LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST #76 🌬️If you could pick a favorite "happy place," where would that be?🍃

in Ladies of Hive3 years ago

Si pudieras elegir un "lugar feliz" favorito, ¿cuál sería?


Hola hermosas y maravillosas mujeres de esta gran comunidad, vuelvo a ustedes para participar en este bonito concurso y comentarles acerca de ese lugar que me llena de magia y hace feliz. Es aquí donde puedo estar sola o muy bien acompañada y llenarme de paz, me desconecto total del mundo exterior, se trata del mar. Aunque adoro la playa les cuento que estoy en un va y ven de emociones, por el echo de no saber nadar me aterra entrar a donde no pueda defenderme; sin embargo, tengo los pies en la tierra y mi lugar es en la orilla observando y bañandome en aguas tranquilas.

Hace un par de años tuve la dicha de pasar de una playa a otra en lancha la cual fue mi primera experiencia y la verdad terrorífica, tiempo después volví pero fue algo totalmente diferente. Las imágenes que les compartiré fue de la segunda mejor experiencia pasando de islotes a islotes, aunque el mar suele será uno de mis lugares favoritos por estar rodeado de hermosa naturaleza; la montaña también suele ser un rico espacio donde espero ir algún día con mis pequeños.

Hello beautiful and wonderful women of this great community, I come back to you to participate in this beautiful contest and tell you about that place that fills me with magic and makes me happy. It is here where I can be alone or in good company and fill myself with peace, I completely disconnect from the outside world, it is the sea. Although I adore the beach I tell you that I am in a coming and going of emotions, because I do not know how to swim I am terrified of going where I cannot defend myself; however, I have my feet on the ground and my place is on the shore observing and bathing in calm waters.

A couple of years ago I had the good fortune to go from one beach to another by boat which was my first experience and the truth was terrifying, some time later I came back but it was something totally different. The images that I will share with you were of the second best experience going from islets to islets, although the sea is usually one of my favorite places because it is surrounded by beautiful nature; the mountain is also usually a rich space where I hope to go one day with my little ones.


Aunque amo estos dos lugares (playa y montaña), tengo suerte porque vivo en un estado privilegiado, para llegar al mar primero debemos subir alrededor de hora y media a dos, unas hermosas montañas llenas de mucha vegetación y un espectáculo natural con un gran clima. Un sube y baja de carreteras, donde finalmente el mar se hace presente, cuando llegamos hay posadas que las realza sus espacios naturales y es aquí donde queremos quedarnos por un gran tiempo escuchando el sonido de las aves y el río bajando y golpeando entre grandes rocas; y literalmente pasa en choroni, uno de mis lugares favoritos. Me falta mucho por recorrer y seguir escogiendo hermosos lugares, pero ahora quiero hacerlo acompañada de mis hermosos hijos.

Although I love these two places (beach and mountain), I'm lucky because I live in a privileged state, to get to the sea first you have to climb an hour and a half to two hours, about beautiful mountains full of lots of vegetation and a natural spectacle with great weather. An up and down path, where finally the sea is present, when we arrive there are inns that enhance its natural spaces and this is where we want to stay for a while listening to the sound of the birds and the river going down and beating between large rocks; and it literally happens in choroni, one of my favorite places. I still have a long way to go and continue choosing beautiful places, but now I want to do it accompanied by my beautiful children.

Subiendo montañas para llegar a la playa. Imagen de mi galería familiar.

Muchas gracias por quedarte a leer mi participación en este concurso 😉, mucha suerte para todas.

Thank you very much for staying to read my participation in this contest 😉, good luck to all of you.


  • all images belong to me, downloaded from my family gallery.
  • Link of the translator.

You have chosen the two places I like which was the reason we moved to where we now live. Mountains and the ocean. Although honestly, I've spent very little time near the ocean since we moved here some 22 years ago. I really should go soon. The mountains are easier as we live in the foothills and have hiking trails that require only to hike to the end of the road to access.

Thanks for sharing and have a lovely week!

the mountain is a beautiful and fantastic place, full of peace and the best thing is that we exercise without meaning to 😉 I love the beach. But I really go very little both of them because of the economic issue, I hope to go soon and enjoy it, I need it 🏊

thank you my friend 🤗

You are very welcome! Take care!💜🤗

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Your story is so fun and cute. I also don't know swim but I love the beach so much.

hahaha but not knowing how to swim does not stop us from enjoying the richness of the sea. Thank you for your support my dear.

