Hola hola mis amores 😘😘 ¿Cómo vivieron esos carnavales? Yo… más o menos 😅

Well as the title of my post says today I'm going to tell you about the first of my outings of these carnivals. The next one will be in my next post 🤭.
Well, it all started on Friday the 17th when I went to visit my mom to repair my brother's computer chair.
Talking about the plans we had for carnival, she proposed me to go to the beach the next day. I obviously accepted because ✨in the sea life is so much nice✨ 🤣🤣
Bueno como dice el título de mi post hoy les voy a contar la primera de mis salidas de estos carnavales. La siguiente será en mi próximo post 🤭
Pues bien, todo comenzó el viernes 17 cuando fui a visitar a mi mamá para reparar la silla de la computadora de mi hermano.
Hablando sobre los planes que teníamos para carnaval, ella me propuso ir a la playa el día siguiente. Yo obvio acepte porque ✨en el mar la vida es más sabrosa ✨🤣

The thing is that Púa still is on bed rest, until March 2, and that very morning I had noticed that her 💩 was a bit floppy. That had me nervous and I feel that's where the bad thing was... over-worrying too much.
That same Friday we looked for some presentation of lactobacillus to give to Púa and I didn't find it 😓 but as God doesn't abandon, when looking through my mom's medicines, we found a new package.
La cosa es que Púa todavía está de reposo, hasta el dos de marzo, y esa misma mañana había observado que su 💩 estaba un poco floja. Eso me tenía nerviosa y siento que ahí estuvo lo malo... sobre-preocuparme demasiado
Ese mismo viernes buscamos alguna presentación de lactobacillus para darle a Púa y no la encontré 😓 pero como Dios no abandona, al buscar entre las medicinas de mi mamá, encontramos un paquete nuevo.

I gave him a shot and waited for it to take effect. Pua ate normally, but continued to do sluggish. I could no longer watch her that night, so we brought her to my house and my husband kept an eye on her.
The next morning, my mom and I got up early to sweep up all the little love hairs my baby left all over the floor 😅 When I finished I logged into the camera app we have at home and noticed that Púa's 💩 was doing better.
That gave me peace of mind and I was able to get going to the beach 😎
Le dí una toma y esperé a que hiciera efecto. Púa comió normalmente, pero siguió haciendo flojo. Ya no podía seguir vigilándola esa noche, así que la trajimos a mi casa y mi esposo quedó atento.
A la mañana siguiente, mi mamá y yo nos levantamos temprano para barrer todos los pelitos de amor que mi bebé dejó por todo el piso 😅 Cuándo terminé entré a la app de la cámara que tenemos en casa y observé que el 💩 de Púa estaba mejor.
Eso me dio tranquilidad y pude ponerme en marcha hacia la playa 😎

