Let's talk about a resilient woman, it can be your friend, family member, co-worker, etc. What is her life challenge and what did she do to overcome the trial she faced?
Hablemos de una mujer resiliente, puede ser amiga, familiar, compañera de trabajo, etc. ¿Cuál es su desafío de vida y qué hizo para superar la prueba que enfrentó?
A resilient woman? Of course I am going to talk about my mother, she is a woman that I have seen her fight since I have use of my mental faculties, the story of this woman is against all odds.
One year after my mother was born, she no longer had someone to call mom because the woman who brought her into the world decided to abandon her, decided to leave her daughter, and who took care of her was her father and her aunt, more than anything her aunt , cared for and watched over her, although everything was more limited, she tells me that those were other times, she had to study at a nuns' boarding school, so she stayed there and on weekends she could go see her family.
My mom has been a quiet woman, throughout her life, she has never told me anything out of her own motivation, many times I asked about her past but she refused to answer me and I think she almost never wanted to talk about it because it was not very nice, When I was a teenager there were times when it bothered me with my mom because I didn't know anything about her, and the little information I know today, it was very difficult for me to get it from her, eventually I understood that if she wanted to tell me something, it would be because she wants.
Continuing with what I was saying before, after my mother finished her boarding school, she did not continue her studies (university), she told me that she did not have the financial resources, so she started working at a very young age and at the time she moved to a different state with nothing in her pocket, only with the desire to work, I firmly believe that she wanted to separate from her old life, she made friends when she moved, after working very hard, she managed to obtain financing to buy her first house , it took her years to pay it off but thank God she did it, then she had my older brother and the rest of my brothers and finally me, she did not do so well in love throughout her life, and I know it with certainty because once a man went to visit my mother's house and I clearly remember how that man very kindly played with me for a while while chatting with my mother, I remember the scene where my mother says goodbye to him and I see him get on his car and in that precise moment I asked my mother who that man was and she replied that he had been the love of her life, the man with whom she had been all her life and she did not give me more details, but I can tell you that that man I still loved her, I saw it in his eyes, the incredible thing about this whole story is that this man did not have my mother's number, he just came to visit her for who knows how many years ago, perhaps hoping that she would live in the same house and so it was. Unfortunately he already had his own family, just like my mother, the only difference is that my mother was a single woman but he was married, he was a good man.
My mother's life was to work a lot, I remember that in my moments at school we had a crisis and my mother always helped us out, especially me, she watched over my safety, she did not have a stable job but she did everything she was within her reach from selling ice cream at the school I studied to working in family homes cleaning over time she saved and decided to open a small business where she currently sells food such as breakfast and some other things. I learned to be a fighter from her example because despite not having the circumstances in her favor she continued until she succeeded.
¿Una mujer resiliente? Por supuesto que voy a hablar de mi madre, es una mujer que la he visto luchar desde que tengo uso de mis facultades mentales, la historia de esta mujer es contra todo pronóstico.
Mi madre al año de haber nacido, ya no tenía alguien a quién llamar mamá porque la mujer que la trajo al mundo decidió abandonarla, decidió dejar su hija, y quién se ocupó de ella fue su padre y su tía, más que todo su tía, cuidaba y velaba por ella, aunque todo era más limitado, ella me dice que eran otros tiempos, ella tuvo que estudiar en un colegio internado de monjas, por lo que se alojaba allá y los fines de semana podía ir a ver a su familia.
Mi mamá ha sido una mujer callada, a lo largo de su vida, nunca me ha contado nada por motivación propia, muchas veces preguntaba por su pasado pero se negaba a responderme y creo que casi nunca quiso hablar de ello porque no fue muy agradable, cuando era adolescente habían momentos que me molesta con mi mamá porque no sabía nada de ella, y la poco información que conozco el día de hoy, fue muy difícil para mí obtenerla de ella, eventualmente fui comprendiendo que si ella quería contarme algo, seria porque ella quiere.
Continuando con lo que estaba diciendo anteriormente, después que mi madre terminó su internado, ella no continuó sus estudios (la universidad), me dijo que no tenía los recursos monetarios, por lo que desde muy joven empezó a trabajar y al tiempo se mudó a un estado diferente sin nada en el bolsillo, sólo con las ganas de trabajar, yo creo firmemente que ella quería separarse de su antigua vida, hizo amigos cuando se mudó, después de trabajar muy duro, logró obtener un financiamiento para comprar su primera casa, le tomó años pagarla pero gracias a Dios lo logró, luego tuvo a mi hermano mayor y al resto de mis hermanos y finalmente a mi, no le fue tan bien en el amor a lo largo de su vida, y lo sé con certeza porque una vez fue un hombre a visitar la casa de mi mamá y recuerdo claramente como ese hombre muy amablemente jugó un rato conmigo mientras charlaba con mi mamá, recuerdo la escena donde mi mamá se despide de él y yo lo veo subirse a su carro y en ese preciso momento le pregunto a mi mamá quién era ese hombre y ella me respondió que había sido el amor de su vida, el hombre con él que ella hubiera estado toda su vida y no me dió más detalles, pero puedo decirles a ustedes, que ese hombre todavía la amaba a ella, lo vi en sus ojos, lo increíble de toda esta historia es que ese hombre no tenía el número de mi madre, solo pasó a visitarla quien sabe desde hace cuántos años, quizá con la esperanza de que ella viviera en la misma casa y así fue. Desafortunadamente él ya tenía su propia familia, al igual que mi madre, la única diferencia es que mi madre era una mujer soltera pero él casado, era un buen hombre.
La vida de mi madre fue trabajar un montón, recuerdo que en mis momentos del colegio nos tocó una crisis y mi mamá siempre nos sacó adelante, sobretodo a mi, velo por mi seguridad, ella no tenía un trabajo estable pero hizo todo lo que estaba a su alcance desde vender helados en el colegio que yo estudiaba hasta trabajar en casas de familia limpiando con el tiempo ella ahorró y decidió abrir un pequeño negocio donde actualmente vende comida como desayunos y algunas cosas más. Yo aprendí a ser una luchadora desde su ejemplo porque ella a pesar de no tener las circunstancias a su favor ella continuó hasta que lo logró.
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Good mother's are gold and deserve proper care from their children at old age. She didn't have any man to support her yet she stood strong and took care of y'all. That's beautiful, I love her strength.
She's really a strong woman
Indeed she is😌
El amor de nuestra vida, y la vida trae sus juegos en los que a veces los amantes no pueden estar juntos. La vida sigue con caminos distintos, quizá en otra vida se vuelvan a encontrar.
Sí, yo desde pequeña sentí lo buena persona que era ese hombre. Ojalá en su otra vida
What a beautiful tribute to your mother. She is very resilient indeed. Thanks you @josehany for sharing her story with us all xxx
The most strong woman I know
Your mother worked really hard for you and your brothers. I can imagine how it is for her to fully pay off the house she got. Only that is not a easy thing but yet she did it.
Being dedicated and hardworking is something to enumerate from your mother. I see you are already working on having your own restaurant.
Hey babeee!!! Yes, I learned from here, to fight for what I want
I see!... It is always great to know what you want and fight for it. Bien hecho
Oh well done in Spanish! Niceeeeeeee
Yo aprendo espanol en Duolingo... I am not very good yet, but I believe in some years I would get better if I remain consistent.
Just like you, I always consider my mother as a resilient woman for fighting all battles of life fearlessly. Have a great day my friend and take care.
Thank you my friend, there's nothing like a mother
You are welcome my friend. Thanks for your time.