This is too funny, I thought it would throw a wrench in people's perception of me around here lol. I try to be clean for the most part for the sake of building a brand in case I want to go somewhere with it but yeah my life is far from ordinary! Some of it I don't know how to bring to the blockchain, this place can't handle the full me, I'm a lot to handle lol. I'm actually quite rebellious and unruly in real life, not in a bad way but I fight for causes I believe in like this one or fair pay for a fair day's work and safety and proper protective equipment on jobsites(not just for women but everyone) , maybe I can leave something behind better than it was before.
I never worked in an office but I can imagine the wage gaps, lack of advancement and all that, so many environments where women struggle and it's a shame. Obviously, we are allowed on site and have a few protections but same the advancement opportunities are slim to none still. One woman at a time will change that as long as there are enough to push for change and claim what they deserve. I'm sure it's still much harder in my industry because it's so manly and rough before you even bring the men in the equation, to be honest a lot of men can't even do this job it's so physically demanding, very different from an office environment...obviously I don't take no for an answer much. Its actually a pretty cool job in the end and I work on equipment that powers my entire country and supports a large part of the entire countries revenue and the food chain along with the gas getting everyone to work before anyone even gets out of bed in the morning. It's so much bigger than I even make it sound but I'm always afraid to come across as braggy so I tend to make my job seem like it's just a normal other job.
My organization invented the steam engine and expanded from there and anything that requires highly pressurized steam is all ours. Our organization is across North-America and I'm part of the largest lodge affiliated with this organization (we sorta own certain colleges too with the opportunity to end our careers teaching our craft). Alberta also has the most developed in that industry around the world. We have so many technologies that filter out the greenhouse gases, carbon capture and uses them for other applications rather than be burned into the atmosphere when it is burned for vehicles. We produce some of the greenest oil and ethically responsible in the world, why everyone else in the world (us Saudi) beats on our industry and tries to kill it because if people new what we were up to in the great white north!! Actually lots of world projects ask for consultation from us. ( i get job opportunities abroad from time to time based on y training alone, I never took one yet tho, parts of me is still a fraidy cat on that front) (I build part of this plant)
you can probably get a bit of a glimpse into what we do in browsing around that museum link. (it's pretty much the same just the equipment we build is much bigger now)
I was def fortunate to have Carole when I did, the first few years were really rough and it was getting to me mentally. I almost quit actually, I didn't because of her. I do my best to mentor other girls (even the ones that are older if I see them struggling, seems weird even to me but they started much later in life than I did). I want this movement to continue making a difference because we have done sooo much already.
At the end of the day, that is why I put up with all the nastyness. Because I'm part of something so freaking cool that the men's attitude doesn't even matter to me anymore and just ignore it or bark back, I would never let them win and give this up because of them, they are not worth that much. That's what I meant by eyes on the prize. Not necessarily the paycheck. Being part of securing the country's prosperity and security long with quality of life means so much more to me than a paycheck. Sorry I left a whole book here! lol oops, it got away from me. Thanks for your lovely comment :)