Hello @exquisite42. First, I'd like to say "Welcome to Hive". Also, thanks for deciding to publish your post in the Ladies of Hive Community.
From your Profile, I didn't see where you published your Introductory Post yet? It's usually the first post you publish alerting all Hive members that you have joined and telling them about yourself and your expectations on the platform. It would be a good idea to take time and do this first before you proceed on Hive. Check out this account to see examples of introductory posts: @heyhaveyamet
Also, a baby asleep. How peaceful and content. Just look at the angels dancing around and covering him. Is he your child or that of a family member or friend. A bit more detail in your post as to what your readers are viewing in the photo and the reason for including it would make for a lovely article.
Take care.
Ok thank you. I have done the introduction ....Thanks for ur correction on my post. I ll be more detailed ... The baby is not mine..lol..
Hello. Thanks for your response. Anytime you include an image in your posts that is not your property, you have to indicate the source of it. The image has to be free to use before you can do this.
Yes, definitely, you want to add as much detail and quality information in your post for your readers to enjoy and support you if they desire. Readers usually don't consider posts with 1 image and under 100 words sufficient quality enough to even consider supporting it.
Reminder. When looking for appropriate images. Google is not a source to locate free images. Utilize sites such as Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash and others that tell you the image is free to use. You can perform a quick search on google to find sites that offer FREE images.
Have a good journey on Hive. Hope to engage with you again soon.