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RE: Ladies of Hive Community Contest #43 - MY ENTRY TO THE CONTEST | My Karate Class Journey

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

Going from teacher to being learner is a big step in humble pie, learning karate very good way to know how to defend oneself, hopefully never need to be called on, but knowledge is there.

Moving from slumber into enjoyment every weekend being out learning something new, this is an amazing entry thanks @jongcl



It is! When I was so used to being the boss in the classroom, it is hard to be a student again.
Thank you so much for the kind words and the warm welcome in this community @joanstewart 😍😘

Many times in life one has to learn to step aside to be taught all over again, fortunately we never know everything someone always more qualified. Great to welcome you here and hope you find a place of friendship awaits @jongcl