
Please don't get misunderstood. My family members also write the posts. We have written many posts in LOH earlier. If it is not ok, I should have got informed earlier also. If there was any doubt, shall I not get a warning?

Although the LadiesOfHive community was created a women-focused space, it is certainly acceptable for gentlemen allies, who are supportive of women's rights and issues, to post to our community, too. Any post that is inspirational or uplifting to women is welcome. As co-founder and Admin of the community, I encourage you to continue posting fresh, original content that will make our community and the Hive blockchain thrive.

That being said, it is considered best not to share accounts among friends or family. Each individual is encouraged to create their own account and keep the Keys to that account private and secure. In real life, we are accountable for our own actions, not for those of others. If others are using your account, then it will look badly on you if they commit abuse of any sort. If you need any assistance creating accounts for friends or family, please let us know so we can help.