Ladies of Hive Community Contest #18

in Ladies of Hive4 years ago
Authored by @thekittygirl



TO THE 18th EDITION of the

This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the blockchain and in Discord! A place we love and where Hive is alive. If you haven't joined our discord yet, an invite can be found by clicking on the first banner under this post!

We will be giving away 5 HIVE to the best entry.

For this week we want to know :

1️⃣ What is the best advice your mother, grandmother, aunt, female role model, or a female friend ever gave you?


2️⃣ If you could go back in time and give your younger-self just one piece of advice what would it be?

To make sure that your entry is valid, and can not be missed for the contest, please make sure that you follow the RULES:

  • Blog must answer at least one of the questions
    (or more, if you wish!)
  • Blog must be submitted before
    🌟the beginning of the day of
    Sunday, FEBRUARY 21st, 2021
  • Blog must be published in Ladies of Hive community
  • 🌟Blog must be linked in a comment to this post
  • Blog must be original in order to win
  • Blog must be 200+ words
    🌟(word count must be met before
    any translation of your blog!)
  • Blog must invite another woman to the community

Good luck, Ladies!

@thekittygirl for Team Ladies of Hive


Buenas tardes !!!! Excelentes preguntas, solo escogí una
Aquí mi link de participación:

Estupendos y variados consejos poniéndose como ejemplo de lo que no logro para motivarte a estudiar @katleya Great and varied advice being used as an example of what I cannot achieve to motivate you to study @katleya

Great questions and thanks for making the contest again@thekittygirl this is number 18 so maybe I can tell my Britt self something at age 18

Fab questions, would love to be able to go back in time and give my younger self some advice. Its the one piece of advice i have so much to tell her lol

First option would be easy since advice was always given, pity only later in life eventually received, well more like listened to.

Second option could become a long rendition since each age had a stage of some sort of fun.

Nice topics thanks @thekittygirl

So very true on the first point!

Do we ever listen when under the age of 18? Ha ha not sure I did 😄 more the pity!

¿Cuál es el mejor consejo que te dio tu madre, abuela, tía, modelo femenino a seguir o una amiga?
Si pudieras retroceder en el tiempo y darle a tu yo más joven solo un consejo, ¿cuál sería?
Vayan preparando sus post excelentes.Una nueva semana con dos excelentes preguntas que nos trae la comunidad de las @ladiesofhive y @thekittygirl.

What is the best advice from your mother, grandmother, aunt, female role model, or friend?
If you could go back in time and give your younger self just one piece of advice, what would it be?
Go preparing your excellent posts.A new week with two excellent questions that the @ladiesofhive community brings us.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Valentine's day challenge - Give a badge to your beloved!
Time to go on your Hive Tour

Great questions!!! I haven't thought about what I'd give me as advise.... hmmmm... and what age?

At 18 I could have avoided a dumb mistake.

Un hermoso relato de historia, los padres a veces que nos tocan nos enseñan duras lecciones de vida, en verdad esta vida es una sola y hay que disfrutarla @labeba1969 bendiciones

Vaya consejo en cierta forma es correcto, no confiarse totalmente de algunas personas con eso le permites que te puedan lastimar @naty16 bendiciones.

What advice in a way is correct, not trusting totally in some people with that you allow them to hurt you @naty16 blessings.

Muy creativo como siempre el concurso, aquí mi participación

Un estupendo consejo de las dos madre y abuela que siempre nos empujan a seguir estudiando y ser independientes @geritacs94 A great advice from the two mother and grandmother who always push us to continue studying and be independent @geritacs94

Que hermoso es verdad, uno no entiende muchos de los mensajes y enseñanzas que nos dan nuestros padres. Muy sabios en verdad @isgledysduarte bendiciones.

Hello,this is my entry:

Hola, muy buenas las preguntas yo decidí responder la primera.
Acá está mi participación.

Que hermoso mensaje con el ejemplo un apoyo incondicional para llevarlas hasta graduarse, me encantó tu post y que fotos más hermosas @popurri bendiciones.

What a beautiful message with the example unconditional support to take them until graduation, I loved your post and what beautiful photos @popurri blessings.

It is tremendous what you live, if you are not of the required age you have no choice, Wise advice, reading I see so many similutes in our cultures, these are advice that my late mother gave me.

That's right, advise are similar, they just come in different words but are said to mean the same thing

Buen consejo que todo te resbale, ja, ja, y seguir tu camino, reirse de los malos comentarios. Bendiciones @wendyth16 Good advice that everything slips you, ha ha, and go your way, laugh at the bad comments. Blessings @wendyth16

Un bonito consejo de la profesora no puedes recuperar un corazón lastimado, muy hermosa tu participación. Te leo y veo que no quieres perder tiempo volviendo atrás sino aprovechar ya todo lo vivido, muy interesante. @razielmorales bendiciones.

A nice advice from the teacher you cannot recover a hurt heart, your participation is very beautiful. I read you and I see that you do not want to waste time going back but take advantage of everything you have experienced, very interesting. @razielmorales blessings.


Aquí mi participación en este asombroso concurso!!! Suerte a todas...

Buenas Tardes Preciosas!..Maravillosas preguntas las de esta semana💞

Encantada de este nuevo ejercicio para crecer!😉 Les comparto por acá mi Entrada:

Hi Ladies of hive good day! thanks for the Contest #18 this my participation.