sobre todo la mia, tienen una buena actitud ante los imprevistos o los problemas por la falta de atencion necesaria para este importante e imprescindible trabajo. No es para nada facil tener que salir de emergencia cuando apenas te sientas en un dia agitado a comer o tener que dejar de dormir a tu gusto porque hay que prestarle ayuda a alguien o a muchos; pero para eso se prepararon, porque aman lo que hacen y se dedicaron a esta noble mision,les encanta. Tambien estan dispuestos a mejorar en su labor y por ello no dejan de prepararse dia a dia en nuevos conocimientos y tecnicas de ayuda. Su buena actitud e iniciativa son dignos de enconmio y son un ejemplo para todos.
But these angels, and especially mine, always have a good attitude in the face of unforeseen events or problems due to the lack of attention necessary for this important and essential job. It is not at all easy to have to go out of emergency when you just sit down on a hectic day to eat or have to stop sleeping to your liking because you have to help someone or many; but for that they prepared themselves, because they love what they do and they dedicated themselves to this noble mission, they love it. They are also willing to improve their work and for this reason they do not stop preparing themselves day by day in new knowledge and help techniques. His good attitude and initiative are worthy of praise and are an example for all.
Por eso es que doy las gracias a estos guardianes, pero en especial mis sinceros agradecimientos por su excelente ejemplo de lucha y constancia; a mi hermana. "Eres mi Angel de las Autopistas ".
That is why I thank these guardians, but especially my sincere thanks for their excellent example of struggle and perseverance; to my sister. "You are my Angel of the Highways".
So many take these 'angels' for granted. They don't stop to think about the time and dedication it takes to do this and at times the personal sacrifice they endure. I am grateful for all of them, around the world! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for taking the time to express your gratitude as I did to these excellent and hard-working people. thank you so much elizabeth
You are very welcome @jeyrengel77! Have a blessed weekend!
Thanks soo much
Hello @jeyrengel77. What a lovely tribute to your sister. Yes, first responders we call them, especially paramedics are sometimes lifesavers. They are the first ones on the scene to help tend to others in times of need. I commend your sister for her professional work. I know people in your country don't earn lots of money. However, this lifesaving work is done from her heart.
Thanks for sharing her story and take care both of you and stay safe.
gracias amiga