This time, we went to the Marina Grande club in Catia La Mar, La Guaira state (Vargas) I must say that this club, which is more than 50 years old, is beautiful 🤩.
Admission for adults is at 12$, children at 6$ and senior citizens is at 8$ peeeero but they have a policy that I love and would like more locals and tourist sites to take into account. People with disabilities, have free admission just by showing the disability card, so I feel it's a good tip for mommies, daddies (and siblings like me 😂) of the @mundo.autismo community.
En esta oportunidad, fuimos hasta el club Marina Grande en Catia La Mar, estado La Guaira (Vargas) Debo decir que este club, que tiene más de 50 años, está hermoso 🤩
Las entradas para adultos está en 12$, los niños en 6$ y la tercera edad está en 8$ peeeero tienen una política que ame y quisiera que más locales y sitios turísticos tengan en cuenta. Las personas con discapacidad, tienen la entrada grátis solo con mostrar el Carnet de discapacidad, así que siento que es un buen dato para las mamis, papis (y hermanis cómo yo 😂) de la comunidad @mundo.autismo
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When we arrived it was already 11am, so the beach was very crowded and we couldn't have a canopy near the shore, but the staff was very kind and they arranged a place for us under a tree and the natural shade wasn't bad at all ✌🏻
I immediately got ready to put the sunscreen on Isaac and my mom, because I have horror stories with sunstroke 😓.
Already protected from the sun, I accompanied Isaac to take a bath and play in the water. The wonderful thing about people like my brother is that they don't stop at anything. They play however they want on the beach, get sand up to their hair and don't care what other people think ❤️
Cuando llegamos ya eran las 11am, así que la playa estaba muy llena y no pudimos tener un toldo cerca de la orilla, pero el personal fue muy amable y nos arreglaron un lugar debajo de un árbol y la sombra natural no estaba nada mal ✌🏻
De inmediato me dispuse a colócale el protector solar a Isaac y a mi mamá, porque yo tengo historias de terror con la insolación 😓
Ya protegidos del sol, acompañe a Isaac a qué se bañara y jugará en el agua. Lo maravilloso de las personas como mi hermano es que no le paran a nada. Ellos juegan como quieren en la playa, se llenan de arena hasta el cabello y no les importa lo que piensen los demás ❤️
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The water was freezing cold and I was a little tired from sleeping so little the previous nights because I was worried about Púa. I tried to breathe and relax, letting my mind go blank just watching Isaac and making sure the tide didn't carry him away.
When we took our first break for a drink and a bite to eat, I wanted to check my cell phone to see what news Engel had for me... it was bad. Although he 💩 was fine, Púa had thrown up.
Looking at the picture he sent me, I thought maybe it was that the kibble was starting to go bad for him. So I tried to calm down and gave her the instructions the vet had given me for when she had vomiting. However, after that I could not stay calm.
El agua estaba helada y estaba un poco cansada por dormir poco las noches anteriores por estar preocupada por Púa. Trate de respirar y relajarme, dejando que mi mente se quedará en blanco simplemente observando a Isaac y cuidando que la marea no se lo llevara.
Cuando hicimos la primera pausa para tomar algo y comer, quise revisar el celular para ver qué noticias me tenía Engel… eran malas. Aunque el 💩 estaba bien, Púa había vomitado.
Observando la foto que me envió, pensé que tal vez era que la perrarina empezó a caerle mal. Así que traté de calmarme y le dí las instrucciones que me había dado la veterinaria para cuando tuviera vómito. Sin embargo, después de allí no pude quedarme tranquila.

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The day wore on but my mind was not quite there. I was tired and worried, trying to calm myself down by feeling the sensation of the sand on my feet, watching the beautiful scenery and talking to my mom but for anxious people like me, many times, fear is like an invisible fishing net that falls on you and you don't know how to get out.
However, that didn't stop me from taking several pictures for you and showing you a little bit of what is beautiful in the country.
The club is big enough and very nice, it has several kiosks to buy food and beach stuff you might need, as well as a bar with "relatively" good prices, but the best thing is that you can bring food, which was what we did 😊✌🏻 It also has several showers (with water) , areas to play volleyball and a small playground that is under renovation.
El día fue pasando pero mi mente no estaba del todo allí. Estaba cansada y preocupada, tratando de calmarme sintiendo la sensación de la arena en mis pies, observando el hermoso paisaje y conversando con mi mamá pero para las personas ansiosas cómo yo, muchas veces, el miedo es como una red de pescar invisible que te cae encima y no sabes cómo salir.
Sin embargo, eso no me impidió tomar varias fotos para ustedes y mostrarles un poquito lo bonito que hay en el país.
El club es lo suficientemente grande y muy lindo, tiene varios kioskos para comprar comida y cosas de playa que se puedan necesitar, así como un bar con "relativos" buenos precios, pero lo mejor es que se puede llevar comida, que fue lo que nosotros hicimos 😊✌🏻 Además cuenta con varias duchas (con agua) , áreas para jugar voleibol y un pequeño parque infantil que está en remodelación.
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Around 4pm, Engel texted me and told me that Púa had vomited again. I felt very sorry for my mom and brother, but that was my cue to leave.
On the way back I kept thinking about what I could do. I decided that depending on how I saw Púa's mood I would take her to the emergency vet.
Well, when I got there it was like magic. Púa was happy to see me and ate her chicken normally. She didn't vomit in the two hours I was cleaning the house, nor in the night, nor the next day.
Hacia las 4 de la tarde, Engel me mandó un mensaje y me dijo que Púa había vuelto a vomitar. Me dio mucha pena con mi mamá y mi hermano, pero esa era mi señal para retirarme.
Durante el camino de regreso no dejaba de pensar en que podía hacer. Decidí que dependiendo de como viera el estado de ánimo de Púa la llevaría al veterinario de emergencia.
Pues, al llegar fue como magia. Púa estaba feliz de verme y comió su pollo con normalidad. No vomitó en las dos horas que estuve limpiando la casa, ni en la noche, ni al día siguiente.

