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RE: Better than a robe

in Ladies of Hive • 2 years ago

I can't say that that has ever happened to me lol 😆 but the body glove seems like a good solution. It's pretty cool looking. Sounds like playing hard to get was a good haggling strategy. I'm with you, in that I hate haggling with people. If I'm at a place where prices aren't listed and I want to buy something I usually ask myself "how much would I pay for this" and if the price is equal or lower I buy and if it's higher I walk away. That's how I bought my wooden owl. I set the price in my head and the sales guy came in way under, like half the price from what I would have paid so I wad like "done." I was happy and he was happy.

The resort hotel looks awesome. Looks like you guys chose an amazing location


Lucky you, that you've never been exposed 😆

Oh, yeah! Seriously, the body glove is the way to go!
Your owl story makes me laugh.

Once I was in the Philippines at the end of the huge Sinulog festival and I saw a cotton Bob Marley shirt/blouse. I asked the vendor how much and he told me PHP 250 which is USD 4.50 / GBP 3.70. I bought it right away. When we walked off my husband said, "I can't believe you paid him P250 peso for the blouse." I said but it was a good price and I wanted it. He said I should have told the vendor P180. I laughed and asked him why he didn't butt in because that's not my style. My husband says never to offer what they ask...🤣
I'm still not comfortable doing so.

Yes, the resort is awesome, and it's the slow season with very few guests. The staff are engaging and super pleasant to deal with:)))

Yeah some people are better at haggling than others and even like doing it. I guess we are not one of those people lol.

No, definitely! and yes, I guess playing hard to get did pay off. I'm super happy that I did:)))