Ladies of Hive Community Contest #26 by @labeba1969

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago

Gracias Thanks (13).jpg

Feliz día a todas las chicas hermosas,emprendedoras y trabajadoras de nuestra comunidad #LadiesofHive,esta es mi participación en la nueva iniciativa que nos trae,donde me inclino por la segunda pregunta ¿CUAL ES SU HABITACIÓN,ÁREA FAVORITA DE SU CASA Y PORQUE?.

Happy day to all the beautiful,enterprising and hardworking girls in our community #LadiesofHive,this is my participation in the new initiative that brings us,where I am leaning towards the second question WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ROOM,FAVORITE AREA OF YOUR HOME AND WHY?


Mi casa es el lugar donde mas me gusta estar y me siento mas segura desde que me propuse construirla hace mas de 18 años paso hacer el lugar donde comparto con mis hijos y familiares momentos muy amenos y alegres,gracias doy a Dios por haver alcanzado esta meta,y tener un lugar lleno de amor familiar,sin embargo dentro de ella tengo un área favorita que es la que mas me agrada y tengo sumo cuidado atención por ella,"MI AREA FAVORITA DE LA CASA ES LA COCINA,soy adicta a la preparación de comidas,me gusta inventar almuerzos y ademas postres,allí me siento dueña de mi espacio,cuando estoy en esta área es una sensación de satisfacción única el poder elaborar la comida para compartir con familiares y amigos,la cocina de mi casa la decore a mi gusto para poner tener mi espacio a la hora de dedicarme a preparar comida,desde adolescente me incline mucho al aprendizaje de postres y comidas, por tal motivo esta área es primordial para mi me siento dueña de mi mundo culinario(risas),a veces mis hijos solo se sientan a ver como preparo el almuerzo o tal vez una pizza cuando queremos cambiar el menú,o simplemente los involucro en la elaboración de la comida,solo puedo decir que en mi cocina e vivido momentos muy alegres y familiares.

My house is the place where I like to be and I feel more secure since I decided to build it more than 18 years ago, I decided to make it the place where I share with my children and family very pleasant and joyful moments, I thank God for having achieved this goal, and have a place full of family love, However, within it I have a favorite area that is the one I like the most and I have great care and attention for it, "MY FAVORITE AREA OF THE HOUSE IS THE KITCHEN, I am addicted to the preparation of meals, I like to invent lunches and desserts, there I feel like the owner of my space, When I am in this area is a feeling of unique satisfaction to be able to prepare food to share with family and friends, the kitchen of my house I decorated it to my taste to have my space when it comes to devote myself to prepare food, since I was a teenager I leaned much to learning desserts and meals, For this reason this area is essential for me, I feel like the owner of my culinary world (laughs), sometimes my children just sit and watch how I prepare lunch or maybe a pizza when we want to change the menu, or simply involve them in the preparation of food, I can only say that in my kitchen I have lived very happy and familiar moments.


Otra cosa que les quiero comentar es que mantengo el área de la cocina totalmente limpia y aseada tengo por costumbre que al terminar mis labores limpio todo el mesón ,a la cocina le paso antidesgrasante y a los artefactos eléctricos una esponja con cloro,no me gusta dejar residuos en el inodoro y así evito alimañas,tal vez esto se haya convertido en una buena costumbre que mantiene mi área favorita de mi casa,MI COCINA ,en buenas condiciones higiénicas y ya lista para la próxima jornada de mi trabajo culinario,para los que mas quiero mis familiares.

Another thing I want to tell you is that I keep the kitchen area totally clean and neat, I have the habit that when I finish my work I clean the entire countertop, the kitchen with antidegreaser and the electrical appliances with a sponge with bleach, I do not like to leave residues in the toilet and thus avoid vermin, perhaps this has become a good habit that keeps my favorite area of my house, MY KITCHEN, in good hygienic conditions and ready for the next day of my culinary work, for those I love the most, my family.



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The Kitchen is were it all happens and you take pride in this space. Most of the house parties I ever went to somehow gravitate to the kitchen, food and food preparation seems to be the common denominator in many cultures and traditions by my experience so why not the Kitchen?

Thank you @labeba1969 for sharing your favorite room 🍳🌽🍰

Thank you.

The magic that happens in the kitchen
Those family moments, where everyone helps out are sure to be cherished in years to come

The faithful bleach ... heheh
Mum was a big believer in bleach too... perhaps I should pinch your idea and see if I can sponge off some stubborn stains :D

Thank you for sharing your favourite space with us :D

Thank you.

Un hermoso espacio y buenas costumbres para mantener el área de la cocina totalmente limpia al terminar las labores, de verdad uno pasa muchas horas allí parada preparando los alimentos para la familia. @labeba1969

me encanta tu cocina... excelente post...

Hehehe, you are like me!
I want my whole house ti be a kitchen!