Where I stay currently the sea is quite a lot of distance so I have been there just few times, but those times I undoubtedly enjoyed the experience.

What is it like in the mountains? I have never been to a mountain before.

Lovely choice of places. Do have a peaceful week.

Hello my dear, getting to these beaches is fascinating, passing through many mountains and slopes. Soon I will be visiting some and I hope to be able to capture several photographs. How strange you don't know mountains, I've been very few times and it's beautiful.

Mountains are so so far from where I am currently located. I would love to see some images when you visit next, maybe you can make a post of it.

Hola @johordelis, que bonitas palabras e imágenes que hablan por si solas. Felicidades por la valentía de vencer el miedo. La vida es maravillosa y hay que disfrutar cada oportunidad que se presentan, esos hermosos paisajes que tienes la fortuna de apreciar. Saludos 🤗 ⚘ 🌻 🌹 🌺 🦋

Hola mi querida y hermosa amiga, hay muchas cosas que llevo con calma. Disfruto lo que me corresponde y respeto lo que considero pueda ocasionar algún peligro, el mar es un lugar realmente fascinante para mi, pero traicionero.

Aprecio tu gran apoyo y lindo comentario ☺️

It is good to know that you are near to your favorite places and you have easy access there. It would help you relax.

It is beautiful, there are many places that I would like to visit more often and enjoy their landscapes.

thank you thank you for your support 💕

According to you @johordelis , I also like sea and mountain.
By the way, your photo reminded me of a park that I like very much and is close to where I live, about 1.5 hours away, it is the Henry Pittier National Park. Since I was a child it brings back fond memories. When I was a student we used to go to the mountain and from there to the beach of Cata.
I'm glad nothing bad happened to you with the boat. I don't like them very much but there is no other way to go to the islands.

Happy day!

Que rico cata, me encanta, tengo previsto un viaje para allá dentro de dos semanas. Si vives por el limón es una hermosa zona rodeada de este hermoso parque con mucha vegetación... y las montañas espectacular para hacer un poco de ejercicio 🏞️

gracias por tu visita amiga🤗

Gracias por leerme @johordelis . No vivo en otra zona, pero mientras estudié en la Universidad casi siempre íbamos todas las semanas para la antigua Guamita, con sus pozos de agua helada; también a Rancho Grande y Cata. Menos frecuente visité Choroní. La carretera es más peligrosa....Ahora tengo mucho tiempo que no voy. No se como estarán. Pero el solo hecho de ir por esas vías te alegra el corazón....

Feliz día!

Yo subí mucho en moto a choroni 🏍️🛵era muy divertido y lleno de adrenalina 😂🤣

Guao @johordelis !!!!

Me parece que es más seguro. Yo me iba en autobús. Esos chóferes no conocen lo que son las curvas de la carretera. Es impresionante la manera de manejar de esos seres.

Me tocó visitar haciendas de cacao. Disfruté la estadía mientras estuve por allá.

Feliz día!

Every Summer I visit the Beach a few times with my sons. It's a salt water inlet sheltered from the Pacific Ocean lined with mountains. A favorite place for my kids and I and a good opportunity for me to relax. But now my Happy is my own home.

Thanks for sharing your Happy places @johordelis 🏕

The truth is that since the whole issue of the pandemic began, our best place is our home, we are more united as a family surrounded by love.

Thank you for your nice words 😍

Surrounded by nature always brings in lot of happiness. So good to see you so well connected with your environment.

Exactly 😃 nature fills us with good vibes and renews our soul..

Thanks my friend 🤗

Those 2 places are such a Great happy places as the enviroment is magical 😍
I am lucky to live close to the beach and grew up there so I know The joy and peace the ocean gives.
The mountains... I Loove them but I don’t have any here and I always wish myself to places with beautiful mountains 😁 lol
Hiking and enjoying amazing Views and Sunsets.
Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Good luck 🌹

How beautiful 🌺 And how lucky you are to live near the sea... I don't have any of these magical places nearby. but in a couple of hours it could arrive, thanks for your pleasant comment😃