Whoever says that having pets (dogs, cats, parakeets, platypuses, platypuses) is not comparable to having children and that they are less of a responsibility IS VERY WRONG. Having pets is like taking care of a baby for 15 years, because they don't talk.
They don't say what hurts them, or if they feel bad, or what they would like to eat. We have to be aware of them all the time and learn to communicate.
For the moment, Púa is still doing very well. She plays with Simba, does 💩 normally and there is no more vomiting.
El que diga qué tener mascotas (perros, gatos, periquitos, ornitorrincos) no es comparable a tener hijos y que son menos responsabilidad ESTA MUUUUUY EQUIVOCADO. Tener animalitos es como cuidar a un bebé por 15 años, porque no hablan.
No dicen que les duele, ni si se sienten mal, ni que les gustaría comer. Debemos estar todo el tiempo al pendiente de ellos y aprender a comunicarnos.
Por los momentos, Púa sigue muy bien. Juega con Simba, hace 💩 con normalidad y ya no hay vómitos.
Soon we will be able to vaccinate her and finally we will be able to resume our daily walks 😊❤️
I hope you liked my little post ✌🏻 see you in the next post where I will tell you what I did the day after this "getaway" to the beach 😅 See you. Peace ✌🏻
Ya pronto podremos vacunarla y por fin podremos retomar los paseos diarios 😊❤️
Espero que les haya gustado mi pequeño post ✌🏻 nos vemos en el siguiente post en el que les contaré que hice al día siguiente de esta "escapada" a la playa 😅 Nos vemos. Paz ✌🏻
Kat-Nee (or the girl who has a serious case of doggy attachment)
Kat-Nee (o la chica que tiene un serio caso de apego perruno)

Awful empty feeling when you leave knowing someone in a home is sick, never relax no matter how enjoyable you know the day may have been.
Thanks for sharing, hopefully next time will be the right time to have a good time!
Yeeees it's a horrible time 😥 It's almost preferable not to go out, but I didn't want to say "no" to my mom..... I'm sure next time will be much better 🙏 Thanks for reading my post ❤.
I have cut holidays short to return home for my sons or pets, no use fretting somewhere when not enjoying yourself.
You ha an eventful day for sure, although the problem with Pua is not something anyone wants.
I couldn't agree more. Those who can't see that, are neglecting their pet.
Ufff and how horrible to know that there are so many people who think like this....
I'll make sure Pua is doing great before planning another beach outing 😅 Thanks for reading my post ❤
So sorry about that. Like you, though its really beautiful and we wanted to enjoy the view and the time we spend in such kind of place, knowing that we leave someone sick, it will surely make us worry and not enjoying the moment all out anymore.
I hope Pua will get well very soon.
It is one of the worst sensations. You just want to get home and make sure it's okay 😥.
Pua is doing great, I'll be able to get her vaccinated tomorrow and get back to walks ❤😊 Thanks for reading my post 🙏
Yay! 🤗
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Ojala pua mejore, sobre tu dia pues me encanto la playa, que bella esta <3
Si, gracias a Dios Púa esta mucho mejor 🙏 Ya pronto podre retomar los paseos diarios 😊 La playita siempre es hermosa jejeje Un abrazote 🤗
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